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Kalyashov Vitaly A.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2005)

Academic title

Associate professor (2008)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyForest engineering QualificationProduction engineer (St Petersburg Forestry Academy named after S.M. Kirov, 1995)

Professional development

  • Estimated documentation in construction (Petersburg State University of Communications, 2012, 126 hours)
  • Effective use of the distance learning environment (SPbGASU, 2016, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Fundamentals of computer-aided design in the Autodesk AutoCAD program (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Modern information and communication technologies in the electronic information and educational environment of the university (St. Petersburg State Forest Engineering University, 2019, 16 hours)
  • Automated design of buildings and structures using Autodesk AutoCAD (St Petersburg Polytechnic University, 2020, 32 hours)
  • Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020, 144 hours)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020, 36 hours)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
  • Automation of planning the educational process, taking into account changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (SPbGASU, 2021, 16 hours)
  • NanoCAD computer-aided design system (SPbGASU, 2022, 16 hours)


  • Descriptive geometry
  • Engineering graphics

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Editorial and production

Research interests

  • Designing measures for the preparation of reservoirs for hydroelectric facilities under construction
  • Design of logging enterprises
  • Improvement and development of logging production technologies
  • Development of measures and technologies to protect waterworks from floating wood


Vitaly Kalyashov is the author of more than 60 published scientific works.

The most significant publications


  1. Kalyashov, V. A. Engineering graphics. Graphic work "Drawing of a residential building": study guide / E. A. Solodukhin, S. S. Shuvalova, V. A. Kalyashov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 35 p.
  2. Kalyashov, V. A. Drawing with elements of descriptive geometry. Problem solving: workbook / O. N. Leonova, V. V. Shvetsova, V. A. Kalyashov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - 56 p.
  3. Leonova, O. N. Engineering graphics. Mechanical engineering drawing: textbook / O. N. Leonova, V. V. Shvetsova, V. A. Kalyashov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2022. - 150 p.


  1. V. Kalyashov, A. Smirnova, N. Tjurin, L. Gromskaya, T. Antonova (2020). Problems of technological processes selection in logging. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 817 (1), 012014.
  2. Tyurin, N. A., Gromskaya, L. Ya., Antonova, T. S., Kalyashov, V. A., Artemiev, V. N. (2020). Optimizing the location for the enterprise recycling the forestry production waste. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 786 (1), 012035.
  3. V. Kalyashov, A. Iliin, S. Shuvalova, O. Leonova, V. Shvetsova (2020). Directions For Improving the Efficiency of Forest Clear Cutting on the Territories of Reservoirs and Waterworks Under Construction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 574 (1), 012035.
  4. D. A. Ilyushenko, V. A. Markov, V. A. Sokolova, V. A. Kalyashov (2020). Improving the use of wood waste. E3S Web of Conferences 193, 02008 (2020), (ICMTMTE 2020).
  5. Kalyashov, V. A. Floating booms on reservoirs of HPPs of the Angara-Yenisei region / V. P. Korpachev, A. I. Perezhilin, A. A. Andriyas, V. A. Kalyashov // Coniferous boreal zone. – V. 38, No. 5–6. - Krasnoyarsk: Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after acad. M. F. Reshetnev, 2020. - P. 250–258.
  6. Kalyashov V. A., Shapiro V. Ya., Grigoriev I. V., Kunitskaya O. A., Grigoryeva O. I., S. V. Gerasimov, Yu. M. Elizarov, Study of the stability of the marginal part of the massif of thawed soil on slopes under the influence of forest machines and skidding systems // Systems. Methods. Technologies. - 2021. - No. 2 (50). – P. 70–75.
  7. Modeling of the process of rut formation in the massif of thawing soil on slopes during dynamic interaction with a wheeled forestry machine / V. A. Kalyashov, V. Ya. Shapiro, I. V. Grigoryev, O. A. Kunitskaya, O. I. Grigorieva // Systems . Methods. Technologies. - 2022. - No. 1 (53). – P. 154–162.
  8. Mokhirev A. P., Rukomojnikov K. P., Ariko S. Ye., Iliushenko D. A., Kalyashov V. A., Tikhonov E. A. (2022). Devices for trimming trees in urban areas // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1010. P. 012089.
  9. Kalyashov, V. A. Theoretical substantiation of the permissible average pressure on the soil of the propulsion machine of a forest machine operating on a slope / T. A. Do, G. V. Grigoryev, V. A. Kalyashov, A. Yu. Guryev, E. G. Khitrov // Systems. Methods. Technologies. - 2022. - No. 2 (54). – P. 72–77.