
Semenov Aleksey A.


Chief specialist, DDCC
Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2014)

Academic title

Associate professor


Office 203-C, 4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Qualification Applied mathematics QualificationApplied mathematician (SPbGASU, 2011)

Postgraduate studies05.23.17 Structural mechanics QualificationResearcher. Research teaching fellow (SPbGASU, 2014)

Professional development

  • Modeling and calculation of fast processes (2015)
  • Application of BIM technologies on the Revit Autodesk platform in the educational process (2017)
  • Occupational safety of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (2017)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (2018)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (2018)
  • Modern means of computer engineering in construction (2019)
  • The use of modern information technologies in teaching activities based on MATLAB (2019)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (2020)
  • Additive technologies (2020)
  • Artificial intelligence (2020)
  • Practice-oriented approaches in teaching specialized IT disciplines (2021)


  • Information technology
  • Computer and mathematical modeling
  • Introduction to the specialty
  • Internet programming
  • Computer modeling of the process of deformation of building structures elements 
  • Development of software for solving construction problems
  • Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages
  • Research methodology
  • Research work

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Editorial and production
  • BIM technologies
  • Web programming
  • Modern technologies of software programming
  • Curriculum development
  • Information technologies teaching methods improvement

Research interests

  • Computer and mathematical modeling in construction
  • Simulation experiments in applied tasks
  • Non-linear theory of thin structures
  • Application of information modeling technologies to solve construction problems

Scientific conferences

Aleksey Semenov has participated in more than 40 scientific conferences.

Number of publications

Aleksey Semenov is the author and co-author of more than 100 published scientific works and six certificates of state registration of computer programs.

RSCI publications (AuthorID: 648893)
Scopus publications (AuthorID: 56460436800)
ORCID Profile: 0000-0001-9490-736

The most significant publications


  1. Karpov V.V., Kobelev E.A., Panin A.N., Semenov A.A. Models of deformation of building structures and methods of their calculation. M.: Publishing House ASV, 2022. 466 p. ISBN 978-5-4323-0422-3.
  2. Semenov A.A. Network technologies and the Internet. St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. 147 p. ISBN 978-5-9227-0662-9.
  3. Ryabikova T.V., Semenov A.A. Variational methods in problems of statics and dynamics of building structures. St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. 115 p. ISBN 978-5-9227-0656-8.


  1. Atiskov A.Yu., Baranova D.A., Karpov V.V., Moskalenko L.P., Semenov A.A. Computer technologies for calculating shells. St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012. 184 p. ISBN: 978-5-9227-0373-4


Web of Science, Scopus:

  1. Semenov A. Method of strength analysis for doubly-curved stiffened orthotropic shells by various strength theories // FME Transactions. 2023. Vol. 51, No. 2. P. 211–220. DOI: 10.5937/fme2302211S.

  2. Petrov D. S., Semenov A. A. Buckling analysis of an orthotropic cylindrical shell structure in the ANSYS Mechanical APDL software package // Scientific and technical journal of information technologies, mechanics and optics. 2023. V. 23, No. 3. P. 618–627. DOI:10.17586/2226-1494-2023-23-3-618-627 EDN: IIAIEZ

  3. Semenov A. Strength of Steel Shell Cylindrical Panels Reinforced with an Orthogonal Grid of Stiffeners // Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 8, No. 2. P. 723–732. DOI: 10.22055/jacm.2022.38968.3317. EDN: XHCUAM.

  4. Semenov A. Nonlinear Mathematical Model for Dynamic Buckling of Stiffened Orthotropic Shell Panels // International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2022. P. 2250191. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455422501917.

  5. Semenov A. Mathematical Modeling in Shell Structure Analysis Tasks // International Journal for Engineering Modelling. 2022. Vol. 35, No. 1. P. 43–55. DOI: 10.31534/engmod.2022.1.ri.03m. EDN: YSCESU.

  6. Semenov A. Dynamic Buckling of Stiffened Shell Structures with Transverse Shears under Linearly Increasing Load // Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 8, No. 4. P. 1343–1357. DOI: 10.22055/jacm.2022.39718.3452. EDN: DFGPJP.

  7. Semenov A. Buckling of Shallow Shells of Double Curvature Stiffened by Ribs from the Outside // Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 16, No. 1. P. 54–64. DOI: 10.24874/jsscm.2022.16.01.05.

  8. Semenov A. A. Refined discrete method for calculating stiffened orthotropic shells // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2022. No. 4. P. 90–102. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2022.4.09. EDN: TFTIBY.

  9. Zgoda I.N., Semenov A.A. High performance computation of thin shell constructions with the use of parallel computations and GPUs // Computational Technologies, 2022. No. 6. P. 45–57. DOI: 10.25743/ICT.2022.27.6.005. EDN: KIYSIF.

