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On February, 25 in the conference hall of the dissertation council of SPbSUACE students of the faculty of architecture presented their works carried out in the network of the workshop “Cities of Europe and the idea of big Saint-Petersburg” which is also a (ЯзB


On February, 25 in the conference hall of the dissertation council of SPbSUACE students of the faculty of architecture presented their works carried out in the network of the workshop “Cities of Europe and the idea of big Saint-Petersburg” which is also a part of the program “Year of Italy in SPbSUACE”. The Workshop “Cities of Europe and the idea of big Saint-Petersburg” took place at the faculty of architecture in Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering from October 8 to 19 in 2010. Students and postgraduate students of the European course on urbanistics from universities in Barcelona (Spain), Delft (Netherlands), Leuven (Belgium), Venice (Italy), as well as students (4th  and 6th courses)  of SPbSUACE chair of urbanistics and city space design participated in this workshop.
The principal aim of the project was to localize problems of post-soviet Saint-Petersburg on the purpose of conceptualization of the idea of big Saint-Petersburg which presenting its own identity at the same time is integrated in the European city process. Students were divided into 7 groups to pick out one definite district of Saint-Petersburg.
The workshop resulted in generating numerous ideas and conceptions on developing Saint-Petersburg which really needs the integration of reasonable innovations, which could help it to develop harmoniously.
Vice-rector for academic activity Petrov A., chief of the international education and cooperation department Icshenko I., her assistant chief Selezneva E., dean of the faculty of architecture Rusanov G., head of the chair of urbanistics and city space design Antocshenkov V., chair professors Nefedov V. and Vaitens A. participated at the presentation.
The workshop held in Russia will continue its work in Italy. In 2011 all participants will gather again in order to find solutions for city problem and unique conceptions of developing the modern urban space.