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Kotikov Yury G.


Visiting professor

Academic degree

DSc in Engineering (1996)

Academic title



4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyTrack-Laying Machine QualificationMechanic Engineer (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, 1964)

Professional development

  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • Personnel management in the context of the implementation of professional standards and new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (SPbGASU, 2017, 16 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Tools and services for content development and organization of e-learning (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)

Research interests

  • Geoinformation modeling of transport infrastructure
  • Transport energy

Scientific conferences

Yury Kotikov has participated in more 115 scientific conferences.

Professional organizations

  • Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport (RAT)


Yury Kotikov is the author and co-author of more than 340 published scientific and educational works, including three monographs, 19 study guides, eight copyright certificates for inventions and computer programs.

The most significant publications


  1. Kotikov, Yu. G. Fundamentals of the theory of transport systems: textbook / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2000. - 216 p.
  2. Kotikov, Yu. G. Fundamentals of system analysis of transport systems: textbook / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2001. - 264 p.
  3. Kotikov, Yu. G. Transport energy: textbook / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.]; ed. by Yu. G. Kotikov. - Moscow: Academy, 2006. - 280 p.
  4. Kotikov, Yu. G. Geoinformation systems: textbook / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 220 p.
  5. Kotikov, Yu. G. Transport and logistics clusters: textbook / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - 169 p.


  1. Kotikov, Yu. G. Longevity of the car chassis / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.]. - Leningrad: Mashinostroenie, 1984. -231 p.
  2. Kotikov, Yu. G. Energetics of transport: monograph / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - 216 p.
  3. Kotikov, Yu. G. Fundamentals of the quantum car theory / Yu. G. Kotikov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. - 210 p.


