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All-Russian Sociological Dictation

RCSPO educational event
14 Nov 2023

The Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (RCSPO) is holding the all-Russian event “Sociological Dictation” for the fourth time.

  • Sociological dictation is an educational event and a unique opportunity for students, researchers and everyone who is interested in society and its structure to test their knowledge of sociological science and research in real time. Anyone can join the dictation, including foreign participants. In 2023, the dictation will be held traditionally in two formats - online and offline.

The organizing committee has prepared special gifts for the most active dictation participants. Based on the results of passing the dictation, each participant will receive a personalized certificate with the number of points scored, the RCSPO seal and the signature of General Director V.V. Fedorov.

The key offline platforms of the marathon are universities and schools. Also, offline dictation events will be held in regional public spaces.

Anyone can take the dictation on the website fr om 00:00 (Moscow time) tull 24:00 (Moscow time) on 14 November, 2023.

On Sociologist Day, 14 November, at the main dictation site (Moscow, VDNKh, pavilion No. 32 “Cosmos”), from wh ere there will be a live broadcast, as part of an educational marathon, invited guests and General Director of the RCSPO Foundation Konstantin Abramov will talk about the results of the dictation.

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