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International competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students of universities and young scientists of the CIS countries

International competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students of universities and young scientists of the CIS countries
15 July 2022

International competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students of universities and young scientists of the CIS countries

An international competition of scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students of universities and young experts of research units created in the period 2021–2022 has been announced for higher educational institutions of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The objectives of the competition are: to promote the integration of the educational process and scientific activities in higher education institutions of the CIS countries; to create conditions for expressing creativity of students, undergraduates and graduate students, stimulate their research activities in the fields of education; to deepen the theoretical and scientific-practical training of students, undergraduates and graduate students, master the skills of obtaining and practical use of scientific knowledge; to develop active involvement of students, undergraduates and graduate students in the field of scientific activity.

Competition dates:

till 15 July 2022   – submission of works;

15 July 2022  – approval of competitive commissions - specialized universities of the CIS countries;

1 October 2022 – summing up the results of the competition;

fourth quarter 2022 – winners rewarding.

The competition is held for students, undergraduates, graduate students of higher educational institutions of the CIS countries, young experts of research organizations and design bureaus actively engaged in research activities in the field of road construction.

Participation in the competition is free.

Scientific sections of the competition:

  • highways;
  • bridges and transport tunnels;
  • construction and road vehicles;
  • engineering geodesy;
  • economics and organization of production (road economy). 

Regulations on the competition and application form