
Coach Aleksandr A. Timofeev

Football is the most popular sports team game, the purpose of which is to score the ball into the opponent's net. It is distinguished by the availability, simplicity of inventory and equipment. Football develops speed, strength, endurance, agility and other motor qualities of athletes, allows them to achieve a high degree of physical fitness, cultivates courage, discipline and skills of well-coordinated team play. The high emotionality of game situations, the need to show will and courage in overcoming the actions of opponents make this collective game a valuable means of physical education.

In LISI (now SPbGASU) the first football team appeared in 1948. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Pavlov was its coach in those years.

Today SPbGASU is one of the five universities of St Petersburg that are participants in all city football championships among students.

Football and mini-football classes (for boys and girls) are held in the sports hall No. 2 of SPbGASU (Kurlyandskaya st., 2/5, the building of Faculty of Automobile and Road Building).

Students of our university participate in the following competitions: Championship and Cup of St Petersburg Universities in football (boys), Championship of St Petersburg universities in mini-football (boys and girls), Championship of St Petersburg in mini-football (boys), All-Russian competitions among students in mini-football "Mini football - to universities" (boys and girls), Championship for the prize of a freshman in mini-football (boys), Championship of universities in St Petersburg in beach football (boys), competitions held by the St Petersburg Student Football League.

Sports achievements:

  • SPbGASU football players are champions of the Cup of the St Petersburg Student Football League in mini-football (youth), 2015
  • winners of the Championship for the prize of the St Petersburg freshman in mini-football (boys), 2015
  • bronze medalists of the All-Russian competition "Mini-football - to universities" (girls), 2016
  • winners of the St Petersburg Universities Football Cup (boys), 2017
