
Shekhovtsova Anna V.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Economic Sciences (2008)

Visiting address

Offices 101, 101-A, 2/5, Kurlyandskaya str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyMarketing QualificationMarketing Expert (SPbGASU, 2001)

Specialty Management QualificationMaster's degree (Saint Petersburg State Economic University, 2017)

Professional development

  • Scientific and innovative activity in education (St Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, 2011, 72 hours)
  • Fundamentals of literary editing (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, 2012, 36 hours)
  • Innovative activity in education (St Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 2012, 72 hours)
  • The author's course of Mikhail Morozov "Professional speech" (School of voice and speech "PROSpeech", 40 hours)
  • Information competence in the professional activity of a university teacher (St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014, 72 hours)
  • Personnel management (North-Western Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 2015, 72 hours)
  • Ensuring life safety in an educational organization (SPbGASU, 2016, 72 hours)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of the university (SPbGASU, 2016, 72 hours)
  • Construction safety and construction control (SPbGASU, 2016, 72 hours)
  • Economic security of the enterprise (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2017, 24 hours)
  • Labour protection at the enterprise - quality, responsibility, safety (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2017, 24 hours)
  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • Modern educational technologies in the educational process (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2018, 36 hours)
  • Economic security in the digital economy (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and Customs", 2020, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2020, 72 hours)
  • Digital tools in the educational process of the university (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2021, 36 hours)
  • Modern educational technologies in the educational process of the university (Center for professional training and additional professional education "Logistics and customs", 2021, 36 hours)


  • Control and audit
  • Economic legal enquiry
  • Economic and legal analysis

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of teaching methods
  • Active learning methods, in particular, the development of role-playing and business games with training elements
  • Development of curricula with the inclusion of active learning methods
  • Conducting research work on the subjects of scientific research of the department

Research interests

  • Risk management and insurance in construction
  • Organization theory
  • Management, risk management in the investment and construction sector

Scientific conferences

Anna Shekhovtsova has participated in more than 10 scientific conferences.


Anna Shekhovtsova is the author of 12 published scientific and educational works, including one monograph and one collective monograph (textbooks - all in co-authors), nine study guides, three teaching aids (of which three are co-authors) , 10 scientific articles.

The most significant publications


  1. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Innovative management: textbook for students of all forms of education in the direction 080500.62 "Management" / A. V. Semenova, T. A. Lelyavina. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2012. - 111 p.
  2. Timofeeva, E. Yu. Currency regulation and currency control: textbook for students of the specialty 036401.65 "Customs" / E. Yu. Timofeeva, A. V. Semyonova (Shekhovtsova). - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2013. - 183 p.
  3. Lelyavina, T. A. Money. Credit. Banks: textbook / T. A. Lelyavina, A. V. Semyonova (Shekhovtsova). - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - 112 p.
  4. Tasks for assessing the economic security of an enterprise in the digital economy: study guide / A. K. Modenov, M. P. Vlasov, A. I. Vasilchenko, A. V. Shekhovtsova. - St Petersburg: POLYTECH-PRESS, 2020. - 236 p.
  5. Uskov, V. V. Finance and financial fraud: textbook / V. V. Uskov, A. V. Shekhovtsova. - St Petersburg: POLYTECH-PRESS, 2021. - 127 p. – ISBN 978-5-7422-7242-7.


  1. Semyonova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Transformation of the economy and its impact on the development of competition in the service sector. State and market: a new quality of interaction in the information network economy: a collective monograph / A. V. Semyonova [et al.]; ed. by DSc in Economics, prof. S. A. Dyatlov, DSc in Economics, prof. D. Yu. Miropolsky, DSc in Economics, prof. V. A. Plotnikov. - V. 2. - St Petersburg: Asterion, 2007.
  2. Semyonova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Services market: analysis and development prospects: monograph / A. V. Semenova. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2013. - 163 p.


