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Tishchenko Natalia G.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Pedagogic Sciences

Academic title

Associate professor

Visiting address

5, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty Russian as a Foreign Lanuage QualificationRussian Philologist (Saint Petersburg State University, 1992)

SpecialtyLaw Qualification Lawyer (Saint Petersburg State University, 1997)

Professional development

  • US Language Training, Princeton University 1993
  • Program internship: “QMS as an instrument for the implementation of market strategies of educational organizations” (NP Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management 2016)
  • Quality management system as a tool for implementing competitive construction strategies of educational organizations (FSBEI HE SPbGASU 2016)
  • Occupational safety at educational institutions (FSBEI HE SPbGASU. 2017)
  • Countering corruption (for teachers) (FSBEI HE SPbGASU. 2018)
  • Special features of training people with disabilities in a technical university (FSBEI HE SPbGASU. 2018)
  • Technosphere safety and environmental management. Life Safety (FSBEI HE SPbGASU. 2018)
  • Development and implementation of electronic courses on the LMS Moodle platform in the educational process (FSBEI HE SPbGASU. 2018)
  • Preparation for the state final certification in Russian as a state language (taking into account the specifics of errors of students, speakers of other languages ​​of the Russian Federation) (FSBEI HE Russian Herzen State Pedagogical University, 2018).
  • Labor protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Technologies for the international positioning of Russia in the field of promoting the Russian language and education based on the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation (A. S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, 2020)
  • The teacher as a driving force for the development of the university (CHOU DPO "Center for Educational Services "LAN"", 2021)


  • Practical classes in Russian as a foreign language
  • Russian language and culture of speech
  • Business foreign language
  • Foreign language professional communication.

Professional interests

  • Modern methods of teaching the Russian language
  • Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
  • Lexicology

Scientific conferences

Natalia Tishchenko has participated in more than 20 republican, interuniversity and other conferences and congresses.

Professional organizations

  • Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

  • International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature


Natalia Tishchenko is the author of 35 publications

The most significant publications


  1. Tishchenko, N. G. Textbook on the Russian language (scientific style) for cadets of the special department, first year / N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of VIZhD and VOSO, 2014. - P. 18.
  2. Tishchenko, N. G. Russian language. Architectural styles: workbook on the development of speech for foreign students of the first and second courses / N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 22 p.
  3. Davydova, Yu. A. Russian language. Workbook on the language of the specialty "Architecture" for foreign students of the first and second courses on the topic "History of Architecture" / Yu. A. Davydova, N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - 34 p.
  4. Tishchenko, N. G. Russian language. Workbook on the language of the specialty "Architecture" for foreign students of the first and second courses / N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - 32 p.
  5. Davydova, Yu. A. History of architecture. Middle Ages - Present. Workbook on the development of speech for foreign students of the first and second courses / Yu. A. Davydova, N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 36 p.
  6. Tishchenko, N. G. Russian language. Workbook on the development of speech for students of the Faculty of Architecture (based on the documentary film "Dutch Shores. Smart Architecture"): workbook / N. G. Tishchenko. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - 29 p.

Electronic courses

  1. Foreign language
  2. Russian as a foreign language
  3. Foreign language of professional communication
  4. Russian language and culture of speech


  1. Verbs of location and movement in the linguodidactic aspect . / International scientific and practical. Conference: “Pedagogy of Higher Education: Dialogue of Eras. SPB.: SPbGASU, - 2013 .-- pp. 456.

  2. Textbook on the Russian language (scientific style) for cadets of the special department, 1 course. SPb .; WIDG and VOSO. - 2014 .-- pp. 18.

  3. Scientific text as a didactic unit // Reports of the 71st International Scientific-Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists of the University. SPb.: SPbGASU, 2015. Part 3. - pp. 97-100.

  4. The scientific text as a didactic unit in teaching the specialty language and its role in the formation of communicative and discursive competencies among foreign students // Doklady 72nd International Scientific-Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists of the University. SPb.: SPbGASU, 2016. Part 3.

  5. Public speaking as a motivation factor in the study of RCTs // Collection of materials of the 4th inter-university scientific and methodological conference: Improving Educational Activities and the Quality of Training of Technical Support Specialist. OMSK.: OABII, 2016 .-- P. 407-412.

  6. Educational and scientific text in the practice of RCHs // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference: Actual problems of the humanities and education in the modern communicative space. - SPb.: SPbGLTU, 2016 .-- p. 153.

  7. The mission of the discipline the Russian language and the Kyrgyz Republic in a technical university . // All-Russian scientific and methodological conference: "Russian language: a means of communication and academic discipline." - SPb. Kirov WMA. 2016.

  8. Learning rhetoric at a non-linguistic university . // 4th international scientific-practical conference: “Social interaction in various fields of life.” - SPb. Russian Herzen State Pedagogical University. 2016.

  9. Educational and scientific text as a didactic unit in teaching the specialty language and its role in the formation of communicative and discursive competencies among foreign students . // Reports of the 72 nd International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists of the University. SPb.: SPbGASU. - 2016. Part 3. – pp. 40-42.

  10. The inclusion of video materials in electronic textbooks of RCTs. // 2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference: From Traditions to Innovations in Teaching a Foreign Language”. SPB.: SPbGASU. - 2017.

