
Results of scientific research activity in 2017

About results

Professors, assistants, postgraduate students and PhD students of SPbGASU published the following works in 2017:

  • 33 monography, including 3 in foreign publishing houses
  • 382 publications in the publishing houses recommended by the State Commission for Academic degrees and titles
  • 110 textbooks and manuals
  • in SPbGASU: 17 collections of scientific works, including 10 collections of the international and All-Russia conferences reports
  • Information about publications in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
  • Information about publications in Web of Science/Scopus

Conferences in which the university employees participated – 245, among them international – 172.

Exhibitions in which the university employees participated – 17, among them international – 10.

The exhibits presented at exhibitions – 152, among them international – 37.

Data on the most significant results of scientific research and university workings out:

  • Automated bulldozer workpiece
  • Algorithm for assessing the risks of investment-building projects taking innovations into account
  • Architectural model for the formation of an architectural solution for a parking building based on a super module
  • Probabilistic method for solving systems of nonlinear parabolic equations
  • A complex of state measures in the sphere of economic theory and economic policy to stimulate and support entrepreneurial activity in Russia in the sphere of small business
  • Complex of classification criteria for forms of cooperation between architectural and construction organizations in the mechanism of economic and legal support of national security in solving problems in the civil and arbitration process
  • Composite materials for the construction of transport objects
  • Linear-nodal system of recreational centers in the territory of the Altai Mountains
  • A mathematical model for assessing the impact on road safety of changes in the design of vehicles in exploitation
  • Method for studying the structure of the environment-building development of coastal industrial areas of the island regions of Saint-Petersburg
  • Method for studying stability and oscillations of synchronization systems with external action
  • Method for determining the forecast duration of construction based on nonlinear extrapolation
  • Method for calculating the parameters of the stress-strain state of elements of building structures, including those made of composite materials of natural and artificial origin
  • Method of road-transport research by nondestructive method
  • The method of using the body expressive means of the Russian language in different styles of Russian speech, including in the works of contemporary Russian literature, for the formation of the speech competence of foreign students
  • The method of justifying the occurrence of the risk of an accident by the results of deflectometric study
  • Method for determining deformation properties and fracture toughness characteristics of fiber-reinforced concrete
  • Method for estimating the fuel consumption of vehicles using compressed natural gas as fuel
  • Methodology for assessing the contemporary perception of the urban landscape of the historic center of Saint-Petersburg
  • Technique of improving the quality of grapho-geometric training of foreign students
  • Methodology for preparing students for the TRP standards
  • Method for calculating the annual series of instrumental observations made at the geodynamic test site
  • Methodology for assessing the accounting of technogenic and technological impacts on buildings and structures of the surrounding buildings
  • Differential riser
  • Device for determining deformation properties and fracture toughness characteristics of fiber-reinforced concrete
  • The DynShell program: dynamic buckling and nonlinear vibrations of orthotropic shells [DynShell: dynamic loss of stability and nonlinear oscillations of orthotropic shells]
  • All-wheel drive car dispenser box
  • System for reception and treatment of storm sewage
  • System of facade and architectural and planning solutions for restoration design in Saint- Petersburg on the basis of analysis of the volume-planning and facade structure of Leningrad buildings of 30s and 50s of the 20th century
  • The method of protecting the foundations of buildings, structures from dynamic impacts in the ground and the device for its implementation
  • Dry construction mix for sanitizing heavily saline, moistened brick walls
  • Theoretical and methodological bases of the concept of the organization of enterprise activity in a building sphere in various forms of business
  • The theory of fluctuations of linear statistics of the spectrum of the commutator of unitarily invariant ensembles of random matrices
  • The device "Automated system for monitoring data on the technical state of the internal combustion engine of a vehicle"
  • The device for sewage treatment
  • Device for assembling the nodal connection of rod structures
  • Low pressure injection gas burner for boilers up to 30 kW
  • Frequency-correlative methodology in the field of the lexical component of knowledge of English
  • Sound-absorbing construction