
Pasta Builder Contest

Pasta Builder is an international contest for Architecture and Engineering students which is held annually in spring at SPbGASU.


Organizers and General Information

Organizing Committee:

  1. The Department of Architectural and Engineering Constructions,
  2. Office for Social Welfare and Extracurricular Activities,
  3. SPbGASU Student Council.

The jury consists of Vice-Rector for Youth Policy, Head of the Department of Architectural and Engineering Constructions, representatives of field-specific departments, Office for Social Welfare and Extracurricular Activities, and SPbGASU Student Council.

The contest lasts for three days:

  1. Construction of towers,
  2. Construction of bridges,
  3. Summarizing and awarding.

The language of the contest is Russian.

The contest is free of charge. The sending party pays for any travel expenses, accommodation and meal expenses are paid by SPbGASU.



The only construction materials are pasta and modeling clay which are provided by the Organizers.

The participating teams are allowed to use watercolours, gouache, ink and any other materials which do not influence the construction stability and stiffness.

Subbases are provided for towers’ construction and tables serve as end piers for bridges.


Participating Teams

The participants make a team with no more than five persons.

The participating teams are forbidden:

  • To use any construction materials except pasta and modeling clay,
  • To use air-brushes,
  • To disturb other participating teams.

Nominations and Contest Rules

Pasta Builder contest awards prizes in The Highest Structure (Towers) and The Longest Structure (Bridges) nominations.

Award criteria for Towers:

  • Construction height ignoring spike,
  • Architectural expressiveness,
  • Efficient use of materials,
  • Structural stability and stiffness.

Please note that your tower subbase must not exceed the bearer size of 100x100 cm.

Award criteria for Bridges:

  • Length of span between end piers,
  • Architectural expressiveness,
  • Efficient use of materials,
  • Structural stability and stiffness.

Please note that your bridge includes roadbed or a pedestrian footpath.

The participating teams have four hours to build either a tower or a bridge. The construction must prevent splitting till 9 a. m. of the next day.


Contest Results and Summarizing

Contest results are summarized the next day after it. The jury evaluates each awarding criteria on ten-point scale. The third day is devoted to awarding. Each nomination has three winning places. The winners get a diploma and other participants get an attestation of participation.



To participate the team must submit an application via Google Forms and send construction sketches in PDF, JPG or PNG to pastabuild@gmail.com. It is allowed for one team to compete in both nominations: remember that in this case the team must submit two applications instead of one.