
Economic security

Specialist degree 38.05.01 / Cost per semester: ₽ 89 000

Paid places only

Intramural studies


5 years

Educational program specializations


  • Field of study: 38.05.03 Economic security
  • Profile (major): Financial and analytical support to economic security of business entities and organizations
  • Degree certificate: Specialist's
  • Duration of study: 5 years
  • Complexity: 300 credit units
  • Mode of study: Intramural
  • Language of study: Russian

The program’s mission is to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard in the field of study 38.05.03 Economic security considering graduate’s professional activities as 08.010 Internal auditor, 08.021 Financial monitoring specialist (in the area of ​​combating money laundering and terrorist financing), 08.043 Enterprise economist, 08.018 Risk management specialist.

Objectives and outcomes

Students in the major learn:

  • Graduates’ universal competencies:

  1. Systematic and critical thinking
  2. Development and implementation of projects
  3. Teamwork and leadership
  4. Communication
  5. Intercultural interaction
  6. Self-organization and self-development (including health care)
  7. Life safety
  8. Inclusive competence
  9. Economic culture, including financial literacy
  10. Civil position

  • Graduates’ general professional competencies:

  1. Be able to use knowledge and methods of economic science, apply statistical and mathematical tools, build economic and mathematical models necessary to solve professional problems, analyze and interpret the results obtained
  2. Be able to collect, analyze and use data from economic, tax and budget accounting, books and records, accounting (financial), tax and statistical reporting in order to assess the effectiveness and forecast the financial and economic activities of an economic entity, as well as identify, prevent, localize and neutralize internal and external threats and risks
  3. Be able to calculate economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities
  4. Be able to develop and make economically and financially sound organizational and managerial decisions, plan and organize professional activities, monitor and record their results
  5. Be able to carry out professional activities in accordance with the norms of professional ethics, legal norms, regulatory legal acts in the economic sphere, excluding illegal behavior
  6. Be able to use modern information technologies and software when solving professional problems
  7. Be able to understand the operating principles of modern information technologies and use them to solve professional problems

  • Graduates’ professional competencies:

  1. Be able to monitor compliance with economic security requirements in the organization
  2. Be able to conduct economic analysis of the organization's activities
  3. Be able to carry out activities to ensure economic security as part of a unit (service)
  4. Be able to carry out actions for internal control of the activities of an economic entity
  5. Be able to conduct financial investigations within an organization


The program includes a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, is 72% of the total volume of the program in the field of study 38.05.03 Economic security.

The volume of the program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 ECTS regardless of the mode of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the program using a network form, the implementation of the program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated education), and in case of accelerated education - no more than 80 ECTS.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the structure of the specialist's program in the field of study 38.05.03 Economic security includes the following blocks:

  • Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”;
  • Block 2 “Practice”;
  • Block 3 “State final certification”.


Professional standards correlated with the federal state educational standard in the field of study 38.05.03 Economic security.

PS code PS code and name Job description
08 Finance and economics 08.010 Internal auditor B/01.7 Conducting an internal audit independently or as part of a group

D/01.7 Monitoring the implementation of the internal audit plan

08 Finance and economics 08.021 Financial monitoring specialist (in the area of ​​combating money laundering and terrorist financing) B/01.7 Analysis of financial transactions of the organization’s clients in order to identify their connection with ML/TF

B/03.7 Preparation of analytical materials for taking AML/CFT measures in an organization

08 Finance and economics 08.043 Enterprise economist B/01.7 Preparation of business cases for strategic and operational development plans of the organization

