
Student squads headquarters

The SPbGASU student squads headquarters is an advisory and coordinating body of student self-government. Its work is aimed at developing and popularizing the movement of student squads, at improving interaction between squads.

TheSPbGASU student squads headquarters was recognized by the St Petersburg student squads on 16 September, 2014.

E-mailshtabgasu@gmail.com VK groupSPbGASU student squads

Баклан К..jpg

Commander of the SPbGASU student squads headquarters

Kirill BaklanE-mailkirill-baklan@mail.ruVK profileKirill Baklan

Шестакова А..jpg

Deputy commander (officer) of the SPbGASU student squads headquarters

Aleksandra ShestakovaE-mailShestakovaAl-ra@mail.ru VK profile Aleksandra Shestakova

Пономарева А..jpg

Memeber of the SPbGASU student squads headquarters

Anastasia PonomarevaE-mailanaponka@bk.ru VK profile Anastasia Ponomareva

Нуриев М..jpg

Memeber of the SPbGASU student squads headquarters

Mansur NurievE-mailmansnur@mail.ru VK profile Mansur Nuriev

Кононов А..jpg

Memeber of the SPbGASU student squads headquarters

Aleksey KononovE-mailkononov.alex@inbox.ru VK profile Aleksey Kononov