
For students and alumni

Dear students and graduates of the university! If you are looking for a job, you can:

Sign up at facultetus.ru/spbgasu.
On the career platform, you can create a resume, find jobs for young professionals across the country, learn about career events.

Find up-to-date vacancies at job.spbgasu.ru 
On our official website you can find vacancies from industrial partners of the university and learn about open competitions and professional excellence programs.

Book an individual career consultation at CCC, by contacting office 233 or filling in the application.
At the consultation, specialists will help you compose or correct your resume, evaluate your professional skills and form an individual path for their development.

Consultation hours:
Mon-Fri: 11:00 – 17:00 Lunch break: 13:00 – 14:00

Attend career events for university students and alumni. Participate in professional competitions. Apply for grants. Train your hard and soft skills. Study the regional labor market. You can find all information about vacancies, career events and useful tips on our resources:
Official website
DCE Facultetus
VKontakte group