
Dietrikh Dmitry K.


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyUrban cadastre QualificationEngineer (SPbGASU, 2013)

Field of studyLand management and cadastres QualificationMaster's degree (SPbGASU, 2015)

Professional development

  • English language course (St Petersburg State University, 2008)
  • English (School of Foreign Languages "Studia Lingua", 2009–2010)
  • AutoCad and AutoCad 3D (Further education courses "Basis", 2012)
  • Courses of cadastral engineers (2014)
  • Engineering surveys for capital construction projects (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Development of additional professional programs based on professional standards (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of the university (SPbGASU, 2019)


  • Real estate cadastre and land monitoring
  • Geodesy
  • Typology of real estate objects
  • Technical inventory of real estate objects
  • Cadastral registration of structures

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Improving teaching methods
  • Cadastre of built-up areas
  • Land management
  • Real estate economics

Scientific conferences

Dmitry Dietrikh has participated in three scientific conferences.


Dmitry Dietrikh is the author of four published scientific articles.

The most significant publications


  1. Ivanov (Dietrich), D. K. Cadastral work in obtaining a permit for the commissioning of capital construction facilities / D. K. Ivanov // Actual problems of modern construction: III International Congress of students and young scientists (postgraduates, doctoral students). - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014.
  2. Ivanov (Dietrich), D. K. Features of state and cadastral registration of military graves / D. K. Ivanov // 68th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates, Young Scientists and Doctoral Students April 15–17, 2015, St Petersburg. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015.

Additional information

General Director of Kadastr-Profi LLC.