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Volkov Viktor I.



Academic degree

DSc in Engineering

Academic title



4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty Aerophototopography QualificationAerophototopography engineer (Lvov Polytechnic Institute)

Professional development

  • NPO Energogazizyskaniya (2012)
  • Modern methods of setting up geodynamic and geotechnical monitoring of oil and gas facilities (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Labor protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for the bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of the university (SPbGASU, 2019, 72 hours)


  • Applied geodesy
  • Basics of scientific research
  • Supervision of master's theses
  • Management of research industrial practices of masters

Professional interests

  • Geodetic measurements by photogrammetric method
  • Organization of students' research activities

Research interests

  • Organization of research activities of students
  • Geodetic monitoring of deformation processes
  • Geodynamic aspects of modern urban planning practice

Scientific conferences

Viktor Volkov has participated in more than 70 scientific symposiums and international conferences.

Professional organizations

  • Head of the regional branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Participation in the work of the Russian Geographical Society (section of geodesy)


Viktor Volkov is the author of more than 200 scientific, educational and academic works, including two monographs (co-author).

The most significant publications


  1. Volkov, V. I. Information support for the tasks of assessing the state of the natural and technogenic sphere from the standpoint of urban planning / V. I. Volkov // Bulletin of the Volgograd GASU. Series "Construction and architecture". - 2011. - Issue. 25 (44) - P. 415-421.
  2. Volkov, V. I. On the issue of geodetic quality management in construction / V. I. Volkov // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 2.
  3. Volkov, V. I. On the geodynamic aspects of modern urban planning practice / V. I. Volkov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2012 - No. 3. - P. 12–15.
  4. Volkov V.I., Volkov N.V. On the geodynamic aspects of the use of the state high-rise base in urban planning and industrial development of territories / V.I. Volkov, N.V. Volkov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017 - No. 4 (63). – P. 239–242.
  5. Volkov V. I., Volkov N. V., Volkov O. V. A new approach to the use of mine surveying and geodetic observations to control the technogenic consequences of the development of oil and gas fields // Mine Surveying Bulletin. - 2018 - No. 3. - P. 45–50.
  6. Volkov V. I., Volkov N. V., Volkov O. V. Application of repeated geodetic observations to control the technogenic consequences of oil and gas field development based on a program-based approach // News of higher educational institutions: geodesy and aerial photography . - 2018. - No. 4 (62). - P. 375-382.
  7. Volkov, Viktor. Use of the program and goal-oriented approach to observe the vertical displacements of the earth’s surface in Russia / Viktor Volkov, Nikita Volkov // E3S Web of Conferences 91, 07023(2019)