B/02.7 Strategic management of key economic indicators and business processes

08 Finance and economics 08.018 Risk management specialist C/04.7 Development of an integrated risk management system

D/03.7 Consulting on risk management issues in an organization

Main tasks of professional activity of graduates

Area of professional activity Types of professional tasks Professional tasks Objects of professional activity (or areas of knowledge)
08 Finance and economics information and analytical Ensuring economic security of business entities; ensuring the security of the financial and credit system; conducting financial monitoring. Search and evaluation of information sources, analysis of data necessary for economic calculations; monitoring of financial and economic processes, collection, analysis and assessment of information relevant to ensuring economic security; monitoring the current economic and financial condition of business entities, organizations and regions for the reliability of resource potential, stability and sustainability of their activities and development; identification of economic risks and threats to economic security; processing of statistical data arrays, financial and economic indicators characterizing socio-economic processes in accordance with the task, analysis, interpretation, evaluation of the results obtained and substantiation of conclusions; assessment of the economic efficiency of projects; expert assessment of the financial and economic activities of the organization in order to determine the current financial situation; performing tasks to carry out internal and external audit of the organization, assessing credit and insurance risks, assessing the cost and risks of derivative financial instruments; modeling of economic processes for the purpose of analyzing and forecasting threats to economic security; information and analytical support for the prevention, detection, suppression, disclosure and investigation of economic and tax crimes; monitoring the relationship between economic processes and the dynamics of offenses and crimes in the field of economic security; development of methodological recommendations to ensure the economic security of businesses, organizations and regions.
08 Finance and economics computational and analytical Ensuring economic security of the region; ensuring economic security of business entities; ensuring the security of the financial and credit system; conducting forensic economic examination; conducting financial monitoring; combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Development and justification of a system of economic, financial and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities, organizations and regions; formation of a system of qualitative and quantitative criteria for economic security, indicators of the threshold or critical state of economic systems and objects; preparation of initial data for carrying out calculations of economic, financial and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities and economic security of business entities, organizations and regions; carrying out calculations of economic, financial and socio-economic indicators based on standard methods, taking into account the current regulatory framework; development of economic sections of plans of organizations; preparation of assignments and development of design solutions, methodological and regulatory documents on risk management for the development of business entities, organizations and regions.
08 Finance and economics expert and consulting Ensuring economic security of the region; ensuring economic security of business entities; ensuring the security of the financial and credit system; conducting forensic economic examination; conducting financial monitoring; combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Identifying expert tasks, assessing the sufficiency of research objects and applying expert research techniques within the framework of forensic economic examination; conducting forensic economic (accounting, tax, merchandising, financial-analytical, financial-credit) examination; expert assessment of the financial and economic activities of the organization; consulting on identifying potential and real risks, challenges and threats to economic security.
08 Finance and economics organizational and managerial Defense and security of the state; ensuring economic security of the region; ensuring economic security of business entities; ensuring the security of the financial and credit system. Development of options for management decisions based on economic efficiency criteria, taking into account possible risks; performing tasks to manage the risks of financial and economic development of an economic entity; organizing the implementation of risk management tasks for the budgets of the organization and regions; organizing the implementation of risk management tasks in the field of investment activities and fund management; preparation and implementation of insurance operations.
08 Finance and economics monitoring Ensuring economic security of the region; ensuring economic security of business entities; ensuring the security of the financial and credit system; conducting forensic economic examination; conducting financial monitoring. Control over the formation and execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, budget estimates, prevention, identification and suppression of violations in the formation and use of state and municipal resources; assessment of the effectiveness of internal control and audit systems in state and municipal bodies, organizations and business entities; conducting financial monitoring of organizations; economic examination of regulatory legal acts; analysis of control results, research and synthesis of the causes and consequences of identified deviations, violations and shortcomings and preparation of proposals aimed at eliminating them; implementation of internal state financial control (internal financial control and audit); implementation of control actions and organization of examination during control activities; planning, organizing and carrying out control activities in relation to the financial and economic activities of business entities.

Financial and analytical support to economic security of business entities and organizations

Total places


Budget places


Acquired knowledge and skills, specifics of training:

Calculating the economic performance of economic entities, conducting tax audits of financial and economic operations, auditing the effectiveness of accounting, analyzing risks and identifying threats in the field of economic security.

Studied profile disciplines:

  • Accounting
  • Economics of the organization (enterprise)
  • Control and revision
  • Economic security
  • Basics of enterprise management and security
  • Financial analytics and methods of counteracting financial and economic violations
  • Economic analysis
  • Economic and legal analysis
  • Finance
  • Safety and risk assessment
  • Financial risks, analysis and investigation of financial fraud
  • Corporate finance
  • Accounting expertise
  • Audit
  • Financial and credit expertise
  • Economic expertise
  • Tax expertise
  • Organization and methodology of tax audits
  • Judicial statistics
  • Analysis and evaluation of the information component of economic security
  • Specialized economic security software
  • System analysis in the field of economic security
  • Sectoral and regional analysis of the economic security of economic activity

Graduates of this specialization can work in:

  • information and analytical services of law enforcement agencies
  • tax and other regulatory bodies of state power
  • economic security divisions of banks, enterprises, organizations
  • legal protection and public procurement services
  • organizations of state, independent, judicial and other expertise in the field of economics and security
  • technical support and information security services in the field of control (StaffCop, INFOWATCH).


Admissions Committee

Contact for inquiries about admission to the faculty

Belova Nadezhda E.
Faculty of Economics and Management Other fields of study