Specialty: Architecture
Qualification: Architect (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1975);Professional development
- Research Institute "Spetsproektrestavratsiya" (2011)
- Restoration and reconstruction of the architectural heritage (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
- The choice of restoration technologies at cultural heritage sites (2018, 24 hours)
- Project management in education using electronic resources (2018, 72 hours)
- Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (2018, 72 hours)
- Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (2020, 144 hours)
- Organization and implementation of work on the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites (SPbGASU, 2020)
- Labour protection (SPbGASU, 2020)
- History of urban planning
- Concepts of urban planning
- History of urban planning and architecture of Saint Petersburg
- Urban planning heritage reconstruction and restoration
- Cultural property reconstruction and restoration
- Archive research
- Architectural research
- Cultural property research methods
- Applied research in urban planning and architecture
Professional interests
- Scientific research
- Scientific and methodological development
- Curriculum development
- Editorial and production
Research interests
- History of urban planning and architecture
- History of making general plans, urban planning and architectural legislation development, urban planning process management development in Saint Petersburg in the 18th-21st centuries
- Historic and modern regulations of urban planning work (territorial regulations, restrictions)
- Protection of historic and cultural heritage worldwide, in Europe, Russia, and St Petersburg
- Archive research in urban planning and architecture
- The history of the development of territories in the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, in modern times, historical geography
- History of Russian, Swedish, German, Dutch cartography
- Modern urban planning activity
- Ancient Russian chronicles and other medieval resources
Scientific conferences
Sergey Sementsov has participated in more than 260 international and national scientific conferences, symposia and congresses; has organized more than 18 international exhibitions on urban planning, architecture and history.Professional organizations
Deputy Head of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association "Architecture"
Councilor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS);
Member of the Council for Cultural Heritage under the Governor of St Petersburg
Member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation
Member of the Russian Union of History and Culture Monuments Protection
Member of Saint Petersburg Union of Local Historians
- Delegate of meetings of the Union of Architects of the USSR and Russian Federation