  1. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Problems, state and prospects of innovation activity in St Petersburg / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova) // Innovative processes in the service sector: problems and prospects: a collection of scientific papers based on the results of the 2nd International scientific-practical conference June 16, 2010 - V. 2. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2010. - P. 174–177 p.
  2. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Modern problems and topical issues in the implementation of innovation policy and capital investment / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova) // Research and education center "Customs service technologies", St Petersburg research center "Crystal ”: joint collection of scientific papers No. 3. - St Petersburg: Publishing house of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2012. - P. 79–83.
  3. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Efficiency of innovations as a factor in the competitiveness of service enterprises / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova) // Innovative technologies in service: collection of materials of the III International scientific and practical conference October 18–19, 2012, St Petersburg / Under scientific ed.  by T. I. Bezdenezhnykh. - St Petersburg: SPbGUSE Publishing House, 2012. - P. 116.
  4. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of competition in the insurance market of Russia / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova) // Economics today: a collection of scientific articles. - Issue. 1. - Minsk: BNTU, 2013.
  5. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Risk in the customs business as a factor in the efficiency of customs authorities / A. V. Semenova, T. A. Lelyavina // International scientific research journal [Electronic resource]. - 2016. - Part 5. - No. 12 (54). – P. 158–161.
  6. Lelyavina, T. A. Small business and the problems of its participation in foreign economic activity / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), T. A. Lelyavina // Scientific notes: scientific and practical journal of St Petersburg branch after V. B. Bobkov of the Russian Customs Academy. - 2016. - Issue. No. 1 (57). – P. 73–77.
  7. Semenova (Shekhovtsova), A. V. Actual problems of lean production at industrial enterprises: a collection of the best reports of the V International interuniversity scientific and practical conference of undergraduates "Actual Problems of Economic and Society Development in the Global Space" (Economy and Society Today: Globalization Issues) 20-21 April, 2016 / A. V. Semenova (Shekhovtsova). - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 316 p.
  8. Lelyavina, T. A. Currency regulation as an instrument of foreign economic activity and ensuring the economic security of Russia / T. A. Lelyavina, A. V. Semyonova (Shekhovtsova) // Petersburg Economic Journal. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 120–127.
  9. Shekhovtsova A. V., Lelyavina T. A. Lean production as a tool for improving the economic security of an enterprise // Petersburg Economic Journal. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 150–162. – ISSN 2307-5368.
  10. Anatoly K. Modenov, Anna V. Shekhovtcova, Tatyana A. Lelyavina Currency regulation and currency control mechanism as an international economic activity efficiency tool // Revista Inclusiones; WoS Web of Sciences ESCI of WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index 2020 V. 7 P. 311–322 ISSN 0719-4706.
  11. Mark Vlasov, Anna Shekhovtcova, Tatyana Lelyavina The model of interaction between the enterprise and the state // E3S Web of Conferences Volume 138 (2019) International Scientific Conference “Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice for the Innovation Development” (CATPID-2019) Kislovodsk, Russia, October 1-5, 2019 ISSN: 2267-1242.
  12. Neigum, E. A., Shekhovtsova A. V., Lelyavina T. A. Influence of the shadow economy on ensuring the economic security of the enterprise // Petersburg Economic Journal. - 2020. - No. 3. - P. 25–27. – ISSN 2307-5368.
  13. Shekhovtsova, A. V. The role of the process approach in shaping the economic security of construction organizations / A. V. Shekhovtsova, T. A. Lelyavina, I. O. Rovdo // Petersburg Economic Journal. - 2020. - No. 3. - P. 25–27. – ISSN 2307-5368.
  14. Shekhovtsova, A. V. The role of innovation in ensuring economic security at the micro- and macro level / A. V. Shekhovtsova, V. I. Vasilchenko // Russian Economic Bulletin. - 2021. - No. 2. - ISSN 2658-5286.



  • A letter of thanks from Customs and Logistics Operator LLC for high professionalism in training specialists and masters in the areas of training 40.04.01, 38.05.01, 40.05.03 in 2018
  • Diploma for the preparation of the winner of the V All-Russian competition of scientific, research and creative works (projects) of youth in the humanities, legal and economic disciplines "The imperative of the times" (2019)
  • Medal "The new generation" of the National system for the development of scientific, creative and innovative activities of the youth of Russia "Integration" for the preparation of winners of the All-Russian competition of scientific, research and creative works (projects) of youth in the humanities, legal and economic disciplines "The imperative of the times" (2019)

Additional information

Scientific adviser of the winners in competitions for grants on the topics: “Cost regulation and its impact on the economic security of construction organizations”, “Attracting private investors for the construction of public facilities”, “Personnel policy as an element of economic security of construction organizations”.