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SPbGASU will host a coordination meeting for the participants of the MAF-Project student case championship

SPbGASU will host a coordination meeting for the participants of the MAF-Project student case championship<br /><br />
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10 Feb 2023

SPbGASU will host a coordination meeting for the participants
of the MAF-Project student case championship

On 10 February at 14:00 at SPbGASU (room 607-С) a coordination meeting of the participants of the case championship for the development of small architectural forms "MAF-Project" will be held.

The case championship is a competition between student teams in solving a practical problem based on a real project of a university industry partner.

The "MAF-Project" is jointly carried out by SPbGASU and the "Glavstroy St Petersburg" company.

As part of the case championship, student teams will develop projects of small architectural forms for the Northern Valley residential complex, prepare an economic justification for the decisions made and present the results to an expert jury.

The winners will have the opportunity to complete an internship or practice at "Glavstroy St Petersburg".

For more details, please, visit the case championship website