  10. Semenov A. Buckling of Shell Panels Made of Fiberglass and Reinforced with an Orthogonal Grid of Stiffeners // Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2021. Vol. 7, No. 3. P. 1856–1861. DOI: 10.22055/jacm.2021.37768.3078. EDN: UCVKVK.

  11. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Structural anisotropy method for shells with orthogonal stiffeners // Structures. 2021. Vol. 34. P. 3206–3221. DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2021.09.027. EDN: LHMCRJ.

  12. Bakusov P. A., Semenov A. A. Analysis of the stability of the computational algorithm to changes in the geometric parameters of cylindrical shell structures // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2021. No. 1. P. 12–21. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2021.1.02. EDN: ZIPFYC.

  13. Semenov A., Zgoda I. Visualization of the Stress-Strain State of Shell Structures Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2744. P. 13, 1–12. DOI: 10.51130/graphicon-2020-2-3-13. EDN: HCIIHN.

  14. Semenov A. A., Zgoda Iu. N. Stress-strain state interactive visualization of the parametrically-defined thin-shell structures with the use of AR and VR technologies // Scientific visualization, 2020. V. 12, No. 4. P. 108–122. DOI: 10.26583/sv.12.4.10. EDN: BXZGLR.

  15. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Refined model of stiffened shells // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2020. Vol. 199. P. 43–56. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.03.019. EDN: PNZVAI.

  16. Lapina E. O., Semenov A. A. Investigation of strength and buckling of orthotropic conical shells and conical panels // Saratov University News. New series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2020. V. 20, No. 1. P. 79–92. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2020-20-1-79-92. EDN: QXALKK.

  17. Zgoda I.N., Semenov A.A., Vager B.G. Features of BIM-model preparation for photorealistic interactive visualization in virtual and augmented reality // Computational Technologies, 2020. V. 25, No. 4. P. 69–82. DOI: 10.25743/ICT.2020.25.4.007. EDN: RTWUDU.

  18. Semenov A. Mathematical model of deformation of orthotropic shell structures under dynamic loading with transverse shears // Computers & Structures. 2019. Vol. 221. P. 65–73. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2019.05.017. EDN: SKYJEJ.

  19. Semenov A.A., Leonov S. S. The continuous method of solution continuation with respect to the best parameter in the calculation of shell structures // Kazan University Scientific Notes. Series: Physico-Mathematical sciences, 2019. V. 161, No. 2. P. 230–249. DOI: 10.26907/2541-7746.2019.2.230-249. EDN: AZRWTY.

  20. Semenov A. Dynamic buckling of stiffened orthotropic shell structures // Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2018. No. 6(82). P. 3–11. DOI: 10.18720/MCE.82.1. EDN: PPYWSF.

  21. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Mixed-Form Equations for Stiffened Orthotropic Shells of Arbitrary Canonical Shape with Static Loading // Journal of Mechanics. 2018. Vol. 34, No. 4. P. 469–474. DOI: 10.1017/jmech.2017.82. EDN: YAZMHJ.

  22. Semenov A. A. Strength of orthotropic cylindrical panels with account for geometric nonlinearity // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2017. Vol. 58, No. 3. P. 511–516. DOI: 10.1134/S0021894417030166. EDN: XNSYFR.

  23. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Numerical methods for calculating the strength and stability of stiffened orthotropic shells // Materials Physics and Mechanics. 2017. Vol. 31, No. 1–2. P. 16–19. EDN: WDQFSC.

  24. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Mathematical models and algorithms for studying strength and stability of shell structures // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2017. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 70–81. DOI: 10.1134/S1990478917010082. EDN: YVCWDR.

  25. Karpov V. V., Ignat’ev O. V., Semenov A. A. The stress-strain state of ribbed shell structures // Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2017. No. 6(74). P. 147–160. DOI: 10.18720/MCE.74.12. EDN: ZWTMVP.

  26. Bakusov P. A., Semenov A. A. Stability of toroidal shell segments at variation of a deflection angle // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2017. No. 3. P. 17–36. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2017.3.02. EDN: ZJZRMV.

  27. Semenov A. A. Models of Deformation of Stiffened Orthotropic Shells under Dynamic Loading // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 4. P. 485–497. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1397-2016-9-4-485-497. EDN: XAGTVF.

  28. Semenov A. A. Strength and stability of geometrically nonlinear orthotropic shell structures // Thin-Walled Structures. 2016. Vol. 106. P. 428–436. DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2016.05.018. EDN: WVMNLF.

  29. Karpov V., Semenov A. Comprehensive study of the strength and stability of shallow shells made of fiberglass // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016. Vol. 1785. P. 040022. DOI: 10.1063/1.4967079. EDN: YVFFDB.

  30. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Dimensionless parameters in the theory of reinforced shells // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2015. No. 3. P. 74–94. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2015.3.07. EDN: UJWYKT.

  31. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Mathematical model of deformation of orthotropic reinforced shells of revolution // Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2013. No 5(40). P. 100–106. DOI: 10.5862/MCE.40.11. EDN: QZTMST.

