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Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure

About the department

Since 2021, in accordance with the educational standards of the new generation (FSES 3 ++), the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure has been preparing in the following programs:

Bachelor's programs:
    • 38.03.01 Economics, specialization: Construction economics;
    • 38.03.10 Housing and utility infrastructure, specialization: Economics and management of housing and utility infrastructure.
Master's programs:
    • 38.04.01 Economics, educational program specialization: Economics of investment and construction activity;
    • 27.04.05 Innovatics, educational program specialization: Management of innovative activity of construction organizations.

Third and fourth year students continue to master the following educational programs:

Bachelor's programs:
    • 38.03.01 – Economics, specialization: Economics of enterprises and organizations (construction);
    • 38.03.10 – Housing and utility infrastructure.

In addition, the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure provides for the implementation of educational programs for the PhD studies of scientific and pedagogical personnel:

    • 38.06.01 – Economics, educational program specialization: Economics and management of the national economy (economics of entrepreneurship);
    • 38.06.01 – Economics, educational program specialization: Economics and management of the national economy (by industries and areas of activity, including: economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: construction).
Since September 2022, the University launched the program for training highly qualified personnel in the scientific specialty 5.2.3. Regional and industrial economics developed on the basis of federal state requirements.


Visiting address

Offices 351-E - 354-E, 5/8, Egorova Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Map Scheme Faculty of Economics and Management
Veronika V. Asaul

Welcome from the head of the department

Dear colleagues, friends! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Construction Economics and Housing and Utility Infrastructure.
Our students gain knowledge and skills for working at investment building complexes, which the Department has well-established relations with. Our alumni can continue their professional education at the Department in the programs for vocational development.
Teachers of the department are aimed at training high-level specialists, therefore, in the learning process, they use modern pedagogical methods, the results of their own research and try to establish active interaction with students.

The teaching staff of the department annually organizes scientific and practical conferences, to which specialists from leading design and construction organizations are invited as speakers and listeners.

We are always happy to answer all your questions and provide advice in the field of professional interests!

Fields of study

PhD degree

5.2.3. Regional and industrial economics (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

38.03.01 Economics (Intramural studies)

Bachelor’s degree

38.03.01 Economics (Intra-extramural studies)

Master's degree

38.04.01 Economics (Intramural studies)

Master's degree

38.04.01 Economics (Intra-extramural studies)


Learn more about the department

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