
Kvitko Aleksandr V.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2002)

Academic title

Associate professor (2005)



Office 602-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyCommands and tactics, railway troops QualificationRailway engineer (Leningrad Military School of Railway Troops and Military Communications named after M. V. Frunze, 1988)

Specialty Commands and headquarters, railway troops QualificationOfficer with a higher military education, organizer of the construction and restoration of railways (Military Academy of Logistics and Transport, 1998)

Professional development

  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and persons with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • BIM-modeling in the problems of architecture and construction (SPbGASU, 2018, 36 hours)
  • Construction safety and construction control (SPbGASU, 2019, 72 hours)
  • Specialist in the organization of architectural and construction design. Organization of increasing work on the preparation of project documentation (SPbGASU, 2019, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
  • Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020, 144 hours)


Specialty Higher education pedagogy
 Teacher of higher education (Military Academy of Logistics and Transport, 2002)


  • Wooden bridges
  • Survey and design of culverts
  • Design and construction of roads, subways, bridges, tunnels and other unique structures
  • Engineering structures in transport construction
  • Glued timber structures in bridge building
  • Organization, planning and management of transport construction
  • Engineering hydrology
  • Organization of restoration of bridges on railways

Professional interests

  • Научные исследования в области проектирования и строительства автомобильных дорог и искусственных сооружений
  • Обследование, мониторинг технического состояния искусственных сооружений и промышленно-гражданских зданий
  • Проведение судебно-строительных экспертиз
  • Совершенствование методики преподавания

Research interests

  • Scientific research in design and construction of motor roads and artificial constructions
  • Technical condition monitoring of artificial, industrial and civil constructions
  • Forensical methods
  • Improvement of teaching methods

Scientific conferences

Aleksandr Kvitko has participated in more than 50 scientific conferences, has organized three.

Professional organizations

  • Member of the working group of the Composite Cluster of St Petersburg (since 2016).


  • Veteran of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2004)
  • Medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of the Railways of the Russian Federation, among which: "For Valor", "For Merit", "For Distinction in Military Service I, II, III degrees", etc.
  • Honorary diploma from the commander of the Federal Service of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation (2006)
  • Diplomas and medals of the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes"


  • Aleksandr Kvitko is the author of 219 published scientific and educational works, including three monographs, 35 textbooks and study guides (co-authored).
  • Holder of 64 patents and positive decisions for utility models and inventions.

The most significant publications


  1. Research and design of bridge and tunnel crossings / A. V. Kvitko, L. P. Svetlov, V. N. Myachin, A. A. Ozornin. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2010. - 234 p.
  2. Building a road bridge / A. A. Kvitko, S. A. Vukolov, V. N. Myachin, A. A. Ozornin. - St Petersburg: Publishing house VATT, 2010. - 187 p.
  3. Organization of underwater bridge works / A. A. Kvitko, S. A. Nedovarkov, V. N. Myachin, A. A. Ozornin. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2011. - 134 p.
  4. Kvitko, A. V. Organization, planning and management in transport construction / A. A. Kvitko, V. N. Myachin, A. A. Ozornin. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2012. - 212 p.
  5. Kvitko, A. V. Organization of the restoration of railways / A. V. Kvitko, A. S. Nizov, Yu. F. Fatyushin. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2012. - 287 p.
  6. Kvitko, A. V. Organization of restoration of bridges on railways / A. V. Kvitko, B. M. Grigoriev, V. A. Voronoi. - St Petersburg: VAMTO Publishing House, 2014. - 267 p.
  7. Kvitko, A. V. Reinforced concrete bridge / A. V. Kvitko, N. Yu. Dalyaev, P. A. Petukhov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015. - 124 p.
  8. Kvitko, A. V. Operation and technical cover of transport facilities / A. V. Kvitko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 307 p.
  9. Kvitko, A. V. Structural mechanics of engineering structures / A. V. Kvitko, O. I. Borshchev. - St Petersburg: R-KOPI LLC, 2018. - 219 p.
  10. Kvitko, A. V. Organization, planning and management of transport construction / A. V. Kvitko, S. V. Rekhov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 325 p.


