
Sementsov Sergey V.



Academic degree

DSc in Architecture (2007)

Academic title

Professor (2009)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty: Architecture

Qualification: Architect (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1975);

Professional development

  • Research Institute "Spetsproektrestavratsiya" (2011)
  • Restoration and reconstruction of the architectural heritage (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • The choice of restoration technologies at cultural heritage sites (2018, 24 hours)
  • Project management in education using electronic resources (2018, 72 hours)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (2018, 72 hours)
  • Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (2020, 144 hours)
  • Organization and implementation of work on the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Labour protection (SPbGASU, 2020)


  • History of urban planning 
  • Concepts of urban planning
  • History of urban planning and architecture of Saint Petersburg
  • Urban planning heritage reconstruction and restoration
  • Cultural property reconstruction and restoration
  • Archive research
  • Architectural research
  • Cultural property research methods
  • Applied research in urban planning and architecture

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Scientific and methodological development
  • Curriculum development
  • Editorial and production

Research interests

  • History of urban planning and architecture
  • History of making general plans, urban planning and architectural legislation development, urban planning process management development in Saint Petersburg in the 18th-21st centuries
  • Historic and modern regulations of urban planning work  (territorial regulations, restrictions)
  • Protection of historic and cultural heritage worldwide, in Europe, Russia, and St Petersburg
  • Archive research in urban planning and architecture
  • The history of the development of territories in the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, in modern times, historical geography
  • History of Russian, Swedish, German, Dutch cartography
  • Modern urban planning activity
  • Ancient Russian chronicles and other medieval resources

Scientific conferences

Sergey Sementsov has participated in more than 260 international and national scientific conferences, symposia and congresses; has organized more than 18 international exhibitions on urban planning, architecture and history.

Professional organizations

  • Deputy Head of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association "Architecture"

  • Councilor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS);

  • Member of the Council for Cultural Heritage under the Governor of St Petersburg

  • Member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation

  • Member of the Russian Union of History and Culture Monuments Protection

  • Member of Saint Petersburg Union of Local Historians

  • Delegate of meetings of the Union of Architects of the USSR and Russian Federation


Sergey Sementsov has published more than 280 research papers.

The most significant publications


  1. Sementsov, S. V. Historical residential building structures development on the example of St Petersburg: textbook / S. V. Sementsov, S. G. Golovina. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012.
  2. The best theses of the Faculty of Architecture: 2006–2011 / Comp. S. V. Sementsov [et al.] - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012.
  3. Sementsov S.V. Methods for conducting surveys and monitoring the technical condition of buildings and structures using advanced technologies: textbook / Sementsov S.V., Orekhov M.M., Volkov V.I., Schmidt A.B., Vozniak E.R., A. V. Podporin, N. P. Zaborshchikova, S. E. Kiryutina, E. V. Skogoreva. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2013.
  4. Sementsov, S. V. Diploma design: study guide. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2013.
  5. Sementsov, S. V. Administrative-territorial division of St Petersburg and the St Petersburg province of the XVIII - early XX centuries: textbook / S. V. Sementsov, E. V. Skogoreva, N. A. Akulova. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014.
  6. Album of the best graduation works of the Faculty of Architecture: 2012–2014 / Ed. by S. V. Sementsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016.
  7. Preparation of a master's thesis in the specialty "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage": textbook / S. V. Sementsov, E. R. Vozniak, E. N. Baulina, L. L. Kaloshina. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016.
  8. Sementsov, S. V. Development of urban planning regulations for the reconstruction of the quarter: textbook / S. V. Sementsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2013.
  9. Sementsov, S. V. Development of urban planning regulations for the reconstruction of the quarter: textbook / S. V. Sementsov, S. V. Krylova. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015.


  1. Sementsov, S. V. Town-planning development of St Petersburg in the 18th – early 21st centuries. T. 1. Development of the territories of the Neva region before the founding of St Petersburg. Development of St Petersburg in the XVIII century. / S. V. Sementsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2011.
  2. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg in plans and maps: XX century / S. V. Sementsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012.


