
Сentre for Сareer and Сompetence

About the Centre

SPbGASU Centre for career and competence helps students and alumni to:

  • Find a job,
  • Write a CV and a cover letter,
  • Get ready for a job interview.

Support for Employers

We are eager to help employers in recruiting SPbGASU students and alumni.

We can advertise your vacancy on our website and on University information stands and organize joint career events such as:

  • case competitions,
  • scholarships and grants from an organization,
  • internships, work placements,
  • mentoring programmes,
  • sponsoring SPbGASU development projects in science and education,
  • open lectures, seminars and workshops,
  • excursions to the enterprises,
  • advertise the organization at SPbGASU,
  • assessment centers.

Writing a CV

A CV is a summary of your qualifications, skills and experience. HR specialists spend a very short time reading your CV, so it must cover the most important points about you. Your main goal is to make the CV clear and relevant to the position you are applying to.

Tips for writing a good CV

  • Be concise – avoid much context and excessive details.
  • Use simple language, avoid jargon which is difficult to understand.
  • Control your CV to be one or two pages long.
  • Make your CV attractive so as both you and an employer would like to read it.
  • If you are writing a CV for an international company, use the major language of it. Anyway, you can include a copy of the CV in Russian.
  • Proofread your CV to avoid mistakes and typos.

CV Structure

Personal Details

  • Your full name should be at the top of page. You do not need to say “CV” or “Curriculum Vitae”.
  • It is better to include your photo to the CV. Make sure the photo is business-like.
  • Leave real contacts you can be easily connected with.


  • List all your academic degrees.
  • Include your education achievements.

Work Experience

  • Add all your work experience, achievements and key dates in anti-chronological order.
  • Include relevant voluntary work, internships, student society roles.

Other Skills

  • Identify your level of language skills.
  • Write about specialist or unusual skills.


  • List your interests if they are deep and specialist.
  • You do not need to include interests such as ‘cooking, reading’.


  • Ask your referees’ permission to leave their contacts in your CV.
  • Make sure referees do not take up much space.

Cover Letter

A cover letter highlights your skills and motivation to work at the organization you are writing to. Try to include the cover letter together with your CV wherever it is possible.

Remember that the cover letter complements your CV but not copies it. Anyway, both of these papers should be written in clear concise language and without any jargon.

Cover Letter Content

  • Introduce yourself and state the reason why you are writing. State wh ere you have found the advertisement. Be decent and address an HR specialist personally if it is possible.
  • Explain why you are interested in the job at this company. Try to learn anything about the company beforehand so you can emphasize on the company’s values and highlights which you have in common.
  • Explain why you are a good candidate for a position. Mention your relevant skills, experience, knowledge and achievements. Be specific about your professional skills and avoid generalities.
  • Do not forget to leave your contact information.
  • Proofread you cover letter for typos and mistakes.



Office 101, SPbGASU, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005