Articles (Higher Attestation Commission):

  1. Sharanin V. Yu., Semenov A. A. Algorythm for fast numerical integration in problems of buckling of shell structures // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region, 2023. No. 2(44). P. 133–140. DOI: 10.52684/2312-3702-2023-44-2-133-140. EDN: LGOEUA.

  2. Polivanov D. E., Semenov A. A. Investigation of the mode of water extraction by a mixer from the water supply system // Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering News, 2023. No. 2(64). P. 60–69. DOI: 10.52409/20731523_2023_2_60. EDN: ZAEWGC.

  3. Semenov A. A., Tsvetkov Yu. A. Systematization of the problems of introducing information modeling technologies in the construction sphere of the Russian Federation // Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2022. No. 6(143). P. 291–296. DOI: 10.34925/EIP.2022.143.6.054. EDN: OGEFVP.

  4. Zhigulin V. I., Shumilov K. A., Semenov A. A. Modeling an arbitrary with Python in the 3ds Max environment // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region, 2021. No. 4(38). P. 113–117. DOI: 10.52684/2312-3702-2021-38-4-113-117. EDN: KZGDNF.

  5. Georgiev N. G., Shumilov K. A., Semenov A. A. Visual programming in the problems of modeling building structures // Engineering and Construction Bulletin of the Caspian Region, 2021. No. 4(38). P. 117–123. DOI: 10.52684/2312-3702-2021-38-4-117-123. EDN: ZPSGCJ.

  6. Semenov A. A., Moskalenko L. P., Karpov V. V., Sukhoterin M. V. Buckling of cylindrical panels strengthened with an orthogonal grid of stiffeners // Bulletin of Civil Engineers, 2020. No. 6(83). P. 117–125. DOI: 10.23968/1999-5571-2020-17-6-117-125. EDN: IIZJVZ.

  7. Semenov A. A. Methodology research of stability of shallow orthotropic shells of double curvature under dynamic loading // International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering. 2017. V. 13, No. 2. P. 145–153. DOI: 10.22337/2587-9618-2017-13-2-145-153. EDN: YUOLSH.

  8. Panin A. N., Semenov A. A. Study of the strength of shallow concrete shells based on various strength criteria // Structural mechanics and calculation of structures, 2015. No. 3(260). P. 17–23. EDN: UABYOZ.

  9. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Strength criteria for thin orthotropic shells. Part 2: Calculation and analysis // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2015. No. 1(48). P. 60–70. EDN: TQKGPN.

  10. Baranova D. A., Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Computer simulation of local and global buckling of thin-walled shells // Computational Continuum Mechanics. 2015. V. 8, No. 3. P. 229–244. DOI: 10.7242/1999-6691/2015.8.3.19. EDN: UNSCVZ.

  11. Semenov A. A. Algorithms for the research of strength and stability of reinforced orthotropic shells // Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings, 2014. No. 1. P. 49–63. EDN: RTJXDN.

  12. Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Strength criteria for the orthotropic shells. Part 1: Analysis of the basic strength criteria for isotropic and orthotropic materials // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2014. No. 6(47). P. 43–51. EDN: TFLNYH.

  13. Ignatiev O. V., Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A. Variation and parametric choice method for rational parameters of reinforced orthotropic rotational shells // MGSU Bulletin. 2014. No. 10. P. 24–33. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2014.10.24-33. EDN: SWJDWP.

  14. Fedorov S. V., Semenov A. A. Program realization of calculating the impurities diffusion in the water reservoir // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2012. No. 5(34). P. 247–252. EDN: PZVPYJ.

  15. Semenov A. A. Computer simulation of subcritical and supercritical behaviour of thin-walled shells at applying different ways of fixing the borders // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2012. No. 4(33). P. 246–250. EDN: PVGQTR.


  1. Semenov A.A. DynShell: dynamic buckling and nonlinear vibrations of orthotropic shells (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2017662611, Russian Federation dated 13.11.2017
  2. Kamenev I.V., Semenov A.A. PerfShell: calculations of perforated shells (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2016616152, RF, dated 07.06.2016.
  3. Karpov V.V., Semenov A.A. DimShell: dimensionless calculations of orthotropic shells (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2015661781, RF, dated 09.11.2015.
  4. Semenov A.A. OrthShell: strength and stability of orthotropic shells (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2014614627, RF, dated 29.04.2014.
  5. Fedorov S.V., Semenov A.A. Dispersion discharge in a sea (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012610388, RF, dated 10.01.2012.
  6. Karpov V.V., Moskalenko L.P., Semenov A.A. DefShell: Strength and Stability of Thin Shells (computer program). Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012612774, RF, dated 19.03.2012.



  • Gratitude from the Construction Committee of St Petersburg for fruitful work as part of comprehensive training of specialists in the field of construction (2022)

Additional information

From 2017 to 2023 – Head of the SPbGASU Department of Computer Science.