  1. Sementsov, S. V. Architecture and engineering of St Petersburg ensembles / S. V. Sementsov, R. A. Mangushev // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2012. - No. 3 (32). – P. 61–67.
  2. Sementsov, S. V. Peter the Great: urban planning program for the creation of the capital St Petersburg agglomeration based on the pre-Petersburg rural settlement system of the Neva region / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2012. - Issue. 4. - P. 217-231.
  3. Sementsov, S. V. Urban planning of Petrograd - Leningrad: from the revolutionary defeat of 1917–1918 to the revival of 1935 / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2012. - Issue. 1. - P. 130-143.
  4. Sementsov, S. V. Formation of the principles of preservation of the architectural and urban heritage of St Petersburg on the basis of the laws of its three-century urban development / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2013. - Issue. 2. - P. 190-211.
  5. Sementsov, S. V. From Catherine I to Anna Ioannovna. 1724-1732: ambivalence and uncertainty in the fate of the capital city - should we stay on the paths of the urban heritage of Peter the Great? / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2013. - Issue. 4. - P. 119-155.
  6. Sementsov, S.V. Town-planning activity of Anna Ioannovna in St Petersburg, 1736–1740: the need to eliminate the consequences of fires led to the development of the legacy of Peter the Great / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2014. - Issue. 1. - P. 173-195.
  7. Sementsov, S. V. The beginning of the creation of a regular St Petersburg agglomeration under Peter the Great / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2014. - Issue. 3 (44). – P. 46–55.
  8. Sementsov, S. V. Development of the regular St Petersburg agglomeration after the death of Peter the Great and the problems of its preservation as a World Heritage Site / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2014. - Issue. 4 (45). – P. 16–24.
  9. Sementsov, S. V. “Plan De St Petersbourg et Son grand Ouvrag… Couronne design… Majeste G…” [Trans. from French: “Large plan of the fortress of St Petersburg with Kronverk ...”] St Petersburg. RGAVMF. F. 3l. Op. 34. D. 2462. [1706–1707?] / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2014. - Issue. 4. - P. 106-125.
  10. Sementsov, S. V. Reclamation of the coastal waters of St Petersburg in the 18th - early 21st centuries for urban-plannng. / S. V. Sementsov // The Russian fleet and cultural traditions of St Petersburg / Comp. A. A. Rodionov- St Petersburg: 2014. - P. 172-191.
  11. Sementsov, S. V. Patterns of the formation of St Petersburg and the problems of training architects in "Reconstruction and restoration of the architectural heritage" / S. V. Sementsov // Reports of the 70th scientific conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university . - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014. - Part 1. - P. 159–161.
  12. Sementsov, S. V. Urban development of the territories of the Neva region before the founding of St Petersburg: Vodskaya Pyatina and Ingermanlandia / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2015. - Issue. 1. - P. 145-163.
  13. Sementsov, S. V. Urban Development of the Neva River Territories Before the Foundation of St Petersburg: Development of the Neva Delta Zone in the 17th Century. / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of St Petersburg University. Series 15. - 2015. - Issue. 2. - P. 100-125.
  14. Sementsov, S. V. Territorial formation of the St Petersburg province under Peter the Great as the basis for the formation of the capital St Petersburg: 1703–1711. / S.V. Sementsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2015. - No. 5 (52). – P. 62–69.
  15. Sementsov, S. V. "Corrupted code": interview / S. V. Sementsov // Construction and municipal economy in St Petersburg and the Leningrad region. - 2015. - No. 3 (157). – P. 40–45.
  16. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg - Petrograd: the passionarity of territorial influence in critical eras / S. V. Sementsov // Modern trends in the development of urban systems: materials of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the professor, founder of the Ural architectural school K. T. Babykin (22–23 October, 2015). - Ekaterinburg: 2015. - P. 18–22.
  17. Sementsov, S. V. Birth and development of the tradition of creating St Petersburg guidebooks on the banks of the Neva / S. V. Sementsov // Biography of St Petersburg. The history of the city in guidebooks. - St Petersburg, 2015. - P. 7–14.
  18. Sementsov, S.V., Kondratieva L.N., Pukharenko Yu.V. Constructive systems and materials of historical residential development of St Petersburg in the 18th – early 20th centuries // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2016. - No. 6 (59). – P. 53–59.
  19. Sementsov, S. V. Planning and design features of the historical residential development of St Petersburg in the 18th - early 20th centuries. / S. V. Sementsov, V. A. Nefedov, S. A. Volkov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2016. - No. 6 (59). – P. 71–78.
  20. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg in the 18th century: the role of empresses in the urban development of the Russian capital / S. V. Sementsov // Innovative Project. - Samara: 2016. - V. 1. - P. 13-17.
  21. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg School of Restoration: Problems of Personnel Training / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin. Architect. 21 century. - 2016. - No. 2 (59). – P. 40–43.