  1. Kvitko, A. V. Ensuring the functioning of railway floating bridges under the influence of the enemy / A. V. Kvitko. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2010. - 114 p.
  2. Kvitko, A. V. Methodology for ensuring the sustainable functioning of floating bridges under the conditions of the active influence of the enemy / A. V. Kvitko. - St Petersburg: Publishing House VATT, 2011. - 164 p.
  3. Kvitko, A. V. Study of the stress-strain state of the “pile-soil” system: monograph / A. V. Kvitko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 247 p.


  1. Kvitko, A. V. Low-water inventory bridge on screw piles (NIM-VS) and its assembly technology / A. V. Kvitko // Materials of the XIV Moscow international salon of inventions and innovative technologies "Archimedes". - Moscow: 2011.
  2. Kvitko, A. V. On the issue of strengthening the roof of a building / A. V. Kvitko // Proceedings of the XVI Scientific and methodological conference of VITU “Defects in Buildings and Structures, Strengthening of Building Structures”. - St Petersburg: VITU Publishing House, 2012.
  3. Kvitko, A. V. Reconstruction of interfloor ceilings / A. V. Kvitko // Proceedings of the XVI Scientific and methodological conference of VITU “Defects in Buildings and Structures, Strengthening of Building Structures”. - St Petersburg: VITU Publishing House, 2012.
  4. Kvitko, A. V. On the issue of increasing the survivability of floating bridges, induced by the technical cover of railways / A. V. Kvitko // Collection of military scientific articles of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport. - 2012. - Issue. 54.
  5. Kvitko, A. V. Discharge-pulse technology in the capital construction of bridge structures / A. V. Kvitko // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students, young scientists and doctoral students "Actual problems of traffic safety". – 2012.
  6. Kvitko, A. V. On the possibilities of using composite fiberglass piles in transport construction / A. V. Kvitko // II All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Composite materials in the construction of transport infrastructure facilities." - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015.
  7. Kvitko, A. V. On the causes of accidents in buildings / A. V. Kvitko // Defects in buildings and structures. Strengthening building structures: a collection of scientific articles of the XIX Scientific and methodological Conference of VITU. - St.Petersburg: VA MTO (VITU), 2016.
  8. Kvitko, A. V. Improving the training of specialists in the field of road bridge and tunnel construction. Problems of training and ways to solve them / A. V. Kvitko // Reports of the 72nd Scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and postgraduates of the University; St Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016.
  9. Kvitko A, Shendrik V (2018) Designs from Innovative Materials in Transport Construction. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 692. Article in Press, 1-10.
  10. Kvitko A, Karpov B, Petukhov P, Ushakov A (2017) Criteria for Substantiation of Rational Pavement Design as Bases of Traffic Safety throughout Life Cycle of Transport Structures. Transportation Research Procedia, 20: 384-392.
  11. Kvitko A.V. Using foam polyurethane sealers for strengthening of soils of a road bed of transport constructions / Materials Science and Engineering. – 2020. – № 832. – P. 30–34. (Scopus)
  12. Kvitko, A. V. Reasons for the formation of defects and damage to expansion joints of artificial structures / A. V. Kvitko. - Road power. – 2020. – P. 2–5.
  13. Kvitko, A. V. To the question of the causes of the formation of defects in the structural elements of structures / A. V. Kvitko // Proceedings of the Military Space Academy A. F. Mozhaisky. - 2020. - Issue. 670. - P. 73-76.
  14. Kvitko, A. V. On the causes of disruption of the operation of the storm sewer service building of the St Petersburg branch of the railway / A. V. Kvitko // Proceedings of the A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. - 2020. - Issue. 670. - P. 84-88.
  15. Kvitko A.V. Structural evaluation of reinforced concrete column with composite GFRP shell – a structural element of bridge pier // Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture. – 2021. – № 2 (50). – P. 74 – 84. (Web of Science.)
  16. Kvitko, A. V. Causes of formation of defects and damage to expansion joints of artificial structures / A. V. Kvitko // Road power. - 2020. - No. 95. - P. 50–53.


