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On November 20, 2012 in 20 in Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there took place the International scientific practical conference “Contribution of professors and alumni of the Institute of civil engineers – Leningrad

26 Nov 2012

On November 20, 2012 in 20 in Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there took place the International scientific practical conference “Contribution of professors and alumni of the Institute of civil engineers – Leningrad civil engineering institute – Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering into the history and culture of Saint Petersburg”.

The conference was organized and held within the Plan of scientific events of the higher educational institution scheduled for 2012; the Plan of events dedicated to the 180-year anniversary of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering and the Plan of events as part of the Year of the Russian history in SPSUACE.

Over 100 people participated in the conference including participants from Russia, Vietnam, China and Turkey. The conference was run by the vice-chairman of the organizing committee, PhD in history, associate professor of the Chair of History Vadim Yu. Zhukov. He paid much attention to the importance of learning history of our university, its professors and alumni who had graduated in various periods, their art destinies and achievements. He also emphasized that the conference is held in the three jubilee years: 180 years of SPSUACE, 150 year anniversary of Vasily Kosiakov – a great architect and director of the Institute of civil engineers and the year of the Russian history.

The reports made at the conference represented various interesting and informative facts of art and life lines of alumni of the Institute of civil engineers and the Constructional College such architects as A.M. Dostoevsky, Vasily A. Kosiakov, A.F. Bubyr, N.V. Vasiliev, R.I. Kaplan-ingel, A.S. Nikolsky and others who made an enormous impact on the historical and cultural biography of Saint Petersburg, other cities and countries.

The conference is of both scientific and educative value. Vocational education of current students of architectural profile needs to be based on the example of architect-predecessors especially our graduates.

Administration of SPSUACE thanks the chair of history for the organization and arrangement of the International scientific practical conference “Contribution of professors and alumni of the Institute of civil engineers – Leningrad civil engineering institute – Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering into the history and culture of Saint Petersburg”.

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