  22. Sementsov, S. V. Fundamentals of comprehensive training of architects of all directions at the Faculty of Architecture of St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering / S. V. Sementsov // International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Modern Technologies and Methods of Architectural and Art Education". - Novosibirsk: 2016.
  23. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg - Petrograd in the late 19th - early 20th centuries: the scale of economic and social life and the passionarity of urban planning / S. V. Sementsov // Encyclopedic practice: materials and research: collection of scientific articles and documents. - St Petersburg: 2016. - Issue. 3. - P. 109-137.
  24. Sementsov, S. V. Unrealized urban planning and transport projects in St Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad in 1900–1940. / S.V. Sementsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 1 (60). – P. 47–60.
  25. Sementsov, S. V. The development of the revolutionary architectural avant-garde in Petrograd-Leningrad according to the town-planning canons of imperial St Petersburg. Part 1: from Peter the Great to V. I. Lenin / S. V. Sementsov // Bulletin of the St Petersburg State University. Art criticism. - 2017. - V. 7. - Issue. 2. - P. 249-272.
  26. Sementsov, S. V. The compositional structure of the facades of buildings in the 18th century and its reflection in the architectural and urban environment of St Petersburg / S. V. Sementsov, E. R. Vozniak // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 4 (63). – P. 55–60.
  27. Sementsov, S. V. History of the Admiralteisky District / S. V. Sementsov // Collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative forum "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" 18–21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. – P. 15–19.
  28. Sementsov, S. V. Variety of directions of master's studies at the SPbGASU Department of Architectural and Urban-Planning Heritage / S. V. Sementsov // Master's hearings: a collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative forum "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" 18 -21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - P. 60-63.
  29. Sementsov, S. V. Near estates of the highest nobility as a phenomenon of the historical and urban life of St Petersburg / S. V. Sementsov, E. A. Kozyreva // Collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative forum "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" 18-21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - P. 68-69.
  30. Sementsov, S. V. The scale of public spaces of the historical center of St Petersburg: the study and features of architectural and design modeling / S. V. Sementsov, S. O. Markushev // Collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative Forum "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" 18-21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - P. 72-73.
  31. Sementsov, S. V. Principles of preservation of the historical environment and principles of preservation of intangible attributes of cultural heritage objects / S. V. Sementsov, A. V. Mikhailov // Collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative forum "Architectural seasons" in SPbGASU" 18-21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU. - 2017. - P. 74–75.
  32. Sementsov, S. V. Strategy for sustainable development of the museum territory / S. V. Sementsov, M. N. Ryadova // Collection of materials of the conference "Master's hearings" within the 7th Interregional creative forum "Architectural seasons in SPbGASU" 18–21 April, 2017 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU. – 2017. – P. 78–79.
  33. Sementsov, S. V. Petrograd-Leningrad avant-garde: planning, figurative and social innovations and town-planning traditions / S. V. Sementsov // The future of constructivism architectural monuments: materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Novosibirsk: 2017. - P. 104–116.
  34. Sementsov, S. V. The compositional structure of the facades of buildings in the 18th century. and its reflection in the architectural and urban environment of St Petersburg / S. V. Sementsov, E. R. Vozniak // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. –2017. - No. 4 (63). – P. 55–60.
  35. Sementsov, S. V. St Petersburg style / S. V. Sementsov // Petersburg style, XXI century. An open architectural and urban planning competition for the development of a concept for the development of new residential areas. - St Petersburg: 2017. - P. 9–17.
Articles in foreign publications. Scopus (S. V. Sementsov, L. P. Lavrov)
  1. Sementsov S.V, Lavrov L.P.«Globalization in Architecture: Three Examples from Saint Petersburg». «IDOSI» Publications (Faisalabad, Pakistan) Word Applied Sciences Journal 23.
  2. Sementsov, S.Akulova, N.Kurakina, S. (2018) High-rise construction in the Saint Petersburg agglomeration in 1703-1950sE3S Web of Conferences 33, 01008 (2018). (
  3. Lavrov L, Sementsov S (2015) Flood risk in Saint Petersburg, Russia: history and modern times. Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering 168(5):3–16. DOI: 10.1680/cien.14.00027
  4. Sementsov SV (2014) Regularities of Creating in the XVIII - Mid XX Centuries a Regular Agglomeration of St. Petersburg - Leningrad and Problems of its Preservation as a World Heritage Object. Advanced Materials Research 1020:651–654. DOI: 10.4028/



