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December, 2012. International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the Year of the Russian history “LANDMARKS OF THE RUSSIAN HISTORY”


Dear colleagues!

invites you to participate in the International scientific practical conference dedicated to the Year of the Russian history

the conference is scheduled to December, 2012

AIM OF THE CONFERENCE is to attract attention of the society to the Russian history and role of Russia to the world historic process.

Subject blocks:
• Ancient Rus'
• Moscovia
• Russian empire
• the Soviet Union
• Russian Federation

Requirements to papers

Papers are accepted in Ms Word or RTF format via email in an enclosed file: volume is maximum 7 pages; all margins are 2 cm; print type - Times New Roman; size - 16, line spacing - 1; full justification; automatic hyphenation; paragraph indention - 0,7 cm; , tabulation and spaces of paragraphs should not be used.
File should be named after the author's last name. For example: Kutuzov.doc.
Footnotes are voluntary. Format of footnotes is by page, numbering of pages starting on each separate page; size is 13; line spacing - 1; full justification; paragraph indention - 0,7 cm.
Application for participation in the conference is sent in a separate file: Last name, first name, academic degree and title, position, place of work, address, phone, email. In the application please note whether you plan to attend the conference, whether you will have a presentation of illustrated material, which technical means are necessary. The file should be named after the last name of the author with the word “application” being added (for example: Kutuzov-application.doc).

Applications and papers are accepted till October 1, 2012.

Participants are strongly requested to present applications for technical equipment, presentations, video support of their reports as applications to theses.
By the beginning of the conference a collection of scientific works is planned to have been published.

Applications and papers should be sent to the address:
Subject: History
Chair of history of SPSUACE: phone +7 812 575-05-48
Contact person: Irina Yu. Lapina