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Faculty of economics and management Chair of history Council on development of student research works Public Relations Department Department of social and extra-curriculum work International student scientific historical and culturological conference “Russ(Я—B)


Faculty of economics and management
Chair of history
Council on development of student research works
Public Relations Department
Department of social and extra-curriculum work
International student scientific historical and culturological conference
“Russia - Italy: dialogue of cultures”

2011 is announced as “Year of Russian Culture and Language in Italy” and “Year of Italian Culture and Language in Russia”.
“Culture exchange year” of national cultures and languages of Italy and Russia will contribute to developing direct communication links between our countries.
In Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering 2011 is announced as “Year of Italy in SPUACE”, Plan of cultural events is drawn. The International Student Scientific Historical and Culturological Conference “Russians in Italy. Italians in Russia” is a part of this Plan. As the result of the conference the collection of best students reports will be published.
At the conference the centuries-old history of cultural relationships between Russia and Italy which is regarded as a seminal cross-cultural dialogue between our nations and countries will be studied. Interpenetration of our cultures took place due to the well-known Italian artists: architects, sculptors, musicians as well as the Russian painters, poets and writers.
Russian-Italian cultural relationships include scientific and technical connections, emigration history etc.
For participating in the conference report and information about author (your contact information) must be submitted to the Organizing Committee in separate files. At the base of the received reports the Conference Program will be drawn.
The Organizing Committee is responsible for the conference report collection and can choose which reports to publish. Authors of the published reports will be presented with the courtesy copy.
There will be more information about the place and the time of the Conference.
List of topics for reports, requirements to the report and a pattern are driven below. Authors can choose their own topics for reports.
Time limit at the conference is 5 minutes.

Organizing Committee of the conference

• Chief of the Organizing Committee - head of the chair of history, candidate of history, associate professor Zhukov Vadim Yu.;

• assistant chief - professor of the chair of history, doctor of history, associate professor Lapina Irina Yu.;

• secretary - assistant dean of the faculty of economics and management  on scientific work, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Guriev Evgeny P.;

• head of the council on development of student research work Andreeva Natalia A.;

• head of the public relations department Klimenko Elena V.;

• acting head of the department of social work and extra-curriculum activities Nurieva Irina V.

Contacts of the Organizing Committee

4, 2(nd) Krasnoarmeiskaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 190005 Russia
Chair of history (room 441)
phone: +7 (812) 575-05-48;
e-mail: (Zhukov Vadim Yu.)