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Asaul Veronika V.


Head of department. Professor

Academic degree

DSc in Economics

Academic title


Visiting address

Office 318, 5/8, Egorova st., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyEconomics and Management in Mechanical Engineering QualificationManager Economist (Kamsky Polytechnical Institute, 1996)

Postgraduate studiesEconomy and Management of National Economy (Mechanical Engineering) QualificationPhD of Economic Sciences (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 2001)

Doctoral studiesEconomy and Management of National Economy (Construction) QualificationDSc in Economics (SPbGASU, 2007)

Professional development

  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Information technologies in the educational process of a construction university (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Qualification Assessment Centers: Successful Practices and Promising Directions for Development (National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, 2018)
  • Economics and management in construction (Educational center "Sphere of Success", 2019)
  • Quality management of education and commercialization of research results (Multi-profile training center for additional education "Educational Standard", 2019)
  • Project management (Multi-profile training center for additional education "Educational Standard", 2019)
  • State and municipal administration (Interregional Institute of Additional Education, 2019)
  • Personnel management (Interregional Institute of Additional Education, 2019)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Implementation of digital technologies in educational programs (Innopolis University, 2021)
  • State and municipal administration (JSC EC "Vershina", 2022)
  • Project management (JSC EC "Vershina", 2022)
  • Personnel management (JSC EC "Vershina", 2022)
  • Construction economics and pricing (JSC EC "Vershina", 2022)
  • General issues of labor protection and the functioning of the labor protection management system (SPbGASU, 2023)
  • Safe methods and techniques for performing work when exposed to harmful and dangerous production factors, sources of danger identified within the framework of the special safety standards and occupational risk assessment (SPbGASU, 2023)
  • Providing first aid to victims (SPbGASU, 2023)


  • Analysis and Diagnostics of Financial and Operational Enterprise Activity;
  • Innovative Management in Civil Engineering.

Scientific interests

Veronika Asaul won the 2018 competition  in the field of social and human sciences for the right to receive grants from the RF President for state support of leading scientific schools. She is the Head of a scientific school in economics, registered at SPbGASU in 2017, "Ensuring the competitiveness of business structures in construction on an innovative basis." The topic of the research applied for the grant is "Intensification of Russia's economic growth through the formation of developed competitive advantages in the construction industry based on elements of the digital economy."
The main directions of scientific research of the scientific school team are:
  • competitiveness in the construction industry;
  • state regulation in construction;
  • development of various forms of entrepreneurship in construction;
  • competitive methods of public procurement;
  • state building order;
  • self-regulation in construction;
  • public private partnership;
  • financial and management accounting in construction.

Scientific conferences

Veronika Asaul has participated in about 60 scientific conferences.

Professional organizations

  • Full member of the International Academy of Investments and Construction Economics


Veronika Asaul has published mare than 110 scientific papers and training manuals including 7 monographs and 5 textbooks and study guides.

The most significant publications


  1. Asaul, V.V. Risk management in construction based on the theory of self-organization: scientific and educational reference manual / V.V. Asaul, E.B. Aleksandrova, V.V. Krishtal. - St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2007. - 310 p.
  2. Asaul, V. V. Introduction to innovation: textbook / V. V. Asaul, A. N. Asaul, R. A. Faltinskiy. - St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2010. - 280 p. Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for University Polytechnic Education as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying "Innovation" program.
  3. Asaul, V. V. Finance, money circulation and credit: textbook / V. V. Asaul, A. V. Dementiev, D. K. Molchanov. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2010. - 322 p.
  4. Minimizing the risks of forming effective integration formations in the investment and construction sector: scientific and educational-methodical reference manual / V. V. Asaul, E. B. Aleksandrova, V. V. Krishtal, S. V. Semyonova. - St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2011. - 308 p.
  5. Asaul, V. V. Risk management in construction based on the theory of self-organization: textbook / V. V. Asaul, E. B. Aleksandrova, V. V. Krishtal. - St. Petersburg: ID Petropolis, 2018. - 229 p.


