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SPbGASU Has Started the Final Stages of the ASV Student Olympiads in the Specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering"

Text: Tatiana Petrova

Photo: Nina Antonova

10 Apr
Participants in the final stages of the Olympiads

On 10 April, the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has started the final stages of student Olympiads in the fields of study 08.03.01, 08.04.01 Civil engineering, profile “Industrial and Civil Engineering”, specialty 08.05.01 Construction of unique buildings and structures.

58 students and 16 teachers from 13 universities that are members of the International Public Organization for the Promotion of Construction Education (ASV) came to the competition at SPbGASU.

1. Сергей Михайлов.jpgSergey Mikhailov

At the opening ceremony of the Olympiads, SPbGASU Vice-Rector for Educational Activity Sergey Mikhailov emphasized: “We consider the holding of such a significant event at the university site as evidence of the high trust of the academic and professional community, united under the auspices of the ASV; as a continuation of extensive joint work on the formation and implementation of a graduate competency model in the interests of the development of the domestic construction industry".

According to the Vice-Rector, the Olympiads participants will demonstrate the competencies and personal qualities required by modern representatives of the construction industry. The undoubted effect of such events will be the development of expert communities. SPbGASU teachers expect to exchange experience in organizing the educational process with colleagues. Universities that are ASV members are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of engineering education based on the requirements of the labor market.

3. Леонид Николаев.jpgLeonid Nikolaev

Chairman of the SPbGASU Student Council Leonid Nikolaev encouraged the participants to expand their circle of contacts, which will allow them to become successful in the profession in the future. Leonid also expressed interest in sharing experience and knowledge on organizing student self-government.

4. Антон Гайдо.jpgAnton Gaido

Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Civil Engineering Anton Gaido introduced the participants to the regulations and program of the Olympiads. The competition will continue for three days. Two excursions are planned: to the unique construction site “SKA Arena” and around St Petersburg.

Every year, SPbGASU organizes dozens of scientific and educational projects and programs aimed at supporting talented youth. Among them are the Olympiad for schoolchildren in architecture, TIM championships, international summer schools, research expeditions, FQWs competitions, etc.

The final stages of student Olympiads are held by decision of the board of the International Public Organization for the Promotion of Construction Education (ASV) and the Presidium of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the Higher Education System for an enlarged group of specialties and fields of study 08.00.00 Construction Technique and Technology.

The partners of the event are the Metropolis company and the St Petersburg State Autonomous Institution “Center for State Expertise".