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Beschaskina Natalia V.



Academic degree

PhD of Biological Sciences (2007)

Visiting address

Office 101, 2/5, Kurlyandskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petesburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyBiology QualificationBiologist, teacher of biology and chemistry (Petrozavodsk State University, 1999)


  • Life safety
  • Environmental risk assessment, environmental quality regulation
  • Environmental monitoring, supervision and control over ensuring environmental safety

Research interests

  • Methods of teaching in higher education
  • Flora and vegetation of saline coastal areas, ecological features of plants in saline habitats
  • Flora and vegetation of urban areas
  • Preservation of intact forest biocenoses, nature protection, conservation of biological diversity

Scientific conferences

Natalia Beschaskina has participated in two scientific conferences.


Natalia Beschaskina is the author and co-author of eight publications in scientific journals.

The most significant publications


  1. Markovsky, A.V., Babina (Beschaskina) N.V., Khoteeva A.V. Features of the formation of ground and soil cover in the succession series of development of spruce communities in the middle taiga // Vodlozersky National Park: natural diversity and cultural heritage. – Petrozavodsk: Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. – P. 129–134.
  2. Babina (Beschaskina), N.V. Halophyte vegetation of the western coast of the White Sea // Vegetation of Russia. - 2002. - No. 3 - P. 3-21.
  3. Primorsky flora of the western coast of the White Sea / N. V. Babina (Beschaskina) // Botanical journal. - 2003. - T. 88, No. 2. - P. 60–74.
  4. Kulinskaya, E. V. Prospects for the use of a point-rating system in teaching part-time students at a technical university / E. V. Kulinskaya, T. Kh. Mellekh, N. V. Beschaskina // CITISE. – 2023. – No. 2 (35). – P. 475–487.