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Nikulin Andrey N.


Acting dean
Head of department
Associate professor
Director of "Smart Labor" training site

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2008)

Academic title

Associate professor (2013)

Visiting address

Office 101-A, 2/5, Kurlyandkaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyEnvironment protection engineering QualificationEnvironmental engineer (St Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G. V. Plekhanov, 2005)

Professional development

  • Pedagogical activity in vocational education, additional professional education (2022, 72 hours)
  • Professional teacher of the Mining University (St Petersburg Mining University, 2021, 24 hours)
  • Methodological support for the development and implementation of major professional academic program of HE (2020, 16 hours)
  • Occupational safety and health. First aid (2020, 40 hours)
  • Modern equipment and technologies for underground mining (Department of Mining and Quarry Equipment "Zeppelin Russland", 2020, 36 hours)
  • Occupational safety requirements: main changes in labour legislation (2022, 4 pm)
  • Methodological support for the development and implementation of the major professional academic program of HE (2020, 16 hours)
  • Work in the Cisco WebEx system (2020, 16 hours)
  • Pedagogical activity in vocational education, additional professional education (2020, 72 hours)
  • English language courses on the basis of the Linguistic Center of the Mining University with the receipt of relevant certificates (2016–2020)


  • Organization of labour protection in the construction industry
  • Special assessment of working conditions
  • Supervision and control in the field of safety
  • State and departmental supervision in the field of industrial safety
  • Organizational foundations of technosphere safety
  • Reliability of technical systems and technogenic risk

Professional interests

  • Labour protection and industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Research interests

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of labour protection management systems in the organization
  • Development of a safety culture
  • Innovative personal protective equipment
  • Evaluation of noise exposure to workers in the work area

Scientific conferences

Andrey Nikulin participates in over 5 conferences annualy.


Andrey Nikulin is the author of more than 120 publications.

Publications in RSCI SPIN: 4586-8078
Publications in Scopus AuthorID: 56149908500
ORCID ID Profile: 0000-0002-6878-0512

The most significant publications


  1. Rudakov, M. L. Management of labour protection / M. L. Rudakov, A. N. Nikulin, N. E. Duka. - St Petersburg: Mediapapir, 2021. - 102 p.
  2. Nikulin, A.N. Normative-technical documentation on labour protection. Organization of labour protection / A. N. Nikulin, P. N. Dmitriev, D. A. Ikonnikov. - St Petersburg: Aising, 2020. - 113 p.
  3. Personal protective equipment against hazardous and harmful production factors / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov, P. N. Dmitriev, D. A. Ikonnikov. - St Petersburg: LEMA, 2019. - 107 p.
  4. Fire safety. Part 1 / R. E. Andreev, A. N. Nikulin, G. I. Korshunov, K. N. Cheshkova. - St Petersburg: LEMA, 2018. - 96 p.
  5. Andreev, R. E. Fire safety. Part 1 / R. E. Andreev, A. N. Nikulin. - St Petersburg: LEMA, 2017. - 107 p.
  6. Rudakov, M. L. Economics of labour safety / M. L. Rudakov, V. S. Maksimov, A. N. Nikulin. - Moscow: Logos, 2016. - 108 p.
  7. Gendler, S. G. Economics of labour safety / S. G. Gendler, M. L. Rudakov, A. N. Nikulin. - St Petersburg: Own publishing house, 2015. - 248 p.
  8. Kovshov, S. V. Nature management / S. V. Kovshov, A. N. Nikulin, A. A. Bulbashev. - Saransk: Referent, 2011. - 107 p.
  9. Kovshov, S. V. Sustainable development of mankind / S. V. Kovshov, A. N. Nikulin, A. A. Bulbashev. - Saransk: Referent, 2010. - 48 p.


  1. Safety of technological processes and production / S. S. Bortsova, L. F. Drozdova, N. I. Ivanov, A. V. Kudaev, D. A. Kuklin, A. N. Nikulin. - Moscow: Logos, 2016. - 608 p.
  2. Life safety. Andreev R. E., Galkin A. F., Gendler S. G., Gridina E. B., Nikulin A. N. Fundamentals of life safety in organizations of the mineral resource complex. - St Petersburg: National Mineral and Raw Materials University "Gorny", – [Text: electronic]
  3. Shuvalov Yu. V., Bulbashev A. P., Ilchenkova S. A., Burmistrova V. V., Gasparyan N. A., Nikulin A. N. Dust control in open pits for the extraction of building materials. - Moscow: International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB), 2006. - 208 p.
  4. Shuvalov, Yu. V. Life safety of workers in the mining regions of the North / Yu. V. Shuvalov, A. N. Nikulin. - Moscow: International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB), 2006. - 640 p.