  1. Patent No. 70263 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 18/00 (2006.01). The design of the junction of the carriageways of the permanent and medium road collapsible bridges: No. 2006123229/22: Appl. 2006.06.29: publ. 2008.01.20 / Andrushko S. B., Kvitko A. V., Myachin V. N., Nedovarkov S. A., Nitetsky I. V., Ozornin A. A., Sukhoi L. G.; applicant Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. - 6 p. – Text: direct.
  2. Certificate No. 2010613643 Russian Federation, IPC E07D 18/00 (2006.01). Calculation of the operation of the bridge crossing area in emergency situations 17.02.2010 : publ. 03.06.2010 / Kvitko A.V.; applicant Kvitko A.V. - 7 p. – Text: direct.
  3. Patent No. 2446245 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 21/00 (2006.01). Method for assembling an inventory low-water bridge on screw piles: No. 2446245: Appl. 06.04.2010 : publ. 20.10.2011 / Ozornin A. A., Zhelezkov V. N., Nedovarkov S. A., Vukolov S. A., Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Sukhoi L. G., Stroikov V. A. .; applicant Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 7 p. – Text: direct.
  4. Patent No. 2446244 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 1/00 ​​(2006.01). Inventory low-water bridge on screw piles: No. 2446244: Appl. 2010.04.06: publ. 27.03.2012 / Ozornin A. A., Zhelezkov V. N., Nedovarkov S. A., Vukolov S. A., Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Sukhoi L. G., Stroikov V. A. .; applicant Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 7 p. – Text: direct.
  5. Patent No. 2446246 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 21/00 (2006.01). The method of assembling an inventory low-water bridge on screw piles by sliding a superstructure: No. 2446246: Appl. 06.04.2010 : publ. 27.03.2012 / Ozornin A. A., Zhelezkov V. N., Nedovarkov S. A., Vukolov S. A., Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Sukhoi L. G., Stroikov V. A. .; applicant Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 9 p. – Text: direct.
  6. Patent No. 141144 Russian Federation, IPC E01B 3/00 (2006.01). Trackless tram track on reinforced concrete slabs: No. 141144: Appl. 24.09.2013 : publ. 27.05.2014 / Kvitko A. V., Svetlov L. P., Myachin V. N.; Applicant Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 9 p. – Text: direct.
  7. Patent No. 135657 Russian Federation, IPC E01F 13/00 (2006.01). Block crossing protection device : No. 135657 : App. 04.07.2013 : publ. 20.12.2013 / Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Stroikov V. A.; applicant SPbGASU -9 p. - Text: direct.
  8. Patent No. 139819 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 15/00 (2006.01). Cable-stayed vertical drawbridge No. 139819: Appl. 28.11.2013 : publ. 27.04.2014 / Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Stroikov V. A., Sagirov P. P.; applicant SPbGASU - 9 p. – Text: direct.
  9. Patent No. 138536 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 11/00 (2006.01). Flexible guy wire system providing aerodynamic stability and rigidity of bridges: No. 138536: Appl. 02.09.2013 : publ. 20.03.2014 / Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Stroikov V. A., Bystrov V. A.; applicant SPbGASU - 8 p. – Text: direct.
  10. Patent No. 138534 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 18/00 (2006.01). Block bored support from heat-resistant temporary bridge on permafrost soils: No. 138534: Appl. 24.09.2013 : publ. 20.03.2014 / Svetlov L. P., Kvitko A. V., Ozornin A. A. Nedovarkov S. A.; Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 7 p. – Text: direct.
  11. Patent No. 145332 Russian Federation, IPC E04B 5/10 (2006.01). Lightweight floor slab : No. 145332 : Appl. 27.03.2014 : publ. 20.09.2014 / Kvitko A. V., Borshchev O. I., Averchenko G. A., Vasiliev A. O.; Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 9 p. – Text: direct.