  1. Asaul, V.V. Influence of integration processes on increasing the innovative activity of enterprises / V.V. Asaul. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Kamchatka state polytechnic university, 2003. - 285 p.
  2. Asaul, V. V. Self-organization and economic integration: common points / V. V. Asaul, V. I. Krishtal. - Moscow: Academia, 2004. - 186 p. (Monographic studies: economics.)
  3. Asaul, V.V. Scientific foundations of the concept of economic innovation strategy of construction organizations based on integration processes. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2005. - 195 p.
  4. Asaul, VV Scientific foundations of innovative development of the territory on the example of creating special economic zones. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2006. - 217 p.
  5. Asaul, V. V. Russian local innovation systems: problems and prospects / V. V. Asaul, D. A. Gordeev. - St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV, 2008. - 212 p.
  6. Formation of risk management mechanisms for investment and construction projects / V. V. Asaul, D. I. Lokot, E. V. Pesotskaya, S. A. Sitdikov. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 170 p.
  7. Development of the competitiveness of self-regulatory organizations in the construction industry / V. V. Asaul, A. O. Mikhailova, V. A. Koshcheev, V. V. Krishtal. - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 163 p.
  8. Modern problems of construction: state support for small and medium-sized businesses / V. V. Asaul, Zh. G. Petukhova, M. V. Petukhov, Yu. P. Panibratov, E. V. Pesotskaya. - St. Petersburg, Petropolis Publishing House, 2021. - 256 p.


