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Student pedagogical squad


The squad was created in 2011. For seven years now we have been working in children's health camps in the Leningrad Region. Our track record includes Frigate, Meridian, Voskhod, Mayak, Orange Planet, Pioneer, Blue Arrow, Chaika, and other camps.

The squad consists of more than 30 active members and no fewer candidates. The guys try themselves in the professions of a kids counselor, educator, game technician, teacher of physical education.

The squad leaves for four shifts in the summer, as well as in the fall, winter and spring during the school holidays. You choose when you want to work.

In 2014, at the festival of student construction squads in St Petersburg, Arlekino was awarded the title "Favorite squad of St Petersburg SSs", in 2015 it was nominated for the title "Best squad of St Petersburg SSs", and in 2017 it became the best student pedagogical squad.

In 2018, the guys worked at the Chaika children recreation camp, in 2019 at the Leningradets camp, and in 2020 they went to the Zelyony Ogonek children's recreation complex.

For several shifts, squad members and candidates manage to become not only friends to children, but also a real family for each other. The end of summer for us is always a bright sadness. But there is even more fun and magic ahead - come and see!
