
History of the faculty of Civil Engineering

At the faculty of civil engineering there work 111 professors among whom there are 28 D.Sc. in architecture (26 professors), 60 PhDs, associate professors, two counselors of the state Russian academy of architecture and building sciences and members of public academies. Most of them are alumni of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. Today 1486 students get education at the faculty: 77 of them are citizens of foreign countries (China, Vietnam, and etc.), 17 foreign students are from the CIS. The faculty has close cooperation ties and maintains works together with numerous engineering companies and firms producing building materials. It is a traditional participant of the practical engineering and design development of the city. Faculty of civil engineering has partnership relations with the General contracting company “STEP”, “KNAUF” company, CJSC Project union “Renaissance”, DSK-3, CSJC “Commonwealth”, LenSpetsSMU, “Industrial and engineering group LSR”, OJSC “Nevsky syndicate”.


Scientists of the faculty carry out the following scientific research works:  

  • regular investigations of buildings in the historic centre of Saint Petersburg and development of reconstruction projects,
  • investigation of spatial structures for ring-road and other grand objects,
  • investigation of building materials for non-commercial partnership “Ceramics”, “KNAUF” company, OJSC “Stroyfayans”, OJSC “Lenstroykeramika” and “Nephrite-ceramics”,  
  • development of recommendations for economy of natural and energy resources for definite enterprises of the construction industry,
  • support in creating of the internal factory’s norms and specifications, preparation of companies and enterprises for licensing and certification of products.

With direct involvement of the scientists of the Faculty of civil engineering Testing centre for certification of building materials was established and accredited by GOSSTRY of Russia (license GOSTR RИ: 9001.8.5.0072).

The faculty has modern laboratories, two of which were founded in the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century by the great scientists of the Institute of civil engineers – professors V.V. Evald (laboratory affiliated to the chair of building materials) and N.N. Aistov (laboratory affiliated to the chair of metal constructions and testing of structures). There is also a training center equipped with up-to-date computer complexes where students of all specialties can practice and have classes. Mostly this centre is useful for students of specialty “Design of buildings” and specialization “Investigation and design of buildings and structures”.

Professors and engineering equipment of laboratories enable training of highly-qualified specialists in engineering and take into account recent achievements in theory and practice. The academic plan includes economic and mathematical methods, computer technologies in worldwide known and own original programmes. Lections are accompanied with a complex of laboratory works, so that students can acquire theoretical knowledge in full volume.