  1. Kotikov, Yu. G. Spatial analysis of the sales market of competitors moving warehouses using visualization / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Logistics today. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 10–16.
  2. Kotikov, Yu. G. Geoinformation models of fuel supply for metropolitan vehicles / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of MADI (STU). - 2007. - Issue. 3 (10). – P. 16–22.
  3. Kotikov, Yu. G. Development of a transport and logistics geodatabase of a metropolis using ArcGIS / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2009. - No. 2 (19). – P. 46–50.
  4. Kotikov, Yu. G. The concept of the transport geoinformation system of St Petersburg / Yu. G. Kotikov // World of roads. - 2011. - No. 55. - P. 60–63.
  5. Kotikov, Yu. G. Geographic information system ArcGIS as an integrator in planning models of transport systems of megacities / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2012. - No. 2 (31). – P. 214–222.
  6. Kotikov, Yu. G. Aspects of using ArcGIS technologies in the transport model of St Petersburg / Yu. G. Kotikov // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 3. .
  7. Kotikov, Yu. G. ArcGIS in models of transport systems of megacities / Yu. G. Kotikov // Rational management of the enterprise. - 2012. - No. 6. - P. 28–32. 
  8. Kotikov, Ju. Method for Investigating Variants for Modernization of the Road Network Section in the Gis Environment / Ju. Kotikov [and etc.] // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 23 (Problems of Architecture and Construction). – P. 165–171.
  9. Kotikov, Ju. Geographic information system modelling of freight transport and logistics in Saint Petersburg, Russia / Ju. Kotikov // Civil Engineering. – Vol. 168. – I. 5. – P. 31–38. DOI: 10.1680/cien.14.00026 at Published online 07/02/2015 at
  10. Kotikov, Ju. Optimizing transport-logistic cluster freight flows of a port megacity on the basis of GIS / Ju. Kotikov [and etc.] // Applied Mechanics and Materials (Innovative Technologies in Development of Construction Industry). – Vols. 725–726 (2015). – P. 1206–1211. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. DOI: 10.4028/ Online available since 2015/Jan/29 at
  11. Kotikov, Ju. GIS-modelling of transportations in the logistical cluster of St.Petersburg / Ju. Kotikov // Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction, Florence, Italy, 2015. – Р. 491–496.
  12. Kotikov, Yu. G. Aspects of modeling the multiport multimodal network of the Leningrad Region / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2016. - No. 6 (59). - St Petersburg: SPbGASU. – P. 216–224.
  13. Kotikov, Yu. G. Combined method of placing the concentrating rear terminal of the Ust-Luga sea port / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2016. - No. 6 (59). – P. 225–230.
  14. Kotikov, Yu. G. Analysis of the prospects for the development of the motor transport front of the Ust-Luga container terminal (ULCT) / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 1 (60). – P. 253–261.
  15. Kotikov, Yu. G. Improving the road transportation of the Ust-Luga seaport to the cities of the European part of Russia / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 2 (61). – P. 46–50.
  16. Kotikov J (2017) GIS-Modeling of Multimodal Complex Road Network and Its Traffic Organization. Transportation Research Procedia, 20: 340-346
  17. Plotnikov A, Kravchenko P, Kotikov J (2017) Classification Investigations of Traffic Management Schemes Having Conflict Loading at the Signal-controlled Road Junctions. Transportation Research Procedia, 20: 511-515.
  18. Kotikov, Yu. G. Modeling the road network of a multimodal complex in a GIS environment. / Yu. G. Kotikov // Road power. - 2017. - No. 73. - P. 46–49.
  19. Plotnikov, A. Classification Investigations of Traffic Management Schemes Having Conflict Loading at the Signal-controlled Road Junctions / A. Plotnikov, P. Kravchenko, and Ju. Kotikov // Transportation Research Procedia – V. 20. – P. 511–515. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2017.01.083 (Публикация в базе данных Scopus и ISI (WOS))
  20. Kotikov, Ju. Estimation of transportation energy efficiency by Bartini criterion L6T-4 / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – V. 2. – I. 2. – P. 15–19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2017-2-2-15-19
  21. Kotikov, Ju. Calculation of freight rail transport energy efficiency by Bartini criterion L6T-4 / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – V. 2. – I. 3. – P. 21–25. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2017-2-3-21-25
  22. Kotikov, Yu. G. Study of the development possibilities of the Ust-Luga automobile and railway ferry complex / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 3 (62). – P. 232–238.
  23. Kotikov, Yu. G. Substantiation of placement of road service objects using ArcGIS
    / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 4 (63). – P. 213–219.
  24. Kotikov, Yu. G. Representation of a three-level organization of road freight transportation in the multiport zone of the Leningrad region / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 5 (64). – P. 149–156.
  25. Kotikov, Yu. G. The use of GIS in the modernization of the sea container terminal / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Rational management of the enterprise. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 18–21. 
  26. Kotikov, Yu. G. On the assessment of the energy efficiency of transportation based on the unit "tran" / Yu. G. Kotikov // Proceedings of the 73rd scientific conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university: St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering . - St Petersburg, 2017. - P. 104–109.
  27. Kotikov, Yu. G. ArcGIS as a basis for planning the cargo transportation of a port metropolis / Yu. G. Kotikov // ArcReview. - 2017. - No. 4 (83). – P. 22–23. 
  28. Kotikov, Yu. G. Aspects of modeling a multiport multimodal network of the region / Yu. G. Kotikov // RAT - North-West: collection of works of the North-West regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Academy of Transport" (OO "Russian Academy of Transport"). - First issue. – 2017. – P. 53–66.
  29. Kotikov, Yu. G. Methodology for assessing the energy efficiency of transport with the involvement of the entity Transfer Bartini / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2017. - No. 6 (65). - P. 271-279. DOI: 10.23968/1999-5571-2017-14-6-271-279