  • Numerous diplomas at international competitions "Architecture"
  • Diplomas of RAACS
  • Numerous diplomas at international competitions of the Interregional Public Organization for the Promotion of Architectural Education (MOEPAO)
  • Laureate of the Antsiferov Prize for contribution to the development of St. Petersburg studies
  • Gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts
  • Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation (2022)

Additional information

Was born in 1952 in Leningrad.

After graduating from secondary school in 1969, he entered the Department of Urban Planning of the Leningrad Institute of Civil Engineering. The teachers were: in the first year - prof. Alexander Mikhailovich Sokolov, Tatyana Andreevna Slavina. Then he studied first at the Department of Architecture under prof. Lazar Markovich Khidekel, prof. Yakov Osipovich Svirsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich Bashnin, Andrey Aleksandrovich Grushka. From the third year he moved to the Department of Urban Planning and began to study with prof. Alexander Ivanovich Naumov, Viktor Pavlovich Gromov, Inga Vasilievna Barsova, Alexander Ilyich Kuznetsov, Vladimir Semyonovich Antoshchenkov.

In 1975, after defending his diploma, he began working in the Master Plan Workshop of Leningrad (the workshop was headed by Valentin Fedorovich Nazarov), in a group (headed by Boris Vasilyevich Nikolashchenko and Naum Sergeevich Palchikov), which developed the Project for the Comprehensive Preservation and Development of the Historical Center of Leningrad, as well as parallel projects of restoration of historical quarters, Nevsky Prospekt, major topics for studying the formation of historical buildings in Leningrad.

Along with the work in this group on historical, security and restoration issues, with the development of the theme of the development of the historical center, its buildings, structures and, in general, town planning features, together with specialists from the Office for the Protection of Monuments (Boris Alexandrovich Rozadeev and his group), he was developing systems for identifying and protecting monuments of architecture and culture (including the initial formation of lists of newly identified objects, their mass study in many districts of the city with the compilation of registration cards for inclusion in the official reference book “Historical buildings of St Petersburg. The list of newly identified objects representing historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value (recorded buildings)"; St Petersburg, 2001), the formation of security zoning, including security zones for monuments, groups of monuments and a combined security zone for the entire historical center of Leningrad (in the 1970s - 1980 -s). For the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, he prepared passports for historical and cultural monuments (until the 1990s), carried out state historical and cultural examinations for a number of cultural heritage sites (including Polezhaevsky Park in St Petersburg). Since 1989, he has been coordinating work on the preparation of proposals and the coordination of materials for the UNESCO World Heritage Site "The Historic Center of Leningrad and its accompanying groups of monuments", as well as on related proposals to expand the volume of restoration work in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

PhD of Architecture (1983), DSc in Architecture (2007), Professor at the SPbGASU Department of Architectural and Urban-Planning Heritage.

He published more than 300 articles and monographs on the issues of studying historical development and historical urban planning of the territories of Leningrad - St Petersburg, the territories that existed in the Neva and Ladoga regions before the founding of St Petersburg. For the monograph “St Petersburg in plans and maps. XX century. Historical and cultural popular science edition / Compilation, texts of articles and descriptions: S.V. Sementsov. - St Petersburg: North-Western Cartographic Center, 2012. - 424 p.: ill." was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. Participated in dozens of international, Russian and regional scientific conferences.

Supervised two PhD holders of Architecture, one DSc in Architecture.

Member of the Union of Architects of St Petersburg, Advisor to RAACS, since 2012 - Head of the Department of Architectural and Urban Planning Heritage, in 2012–2017 - Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture.