
Cherevko Sergey A.


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyBinding Material Technology Qualification Process technologist (Saint Petersburg State University of Technology, 2006)

Professional development

  • Modern training technologies in the educational process of the university (SPbGASU, 2017, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Quality control of concrete mixtures and assessment of the strength of concrete of monolithic structures at construction sites (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2021, 36 hours)


  • Construction materials (laboratory workshop)
  • Architectural materials science (laboratory workshop)

Professional interests

  • Scientific research in construction materials science
  • Curriculum development

Research interests

  • Improvement of cellular concrete technology 
  • Physico-chemical methods of construction materials research 
  • The use of technogenic raw materials in the construction materials technology 

Scientific conferences

Sergey Cherevka has participated in more than 10 scientific conferences.


Sergey Cherevka is the author and co-author of 19 published scientific and educational works, including 17 scientific articles.

The most significant publications


  1. Cherevko, S.A. Foam concrete based on stone crushing waste / S.I. Veselova, I.O. Suvorov, S.A. Cherevko // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2010. - No. 5 (25). - P. 116-120.
  2. Pukharenko Yu. V., Panarin S. N., Veselova S. I., Aubakirova I. U., Staroverov V. D., Cherevko S. A. Nano-modified concrete based on stone crushing waste // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2011. - No. 3 (28). – P. 72–76.
  3. Cherevko, S. A. The use of salt slags in the technology of building materials / S. A. Cherevko // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2015. - No. 6 (53). - P. 151-156.
  4. Cherevko, S. A. Binder systems based on salt slag / S. A. Cherevko // Building materials. - 2016. - No. 8 (740). – P. 60–62.
  5. Cherevko, S.A. Application of the Hurst method to study the phase portrait of salt slag during heat treatment / S.A. Cherevko // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 6 (71). – P. 93–98.
  6. Pukharenko Yu. V., Aubakirova V. D., Cherevko S. A. Use of salt slag in binder’s production. Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction, 25-26 November, Saint Petersburg, Russia 2021.


  1. Method for cleaning living quarters from ammonia: Pat. No. 2496751, RF; IPC C04B41/72 / Pukharenko Yu. V., Mironov A. M., Shimanov V. N., Cherevko S. A., Pukharenko O. Yu., Nikitin V. A.; applicant and patent holder St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - No. 2012116177/03; dec. 20.04.2012; publ. 27.10.2013.
  2. Thermal emission method for the quantitative determination of ammonia in concrete: No. 2 552 914, Pukharenko Yu. V., Mironov D. A., Morozov V. I., Cherevko S. A.