
Antonia Angelova

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Antonia Angelova, PhD student

Antonia has graduated from the bachelor's and master's programs at the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture, and is now continuing her PhD studies. From the first year she has been engaged in social activities, representing the university at international events. Chairman of the SPbGASU International Students Council. 

Graduate of 2022

Antonia has graduated from the bachelor's and master's programs at the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture, and is now continuing her PhD studies. From the first year she has been engaged in social activities, representing the university at international events. Chairman of the SPbGASU International Students Council.

Choosing the university

I learned about SPbGASU from my teacher of the Russian language. I found the website that I really liked as it is bright, informative and reflects the real life of the university.

First impression 

The atmosphere here is created by the cultural and creative components. I think that neither students, nor teachers, or employees here are ever bored. I was amazed by everything - from the interior of the building to the possibility to express oneself. There are sports clubs, gym, dance groups, and clubs of interest. Student events are constantly held: concerts, celebrations, performances, meetings with famous people. Everything is done so that we not only study, but also develop spiritually, not forgetting about study and rest. 

Difficult subjects 

Definitely descriptive geometry. 

People from the university who played an important role in life 

The contribution to my development was made by teachers who remain mentors and an example for me. 

The brightest memory during the years of study 

Everyone has his own associations and memories, they depend on the worldview. Someone came to the university for knowledge and remembers only academic subjects. Someone - for communication and friendship, or because it was required. Some people only remember the gym. I remember smells, sounds, light and color. It seems that our teachers were the best: wise, strict, fair. The knowledge they gave us is priceless. Many wonderful moments remain in my memory: for example, classes with Tatiana Evgenievna Milevskaya, our first teacher of Russian at the university. She laid the foundations of literacy, taught to see the beautiful around, help each other, be caring. 

Describe your university years in three words

Knowledge, responsibility, custody. 

What are you grateful to the university for? 

University years are no doubt a huge page in everyone's life. At the Faculty of Architecture, I met many wonderful people - our dean, her deputy, the head of my department, my supervisor, groupmates. With your example, knowledge, support, you helped me develop my skills. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for never regretting my choice. I wish SPbGASU prosperity, even more inquisitive applicants, active and talented students and, of course, wonderful teachers.