  12. Patent No. 158029 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 15/12 (2006.01). Prefabricated bridge truss with an offset system of braces made of plastic pipes: No. 158029: Appl. 20.11.2014 : publ. 20.12.2015 / Kvitko A. V., Revenko Yu. D., Popov R. P., Stroykov V. S., Shendrik V. A., Shabanova O. A., Lebedev I. K., Isaev V. P. .; Closed joint-stock company "Safit". – 8 p. – Text: direct.
  13. Patent No. 157792 Russian Federation, IPC E02D 5/80 (2006.01). Pile-screw anchor of increased horizontal stability: No. 158029: Appl. 11.03.2015 : publ. 10.12.2015 / Ozornin A. A., Zhelezkova Yu. V., Svetlov L. P., Vukolov S. A., Kravets D. Yu., Stroikov V. A., Kvitko A. V., Soskov I. S. .; Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 8 p. – Text: direct.
  14. Patent No. 2593399 Russian Federation, IPC B01s 7/10 (2006.01). Method for restoring layers of pavement: No. 2593399: Appl. 23.06.2015 : publ. 10.08.2016 / Kvitko A. V., Karpov B. N., Azanov B. K., Shendrik V. A., Petukhov P. A., Shabanova O. A.; applicant SPbGASU. – 8 p. - Text: direct.
  15. Patent No. 2016611957 Russian Federation, IPC PE_034 (2006.01). Calculation of pavement of non-rigid type: No. 2016611957: Appl. 15.02.2016 : publ. 20.03.2016 / Kvitko A. V., Bondareva E. D., Ovchinnikov M. A., Goncharov V. A., Madras E. P., Indenbom A. G. Evtyukov S. A., Madras E. E. : The Russian Federation, on behalf of which the Federal Highway Agency acts - 9 p. – Text: direct.
  16. Certificate No. 173489 Russian Federation, MPK BD_008 (2006.01). Design characteristics of materials and soils adapted for use in the program for the calculation of pavements: No. 173489: Appl. 25.12.2015 : publ. 15.02.2016 / Bondareva E. A., Kvitko A. V., Ovchinnikov M. A., Madras E. P., Evtyukov S. S., Zaitsev D. M., Indebom A. G. Applicant SPbGASU - 9 p . – Text: direct.
  17. Patent No. 2016611988 Russian Federation, IPC E02D 7/22 (2006.01). Rope detachable capstan : No. 2016611988 : App. 16.05.2016 : publ. 20.11.2016 / Ozornin A. A., Zhelezkova Yu. V., Svetlov L. P., Vukolov S. A., Nedovarkov S. A., Stroikov V. A., Kvitko A. V., Biryukov O. R. .; Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 9 p. – Text: direct.
  18. Patent No. 175705 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 19/14 (2006.01), E04C 3/34 (2006.01). Composite post for support of bridge structures: No. 175705: Appl. 09.06.2017 : publ. 15.12.2017 / Kvitko A. V., Shendrik V. A.; applicant SPbGASU. – 8 p. – Text: direct.
  19. Patent No. 173489 Russian Federation, IPC E02D 5/02 (2006.01). Composite sheet pile : No. 2017113586 : Appl. 19.04.2017 : publ. 29.08.2017 / Averchenko A. V., Kvitko A. V.; applicant SPbGASU. – 8 9. – Text: direct.
  20. Patent No. 202683 Russian Federation, IPC E01D 19/00 (2006.01), E01D 19/00 (2021.01). Inventory pile-bridge anchor for fixing floating bridges at shallow depths No. 2020136138: Appl. 02.11.2020: published 02.03.2021 / Ozornin A. A. Zhelezkova Yu. V., Svetlov L. P., Vukolov S. A., Nedovarkov S. A., Stroikov V. A., Kvitko A. V., Lesnoy A. P. , Anikin M. N., Ovchinnikov A. A.; Military Academy of Logistics and Transport. General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. – 9 p. – Text: direct.

Additional information

  • The best inventor of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2000
  • Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for work on a dissertation research for the degree of PhD in Engineering Sciences
  • Prize of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for work on a dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences
  • Member of the Academic Council of SPbGASU
  • Member of the Technical Council of the Committee for city improvement of St Petersburg
  • Included in the register of specialists of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers (NOPRIZ), registration number PI-115726