

Department of Architectural and Engineering Constructions

About the department

Currently, the department gives lectures and conducts practical classes for all architectural, engineering and economic areas and specialties of the university. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers: S. G. Golovina, I. S. Zayats, L. L. Yablonsky, D. A. Makhov, O. B. Ushakova, Yu. V. Sokol, V. N. Elistratov, I. V. Esaulenko, M. A. Gurieva, O. A. Pastukh, A. N. Panin, T. D. Makhova, and A. A. Vedernikova.

The department maintains close creative ties with domestic and foreign colleagues from Germany, Montenegro and other countries.

In addition to the educational process, the department conducts international creative competitions of architectural and constructive projects (“Pasta Builder”), thereby providing students with the opportunity to realize their ideas and learn new things.



Visiting address

Office 303-E, 5/8, Egorova Street, St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Map Scheme Faculty of Civil Engineering
Svetlana G. Golovina

Welcome from the head of the department

Dear colleagues and friends!
Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Architectural and Engineering Constructions, which continues the traditions of the SPbGASU oldest department, where outstanding architects D.I. and G.D. Grimm, V.A. Schroeter, V.V. Ewald, N. V. Sultanov, P . Y. Syuzor had taught for many years.
Scientific work was carried out by professors P. I. Bozhenov, B . I. Dalmatov, S. M. Shifrin, V. N. Stabnikov, A. M. Sokolov, D. N. Babushkin, A. V. Yakovlev and others.

Learn more about the department

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