  1. Asaul, V. V. Problems of designing free economic zones in Russia / V. V. Asaul // Economics: a collection of student works of the Campi. Issue. 2. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house of KampI, 1996.
  2. Asaul, V. V. Prerequisites for the Formation of Competitive Structures in the Russian Economy / V. V. Asaul // Problems of Stabilization and Economic Growth in Russia: Collection of Scientific Papers / Editorial board: G. A. Krayukhin, M. M. Kritsky (responsible ed.), etc. - St. Petersburg, 1999.
  3. Asaul, V. V. Changing the parameters of the competitive structure and its innovative development / V. V. Asaul // Modern problems of economics and management of the national economy: a collection of scientific articles by SPbGIEA postgraduate students. Issue. 3. - St. Petersburg, 1999.
  4. Asaul, V.V. The role of the organizational structure of the company in the implementation of its innovative development / V.V. Asaul // Modern problems of economics and management of the national economy: a collection of scientific articles by SPbGIEA postgraduate students. Issue. 4. - St. Petersburg, 1999.
  5. Asaul, V. V. Problems of assessing the innovative activity of modern enterprises / V. V. Asaul // Region: Politics. Economy. Sociology. - 2003. - No. 4.
  6. Asaul, V. V. The role and significance of integration processes in the formation of modern competitive structures / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  7. Asaul, V.V. Improving the economic mechanism of leasing services in the investment and construction complex / V.V. Asaul, M.A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  8. Asaul, V.V. Determination of the company's price when analyzing the problems of a potential merger / V.V. Asaul, M.A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  9. Asaul, V. V. Application of the concept of self-organization in the study of the functioning of construction organizations / V. V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. 2. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  10. Asaul, V. V. Catastrophe theory and anti-crisis management: common points / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  11. Asaul, V. V. Bankruptcy prevention: the choice of strategic interaction (on the example of game theory) / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 2. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  12. Asaul, V. V. Problems of increasing the competitiveness of construction organizations / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 2. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  13. Asaul, V.V. Quantitative assessment of innovative activity / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 2. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  14. Asaul, V. V. Possible directions of development of integration in the optimization of the organizational structure of the organization / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 2. T. 2. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  15. Asaul, V. V. Self-organization and economic integration: common points / V. V. Asaul, V. I. Krishtal // Economic revival of Russia. - 2004. - No. 1, 2.
  16. Asaul, V.V. Analysis of trends in the development of investment processes in the real sector of the economy / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  17. Asaul, V.V. Analysis of the market for manufactured construction products, works, services in Russia / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  18. Asaul, V.V. Effective management decisions in the field of modern management / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  19. Asaul, V. V. Analysis of the construction market of St. Petersburg with the aim of improving the strategic directions of construction organizations / V. V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  20. Asaul, V. V. Trends in the development of the housing market in Russia / V. V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  21. Asaul, V.V. Modern conditions of competition in investment and construction activities / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. - Issue. 3. - T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  22. Asaul, V.V. Classification of innovations in foreign studies / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  23. Asaul, V.V. Trends and dynamics of mergers and acquisitions characterizing the development of reorganization processes / V.V. Asaul // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  24. Asaul, V. V. The role of the quality management system in the innovative development of a construction organization / V. V. Asaul, A. S. Robotov // Economic problems and organizational solutions for improving investment and construction activities: a collection of scientific papers. Issue. 3. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  25. Asaul, V. V. Using the “retail” approach in determining the value of a company / V. V. Asaul // Problems of transformation of the modern Russian economy: theory and practice of organization and management: a collection of proceedings of the III International scientific and practical seminar / Ed. by DrS of Economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. V. V. Asaul, V. V. Krishtal. – Moscow, 2005.
  26. Asaul, V. V. Research of modern forms of integration / V. V. Asaul, V. V. Krishtal // Problems of transformation of the modern Russian economy: theory and practice of organizing and ensuring management: a collection of proceedings of the III International scientific and practical seminar / Ed. by DrS of Economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. V. V. Asaul, V. V. Krishtal. – Moscow, 2005.
  27. Asaul, V. V. The use of social interpersonal diagnostics in anti-crisis management / V. V. Asaul, V. V. Krishtal // Problems of transformation of the modern Russian economy: theory and practice of organizing and ensuring management: a collection of proceedings of the III International scientific and practical seminar / Ed. by DrS of Economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. V. V. Asaul, V. V. Krishtal. – Moscow, 2005.
  28. The use of elements of the theory of catastrophes in the formalization of the process of functioning of the organization / V.V. Asaul // Improvement of entrepreneurial activity and its legal support: a collection of scientific papers of teachers, graduate students and students / Comp. A. M. Godin, R. S. Knyazeva. Ed. E. V. Vaskin, A. N. Klochko. – Moscow, 2005.
  29. Modern conditions of competition in investment and construction activities / V.V. Asaul // Modern economic and social development: problems and prospects. Scientists and specialists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2005: a collection of scientific articles. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  30. Asaul, V.V. Ecological blackmail / V.V. Asaul // Globalization, new economy and environment. Problems of society and business on the way to sustainable development // Proceedings of the VII International Conference of the Russian Society for Ecological Economics. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  31. Asaul, V.V. What is change management? / V. V. Asaul, M. A. Asaul // Actual problems of modern management and economics: interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Ed. by DrS of Economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. - Issue. 9. - Moscow, 2005.