  11. The value of philological disciplines in the system of university education // I International Symposium: Russian in a multicultural world.” Yalta. Crimean Vernadsky Federal University / Tauride Academy. - 2017.

  12. Russian language. Architectural styles: a workshop on the development of speech for first-year and second-year foreign students / comp. N.G. Tishchenko; SPbGASU. - SPb., - 2016 .-- 22 p.

  13. The system of exercises in teaching listening to a scientific text / N.G. Tishchenko // Modern trends in the study and teaching of the Russian language: materials of reports and communications of the 22nd international scientific and methodological conference. - SPb.: SPbGUPTD, 2017 .-- pp.401-405.

  14. The use of video materials in classes on RCHs // Humanitarian knowledge in the structure of higher education: coll. monograph / Ed. S.E. Zvereva. - St Petersburg: Aletheia, 2017. - 312 p. - pp.161-166

  15. SPb: GASU. Audition training in mastering the language of the specialty Architecture - Construction - Transport : materials of the 73rd International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists of the University, October 4-6, 2017: Part III. Economics and legal regulation in architecture and construction. - 2017 – pp. 16-19.

  16. The linguistic aspect of national security / N.G. Tishchenko, N.N. Chekmareva // Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge in the Context of Ensuring National Security”. Part 3. - Minsk: VA RB, 2018 .-- pp. 192-197

  17. Innovative development of the Russian language department // Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “New and traditional in the practice of teaching Russian as a native and foreign language in Russian universities. - SPb.: SPbGASU, 2018 .-- pp. 237-240.

  18. The Russian language and culture of speech discipline in the training system of Russian military officers . Humanitarian foundations of engineering education: methodological aspects in the teaching of speech disciplines and problems of speech education at a university: Materials of the 4th scientific-methodical conference: May 18, 2018 SPb.: VVM Publishing House - 2018 - pp. 17-23

  19. Public speaking as a means of improving the speech culture of non-humanitarian specialists. Patriotism as the basis of social and humanitarian training in the interests of ensuring the national security of the country; materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conf., April 18-19, 2018: Kostroma: Publishing House “Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection" - 2018 - pp. 231-235

  20. Speech culture as a factor of professional and communicative success. The focus is on the person : a collection of materials from the International Forum / Primary Trade Union Organization of Workers of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies Ufa: I. A. Abdullia. - 2018 - pp. 217-222.

  21. Optimization of the educational environment for foreign students at the Department of the Russian Language . Materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Parallels”, SPbGASU, St. Petersburg. 2018 - p. 978. pp. 838-842.

  22. Russian language. Workshop on the language of the specialty "Architecture" for foreign students of the 1st and 2nd year / comp. N. G. Tishchenko; SPbGASU. - SPb., - 2018. - 32 p.

  23. The role of visualization in the formation of discursive competenc e. Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Humanitarian Technologies in the Modern World" FSBEI HE RAS&SS under the RF President (Western Branch), Kaliningrad 2019. pp. 116-118.

  24. The use of infographics for educational purposes . / Materials of the 15 th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Youth in the Modern World: Problems and Prospects;" Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies (branch) Educational Institution of Higher Education Trade Unions / Academy of Labor and Social Relations. Bashkortostan. Ufa 2019 pp. 123-127

  25. Tishchenko, N. G. Didactic bases for the use of infographics in teaching Russian as a foreign language in a technical university / N. G. Tishchenko // Pedagogical journal. - Volume. 4. - No. 9. - P. 339–346.

  26. Tishchenko, N. G. Linguistic and didactic substantiation of the use of comic texts based on a language game in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language (lexical aspect) / N. G. Tishchenko // Modern Pedagogical Education. - 2019. - No. 9. - P. 150–155.

  27. Tishchenko, N. G. Structural and logical analysis of a comic text based on a language game in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language / N. G. Tishchenko // Modern Pedagogical Education. - 2019. - No. 10. - P. 195–198.

  28. Tishchenko, N. G. Principles of using discourse in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language / N. G. Tishchenko // Collection of scientific articles on the results of the VII International scientific and practical conference "Issues of modern philology and problems of methods of teaching languages." - Bryansk: BGITU Publishing House, 2019. - P. 374–378.

  29. Tishchenko, N. G. Methodological problems of preparation for the development of humanitarian disciplines by foreigners / N. G. Tishchenko // From traditions to innovations in teaching foreign languages: a collection of scientific articles of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2019. - P. 231–235.

  30. Tishchenko, N. G. Problems of understanding comic discourse when teaching Russian as a foreign language / N. G. Tishchenko, N. N. Chekmaryova // Proceedings of the IV International Symposium "Russian Language in a Multicultural World" June 9–11, 2020 [In 2 vols.]. - T. 2. - Simferopol: KFU Publishing House, 2020. - P. 199–205.

  31. Tishchenko, N. G. Expressive means of modern political discourse / N. G. Tishchenko, T. V. Ryabova // VII Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference "Humanitarian Foundations of Engineering Education: Methodological Aspects in Teaching Speech Studies and Problems of Speech Education at the University" : collection of materials. - St. Petersburg: VI Publishing House (ZhDV and VOSO), 2021. - P. 76–82.