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X International professional competition for the best project

National Association of Designers and Surveyors (NOPRIZ)
20 Dec 2023

The National Association of Designers and Surveyors (NOPRIZ) announces the X International Professional Competition NOPRIZ for the best project 2023.

The goals of the competition are to demonstrate the best achievements in the field of urban planning, architectural and construction design and engineering surveys in Russia and abroad, to promote the introduction of innovations and breakthrough technologies, to attract public attention to the profession and the results of its activities, to increase the prestige of the professions of architect-urban planner, survey engineer, design engineer, architect-designer, chief project architects (CPA) and chief project engineers (CPE), as well as the development of a mentoring institute and support for young professionals, undergraduate and graduate students.


  • the best design of multi-apartment and single-family residential buildings;
  • the best design of road transport and municipal infrastructure, industrial and agricultural facilities;
  • the best design of public buildings and structures, including sports and healthcare facilities;
  • the best design for improvement projects and creation of a comfortable urban environment, a master plan for an urban district (urban settlement, rural settlement);
  • the best restoration (reconstruction) project of a cultural heritage site;
  • the best project in the field of engineering surveys, including methodological and technological work.

The competition is open to domestic and foreign organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal form and form of ownership, preparing and implementing designs, individual authors, as well as young professionals (not older than 30 years), students and graduate students of specialized universities.

Please send applications and competition works by email:

Application deadline: 20 December 2023.

Details and competition documentation