  30. Kotikov, Ju. Transport energy efficiency assessment on the basis of the Life cycle with the attraction of the Bartini Transfer entity / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 2. – I. 4. – P. 14–19. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2017-2-4—14-19
  31. Kotikov, Ju. Structural Properties And Operational Philosophy Of The Vehicle With The Quantum Engine / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 3. – I. 1. – P. 13–20. DOI: 10.23968/ 2500-0055-2018-3-1-13 – 20
  32. Kotikov, Yu. G. Design and operational features of a car with a quantum engine / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 1 (66). - S. 164-174. DOI 10.23968/1999-5571-2018-15-1-164-174
  33. Kotikov, Yu. G. Substantiation of the economic efficiency of the multiport multimodal system of the Leningrad region / Yu. G. Kotikov [et al.] // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 3 (68). - P. 171-178. DOI 10.23968/1999-5571-2018-15-3-171-178
  34. Kotikov, Yu. G. Quantomobile: study of the formation and application of traction force / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 4 (69). – P. 189–198. DOI 10.23968/1999-5571-2018-15-4-189-198
  35. Kotikov, Ju. Stages of quantomobile development / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 3. – I. 2. – P. 26–35. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2018-3-2-26–35
  36. Kotikov, Yu. G. The concept of a multiport multimodal polycentric system of the Leningrad region. Second international scientific and practical conference "Development of infrastructure and logistics technologies in transport systems" (St Petersburg, October 4–6, 2017): collection of works / Yu. G. Kotikov; ed. by A. A. Krasnoshcheka, P. K. Rybina. - St Petersburg: ART-LINE LLC, 2018. - P. 38–46.
  37. Kotikov, Ju. Aspects of traffic safety using vehicles with quantum engines / Ju. Kotikov // Transportation Research Procedia. - 2018. - Vol. 36. – P. 352–357. 
  38. Kotikov, Ju. Formation of a Function Series for Estimates of Transportation Energy Efficiency Based on Bartini's LT-Table Entities / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 3. – I. 3. – P. 3–9. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2018-3-3-3-9
  39. Kotikov, Yu. G. Using the Volergy entity (L8T–4 of the Bartini table) to assess the energy efficiency of transport and storage services for 3D spatial objects / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 5 (70). - S. 182-189. DOI23968/1999-5571-2018-15-5-182-189
  40. Kotikov, Ju. Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption by Modern Cars And Future Quantomobiles / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 3. – I. 4. – P. 26–32. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2018-3-4-26-32
  41. Kotikov, Yu. G. Traction and speed properties of a quantum car / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 1 (72). - P. 168-176. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2019-16-1-168-176
  42. Kotikov, Ju. Specifics of the Quantomobile Force Balance / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 4. – I. 1. – P. 3–10. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-1-3-10
  43. Kotikov, Ju. Actualization of the Quantomobile Force Balance in the Pitch Plane / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 4. – I. 2. – P. 53–60. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-2-53-60
  44. Kotikov, Yu. G. Computational study of the power balance of a quantum car / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 2 (73). – P. 147–152. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2019-16-2-147-152
  45. Kotikov, Yu. G. Graphoanalytical study of the balance of forces of a quantum car in the pitch plane / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 4 (75). - P. 126-133. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2019-16-4-126-133
  46. Kotikov, Yu. G. A three-dimensional model of using the quantum car engine trust / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 5 (76). – P. 237–248. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2019-16-5-237-238
  47. Kotikov, Ju. Graphical-and-analytical basis for quantomobile near-ground motion studies / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 4. – I. 3. – P. 55–60. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-3-55-64
  48. Kotikov, Ju. Unified quantum lift-and-transport machinery / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 4. – I. 4. – P. 51–57. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-4-51-57
  49. Kotikov, Yu. G. Evaluation of the possibility of using quantum vehicles in the working process of the port / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2020. - No. 1 (78). - P. 173-181. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2020-17-1-173-181
  50. Kotikov, Ju. Quantum Quarrying Lift-And-Transport Machinery (QQLTM) / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 5. – I. 2. – P. 56–66. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-2-56-66
  51. Kotikov, Yu. G. Quantomobile as a universal vehicle / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2020. - No. 1 (78). - P. 182-188. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2020-17-4-182-188
  52. Kotikov, Yu. G. Using the properties of vehicles in the concept of an all-environment multimodal quantum car / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2020. - No. 6 (83). – P. 195–205. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2020-17-6-195-202
  53. Kotikov, Ju. The Rise of The Quantomobile Theory / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 5. – Is. 4. – P. 74–81. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2020-5-4-74-81
  54. Kotikov, Ju. [etc.] Assessment of combined transportation energy efficiency based on Bartini’s LT-table entities. Transportation Research Procedia, 50 (2020). 302–309.
  55. Kotikov, Yu.G. Investigation of quantum car acceleration dynamics by means of Matlab-simulink / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2021. - No. 6 (89). - P. 180-189. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2021-18-6-180-189
  56. Kotikov, Ju. Distribution of The Normal Reactions on The Quantomobile Wheels / Ju. Kotikov // Architecture and Engineering. – Vol. 6. – Is. 4. – P. 72–79. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2021-6-4-72-79
  57. Kotikov, Yu. G. Study of energy consumption for acceleration of a quantum car / Yu. G. Kotikov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2022. - No. 2 (91). – P. 143–153. DOI: 23968/1999-5571-2022-19-2-143-153



  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education