
Goals and objectives of the Department of Technology of Construction Materials and Metrology

Training and educational activities

  • Training of qualified specialists in production of construction materials, products and structures, as well as in standardization and metrology in construction, capable to meet the needs of our time
  • Organization of the training process with the use of state-of-the-art training and laboratory facilities on the basis of accumulated experience and actual educational technologies
  • Active participation in the implementation of programs of additional education, i.e., programs of retraining and advanced training in specialized areas
  • Conducting educational and vocational guidance work among the students, providing the young people with counseling and psychological support.

Scientific and training development work

  • Carrying out specialized scientific research at a high level required at our time
  • Support of publishing activity of the Department’s teaching staff
  • Broad involvement of students in scientific research; encouraging students to participate in various creative competitions
  • Cooperation with sister departments of other universities to exchange experience
  • Development of relations with production organizations, assistance in solving production problems
  • Development of methodical support of the training process, corresponding to the requirements of educational standards; writing methodical and educational literature.

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

  • Training of accomplished scientific and pedagogical specialists in the Department’s areas of research: candidates and doctors of science.
  • Continuous professional development of the teaching staff of the Department.