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Presentation of the book by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture E. R. Vozniak

“Architectural details of the St Petersburg facades. XVIII century"
16 Nov 2023

On 16 November at 19:00 in the St Petersburg House of Books (Nevsky Prospekt, 28), the Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak will present her book “Architectural details of the St Petersburg facades. XVIII century.".

Until recently, elements of historical buildings from the Baroque, Classical and Eclectic periods were treated with some disdain, noting that they were characterized by “ornamentation” and “formalism”. But it was the design of the facade, the construction of order columns and the drawing of architectural elements that the architects of the 18th–19th centuries paid the main attention to.

The book describes the features of the formation of architectural elements at each stylistic stage of the 18th century. It shows by what principles these parts were created and how they changed over time.

We invite everyone to attend this significant event!