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18 Mar 2020
In the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation recommended that universities organize educational programs using various training technologies that allow students and teachers to interact indirectly (remotly).

✔ In accordance with the order No. 397 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 14, 2020, and the order No. 102 of the SPbGASU Rector of March 16, 2020, since March 17, 2020, the educational process shall be performed using distance educational technologies that allow students to fully master the educational programs. The contact work of students of all forms of training and teachers shall be carried out solely in the university’s electronic information and education environment (EIOS).

We draw the attention of all students and teachers that the educational process is organized and implemented in accordance with the current schedule.

Electronic courses have been developed for all the disciplines and practices of the curricula at the University’s EEOS on the Moodle platform, where work programs for disciplines and practical classes, lecture materials, assignments for practical exercises and laboratory works, methodological instructions for completing term papers and projects, assessment tools and other instructive materials have been created.

✔ All students and all teachers have a personal login and password to enter the Moodle platform, which they can use while outside the university. Students shall independently study theoretical material, perform tasks, including in the online mood. Students can attach the completed tasks in an electronic course or send them to the teacher by e-mail. The teacher responsible for the discipline shall control the activities of students, shall stay in touch with them, and promptly answer their questions.

The interaction of the teachers and students can be carried out in the mode of video conferencing on any electronic platforms and social networks.

In addition, certificates for taking online courses on open electronic educational resources (Open Education, Coursera, etc.) can be accepted as the results of mastering a training course or part of it.

For technical support, contact the Office for Information Systems and Technologies: phone +7 (812) 316-47-20, e-mail support@lan.spbgasu.ru

For organizational issues, contact your graduate department: a link to the information page is here https://www.spbgasu.ru/en/About/Departments/ or to the Teaching and Academic Work Office uur@spbgasu.ru 

Updates will be published on the SPbGASU website and social networks.