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Scientific activity of the Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastres

Geodesy Division

Main areas of scientific research

  • Study of the issues of geodetic support for the construction of buildings and structures in the course of construction and architectural and restoration works with the use of modern electronic and optical geodetic instruments;
  • Comparative assessment of the potential of modern software products for the automation of geodetic measurements and the development of final products;
  • Land management and cadastral works. Development of a methodology for the formation of technical plans of real estate facilities;
  • Research on the methods for studying natural and technogenic processes on the territory of oil and gas facilities with a view of taking them into account when conducting land management and cadastral works;
  • Development and use of laser equipment in surveying and geodesy;
  • Geodetic monitoring of buildings in the historical center of St. Petersburg during their reconstruction and restoration.

Urban Management, Land Management and Cadastres Division

Participation in national field-specific competitions

Annually, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) holds the All-Russian Olympiad in speciality 290500 "Urban Construction and Economy" (for senior students). SPbGASU students, graduates of the Department of Urban Development, traditionally represent St. Petersburg and demonstrate a high level of professional training from year to year. Students of the Department demonstrate high professional level and creative approach to solving complex engineering problems.

Independent student projects

Contests of scientific works of SPbGASU

Every year, students of the GS group participate in competitions of scientific student works at St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Two works were submitted to the competition of student scientific works from the GS Department in 2005 - “Issues of applying climate control methods and energy-saving technologies for renovation activities in the existing urban development” and “Engineering and technical capabilities of ventilation, air conditioning and lighting of various elements of a residential environment with using non-traditional energy-saving technologies. ” These works became the basis for further research and publications.