Publications in journals from the HAC list
  1. Nikulin, A. N. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of the labour protection management system at a mining enterprise / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov // Industrial safety of enterprises of the mineral and raw materials complex in the XXI century. / Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2017. - No. 4 (special issue 5-1). - P. 447-454.
  2. Nikulin A.N., Romanov A.F., Korshunov G.I., Dolzhikov I.S. Individual device for monitoring the worker’s activity during the work shift // Underground coal mining in the 21st century: a collection of scientific papers of the international scientific and practical conference / Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2017. - No. 11 (special issue 49). - V. 2. - P. 418-431.
  3. Nikulin A.N., Dolzhikov I.S., Korshunov G.I., Kamensky A.A. Studying the possibility of using portable technical means of controlling a worker in production // Industrial safety of enterprises of the mineral and raw materials complex in the XXI century. Vol. 2 / Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2019. - No. 57. - P. 99–107.
  4. Nikulin, A. N. Analysis of technical means for ensuring automatic control of the use of PPE by employees / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov // Industrial safety of enterprises of the mineral resource complex in the XXI century. Vol. 2 / Mining information and analytical bulletin. - 2019. - No. 7. - P. 130–139.
  5. Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the labour protection management system at a mining enterprise / A. N. Nikulin, I. V. Klimova, Yu. G. Smirnov, I. S. Dolzhikov // Labour safety in industry. - 2021. - No. 1. - P. 66–72.

Publications in journals included in the international database and citation system Scopus

  1. Nikulin, A. N. Increasing labour safety on coal mines / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov, D. A. Ikonnikov // International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research. Volume 7, No. 12, 2019, pp. 842-848.
  2. Никулин, А. Н. Повышение безопасности труда на угольных шахтах / А. Н. Никулин, И. С. Должиков, Д. А. Иконников // Международный журнал новых тенденций в инженерных исследованиях. – Т. 7, № 12. – С. 842–848.
  3. Nikulin, A. N. Assessment of noise impact on coal mine workers including way to/from workplace // Nikulin, A. N. I. S. Dolzhikov, L. V. Stepanova, V. A. Golod / Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020, 2020(2), pp. 45–51.
  4. Никулин, А. Н. Оценка шумового воздействия на работников угольных шахт, включая движение до рабочего места и обратно / А. Н. Никулин, И. С. Должиков, Л. В. Степанова, В. А. Голод // Научный вестник Национального горного университета. – 2021. – № 2. – С. 151–155.

Публикации в прочих изданиях 

  1. Nikulin A.N., Dolzhikov I.S., Klyachina Ya.A., Samoletova K. Peculiarities of the development of the labor protection management system at a coal enterprise // Experience of the past - a look into the future: 7th International scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students: materials of the conference. - Tula: Publishing House of TulGU, 2017. - P. 96–100.
  2. Dolzhikov, I. S. Formation of an effective labor protection management system at a coal enterprise / I. S. Dolzhikov, A. N. Nikulin // Scientific and educational space: development prospects: materials of the VIII International scientific and practical conference (Cheboksary, 9 April, 2018) / Ed.: O. N. Shirokov [et al.]. - Cheboksary: CNS Interactive Plus, 2018. - P. 94–102.
  3. Nikulin, A. N. Organization of technical control of the worker's activity during the work shift / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov, K. Samoletova // Actual problems of labor protection: materials of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation 22–23 November, 2018; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 42–47.
  4. Nikulin, A. N. The impact of increased noise levels on miners of coal mines / A. N. Nikulin, I. S. Dolzhikov // Safety in construction: materials of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (St Petersburg, 21–22 November 2019). - St Petersburg: SPbGASU Publishing House, 2019. - P. 91–99.


  • Nikulin A. N., Gurko A. V., Brovchenko I. V. Computer program: a program for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the labour protection management system in an organization. Number: RU 2021617160, 11.05.2021.
  • Romanov A. F., Ikonnikov D. A., Nikulin A. N., Stepanova L. V., Dolzhikov I. S. Utility model patent No. RU 183600 U1 Russian Federation, IPC A42B 3/00 (2006.01), A42B 3/04 (2006.01). Safety helmet with automatic operation control device: No. 2018122583: Appl. 20.06.2018: publ. 26.09.2018 /; SPGU applicant. - 8 p.: ill.
  • Kovshov S. V., Kovshov V. P., Nikulin A. N. Method for obtaining organic fertilizer. Patent for invention No. 2540349 dated 10.02.2015.
  • Nikulin A. N., Kovshov S. V., Epifantsev K. V., Bezrukikh V. Yu. Device for the production of solid fuel. Patent for invention No. 2475521 dated 20.02.2013
  • Smirnov Yu. D., Kovshov S. V., Nikulin A. N., Sedova A. A. The method of complex processing of organic waste. Patent for invention No. 2441720 dated 10.02.2012
  • Lodus E. V., Padunov A. V., Nikulin A. N. Installation for friction testing of materials. Patent for invention No. 2411498 dated 10.02.2011
  • Lodus E. V., Kovshov S. V., Nikulin A. N. Installation for testing rocks for layer-by-layer shear under the action of axial load. Patent for invention No. 2411490 dated 10.02.2011
  • Tarasov Yu. D., Shuvalov Yu. V., Lunev D. E., Nikulin A. N. Complex for the manufacture of fuel elements from sawdust. Patent for invention No. 2344164 dated 20.01.2009
  • Shuvalov Yu. V., Veselov A. P., Bulbashev A. P., Nikulin A. N. A method of preparing a fuel briquette. Patent for invention No. 2337131 dated 27.10.2008
  • Shuvalov Yu. A., Nifontov Yu. A., Grishchenko A. E., Nikulin A. N. Method for producing fuel briquettes. Patent for invention No. 2254360 dated 31.03.2004
  • Shuvalov Yu. A., Benin A. A., Nikulin A. N. Method for producing fuel briquettes. Patent for invention No. 2227803 dated 04.11.2002