SpecialtyCNC machine tools QualificationTechnologist (Izhevsk Industrial College, 1988)SpecialtyManagement QualificationEconomist-manager (Udmurt State University, 1998)
SpecialtyForeign economic activity QualificationMaster of business administration (Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2004) Postgraduate studiesSPbGASU, department of construction economics. Thesis topic: “Improving the organization of contract tenders (competitions) for government orders in construction”; PhD in Economics (2008)
Doctoral studiesSPbGASU, department of finance, analysis and accounting. Dissertation topic: "Methodology for the formation and implementation of the state construction order in the business system"; Doctor of Economics (2010)
Professional development
- Management of state and municipal procurement (SPBGASU, 2018)
- Labour protection in educational institutions (SPBGASU, 2020)
- Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPBGASU, 2020)
- Implementation of digital technologies in educational programs (Innopolis University, 2021)
Specialty Industrial and Civil Engineering Qualification Civil Engineer (Izhevsk State Technical University, 2011)
- Contractual relations in construction
- Strategic planning of innovation activities
- Modern problems of innovation
- Economics of potential development of a construction organization
- Economics and commercial activities of the managing organization
- Assessment of the innovative potential and innovative activity of the socio-economic system
- Organization of scientific activity and educational process
- State regulation of scientific, technological and innovation activities
- Organizational forms and methods of management in housing and communal services
Professional interests
- Scientific research
- Curriculum development
- Improvement of teaching methods
- Active teaching methods
- Curriculum development including active teaching methods
Research interests
- State construction order
- Construction self-regulation
- Federal purchasing system
- Competition policy in construction
Scientific conferences
Vadim Koscheev has participated in about 25 scientific conferences.Professional organizations
- Corresponding member of the International academy of investments and construction economics
- Corresponding member of the International academy of management