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On March, 13 in Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there took place the international scientific practical conference “Man, society and nature” marking the 150-year anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadskiy.

13 Mar 2013

On March, 13 in Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there took place the international scientific practical conference “Man, society and nature” marking the 150-year anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadskiy.

The principal objective of the conference is understanding of the historical value of Vladimir I. Vernadskiy’s works, the role and impact of his heritage in the Russian and foreign social studies and humanities, analysis of a wide range of modern issues, The reporters presented studies of Vernadskiy’s life and art, traditions of the Russian natural sciences set by the professor, role of his works in the world culture as well as philosophical problems of contemporary natural sciences, forming of environmental consciousness and contemporary challenges.

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