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Gosstroynadzor expert gave a lecture at SPbGASU

8 Oct 2019

Gosstroynadzor expert gave a lecture at SPbGASU

The main requirement that each building must comply with at all stages of its construction and operation is the complete and absolute safety of all who are in it. Therefore, the meeting of SPbGASU students with the expert of the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service (Gosstroynadzor) of St. Petersburg Mikhail A. Ivanov, held on October 4, 2019, gathered a large number of interested listeners.

The meeting was dedicated to compliance with fire safety requirements during the construction of buildings with wooden structures. The expert presented a brief overview of the current legislation governing the construction of various facilities in the Russian Federation in terms of fire safety; gave examples of structural damages in Russia and abroad due to non-compliance with existing requirements; analyzed and compared the fire safety of wooden, metal and reinforced concrete structures.

Modern construction is a complex high-tech process employing advanced engineering solutions. Ensuring fire safety of various-purposes buildings and structures is based on a developed system of fire safety standards for building design. Fire statistics for Russia show that eighty percent of all fires occur in the housing stock. These structures should be paid special attention.

After the lecture, the listeners, among whom were both students and teachers, had the opportunity to personally talk with the expert and get answers to their questions.

The event was held in the framework of the cooperation agreement signed between the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service of St. Petersburg and the university. Regular meetings of future professionals with Gosstroynadzor specialists complement the educational process and are popular with students.

Text: Associate Professor, Department of Metal and Timber Constructions S. I. Mironova

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