  32. Asaul, V. V. Economic interpretation of the concept of self-organization / V. V. Asaul, V. I. Krishtal // Actual problems of modern management and economics: interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Ed. by DrS of economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. - Issue. 9. - Moscow, 2005.
  33. Asaul, V. V. Management of innovative activity of an enterprise based on its comprehensive assessment / V. V. Asaul // Actual problems of modern management and economics: interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Ed. by DrS of economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. - Issue. 10. - Moscow, 2005.
  34. Asaul, V. V. Improving the competitiveness of a modern university based on the theory of self-organization / V. V. Asaul, V. I. Krishtal // Actual problems of modern management and economics: interuniversity collection of scientific papers / Ed. by DrS of economics, prof. S. A. Orekhov. - Issue. 10. - Moscow, 2005.
  35. Asaul, V.V. Will free economic zones return to Russia? / V.V. Asaul // Economic revival of Russia. - 2005. - No. 4 (6). - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  36. Asaul, V. V. Young scientists towards the conference "Reconstruction - St. Petersburg-2005" / V. V. Asaul // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2005. - No. 4 (5). - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  37. Asaul, V. V. Analysis of the competitive market for construction works and services / V. V. Asaul // Construction Economics. - No. 7 (588). – Moscow, 2005.
  38. Asaul, V. V. Legal support for reforming the construction industry / V. V. Asaul // Construction Economics. - No. 10 (561). – Moscow, 2005.
  39. Asaul, V. V. Analysis of the competitive market for construction works and services in St. Petersburg / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. Volume fifty-five. (In a joint publication with the International Union of Economists - volume fifteen.) - Moscow; St. Petersburg, 2005.
  40. Asaul, V. V. Application of the concept of self-organization in the study of problems of increasing the competitiveness of construction organizations / V. V. Asaul // Universities news: construction. - 2005. - No. 11.
  41. Asaul, V. V. Management of innovative activity of a construction enterprise based on its qualitative and quantitative assessment / V. V. Asaul // Modern management. - 2005. - No. 11.
  42. Asaul, V.V. Research on the possibility of quantitative assessment of the innovative activity of an enterprise / V.V. Asaul // Economic sciences: an appendix to the journal "Modern Economics". Issue. 1. - Moscow, 2005.
  43. Asaul, V.V. Will there be a "return" of free economic zones? / V. V. Asaul. - Economic sciences: supplement to the journal "Modern Economics". Issue. 1. - Moscow, 2005.
  44. Asaul, V. V. Self-organization as a basis for the formation of effective technologies in higher education / V. V. Asaul, V. I. Krishtal. - Economic sciences: supplement to the journal "Modern Economics". Issue. 1. - Moscow, 2005.
  45. Asaul, V. V. The concept of innovative development as a condition for increasing the competitiveness of construction organizations / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, volume 69: collection of scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference "Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century" . - St. Petersburg, 2006.
  46. Asaul, V. V. Implementation of the effect of vertical and horizontal integration in the optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, volume 69: collection of scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference "Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century." - St. Petersburg, 2006.
  47. Asaul, V. V. Estimated indicators of the level of vertical and horizontal integration / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, volume 69: collection of scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference "Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century." - St. Petersburg, 2006.
  48. Asaul, V. V. Setting synergetic goals of the organization / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, volume 69: collection of scientific works of the Russian scientific and practical conference "Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century". - St. Petersburg, 2006.
  49. Asaul, V. V. Management and risk control in construction organizations / V. V. Asaul // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, volume 69: collection of scientific papers of the Russian scientific and practical conference "Economic revival of Russia in the XXI century." - St. Petersburg, 2006.
  50. Asaul, V.V. Synergetic effect of association of building organizations into competitive structures / VV Asaul // Economic revival of Russia. - 2007. - No. 4 (14). – P. 64–67.
  51. Asaul, V.V. Self-organization in living and non-living systems / V.V. Asaul // Economic revival of Russia. - 2009. - No. 4 (22). – P. 29–34.
  52. Asaul, V. V. Problems of assessing the innovative activity of domestic organizations / V. V. Asaul // Economic Sciences. - 2010. - No. 62. - P. 257-262.
  53. Asaul, V.V. The role of competitive potential in ensuring the formal and real competitiveness of construction organizations / V.V. Asaul // Urban planning. - 2012. - No. 2 (18). – P. 80–83.
  54. Asaul, V. V. Analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of innovative activity of medium-sized businesses / V. V. Asaul, K. S. Nikolaeva, A. K. Titov // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2015. - No. 9–2 (62). – P. 931–934.
  55. Asaul, V.V. Entrepreneurship in construction in the unity of its main components: personal, economic, organizational and managerial / V.V. Asaul, Zh. G. Petukhova // News of the South-Western State University. - 2016. - No. 6 (69). – P. 110–117.
  56. Asaul, V. V. Information security in the context of the formation of a digital economy / V. V. Asaul, A. O. Mikhailova // Theory and practice of service: economics, social sphere, technologies. - 2018. - No. 4 (38). – P. 5–9.
  57. Asaul, V. V. Formation of a comfortable environment for human life based on the concept of a “programmable” city / V. V. Asaul, T. Kh. Ablyazov, A. I. Vishnivetskaya // Moscow Economic Journal. - 2020. - No. 8. - P. 15.
  58. Asaul, V. V. Digital transformation of housing and communal services in Russia based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach / V. V. Asaul, T. Kh. Ablyazov // International scientific journal. - 2020. - No. 4. - P. 21–28.
  59. Public-private partnership as a mechanism for attracting infrastructure investments: implementation problems and risk reduction / V. V. Krishtal, V. V. Asaul, V. A. Koshcheev, Zh. G. Petukhova // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2020. - No. 5 (82). – P. 223–232.
  60. Asaul, V. V. Improving the quality management system of enterprises / V. V. Asaul., M. V. Petukhov // Financial markets and banks. - 2021. - No. 12. - P. 40–44.
  61. Use of artificial intelligence in management of the construction industry / V. V. Asaul, M. V. Petukhov, N. K. Ponomarev, A. A. Nikulin // Financial markets and banks. – 2022. – No. 1. – P. 87–90.
  62. Asaul, V.V. The concept of Smart City development in Europe in the context of new global challenges / V.V. Asaul // Scientific Bulletin of the Arctic. – 2021. – No. 10. – P. 42–47.
  63. Asaul, V.V. Features of assessing the economic efficiency of energy-saving measures / V.V. Asaul // II International Scientific Conference on Interdisciplinary Research: proceedings. – Ekaterinburg: Institute of Digital Economics and Law LLC, 2023. – P. 117–122.



  • Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation