
Bochkareva Svetlana V.


Associate professor
SPbGASU Chief Architect


4 Vtoraya Krasnoarmeiskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 190005, SPbGASU

Basic information



Architecture (Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, 1982)

Professional development

  • International course of additional professional education "International construction expert with a specialization in the Russian Federation" (2005)
  • Course "Work on the preparation of architectural solutions", direction "Design of buildings and structures" (ANO DPO "Capital Institute for Advanced Studies of Specialists", 2016, 72 hours)


  • Architectural design (Bachelors final paper supervision)
  • Architectural design (Masters final paper supervision)
  • Architectual analysis
  • Design methodology

Professional interests

  • Interior design of apartments and private houses
  • Interior design of public buildings
  • Design of individual residential buildings
  • Development of projects for the improvement of public spaces and plots of individual residential buildings

Research interests

  • Architectural environment design
  • History of urban planning
  • Study of the methodology for designing the interiors of educational institutions on the example of SPbGASU

Scientific conferences

  • III International Congress of students and young scientists (postgraduates, doctoral students) (SPbGASU, 2014).
  • International Conference “Profession: Architect. Time for change” (Union of Architects of Russia, 2014).
  • 71st All-Russian scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and postgraduate students of the university (SPbGASU, 2015).
  • 68th International scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Actual problems of modern construction" (SPbGASU, 2015).
  • International scientific and methodological conference "Architectural and artistic educational space of the future" (2015).
  • 7th International conference on current problems of architecture and construction (Florence, Italy, 2015).
  • 52nd World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) (2015).
  • Conference and workshop "Architecture and the identification features of the historical city" supported by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation (Florence, Italy, 2016).

Professional organizations

  • Member of the Union of Designers of Russia since 2014.


Publications of projects of individual houses in the catalog "Cottage-collection".



  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation for merits in the field of education (2012).
  • Letter of gratitude for completing a thesis on the subject of the city of Valdai (supervisor S. V. Bochkareva), 2014.
  • Letter of gratitude for active participation in the preparation of projects for the exposition and exhibition pavilion "Breakthrough" of the museum-reserve "Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad", 2014.
  • Letter of gratitude from the head of the design department of MFK Lakhta Center JSC, 2015.
  • Gratitude of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Leningrad Region for the professional management of the development of the park area of the city of Tikhvin, 2015.
  • Diploma for participation in the workshop "Architecture and the identification features of the historical city" with the support of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, 2016

Additional information

Holder of license No. 660 dated 20 May, 1999 for the right to independent architectural activity, the creation and management of a creative architectural studio with the right to carry out all types of design work.

Chief architect of SPbGASU, head of the university Design Studio since 2001. More than 40 university interior projects have been completed under supervision and personally.

Author of apartment interiors, projects of individual houses, private swimming pools.

Works as an expert in evaluating the results of professional activity to establish the compliance of the qualification level of teaching staff with the requirements for the first and highest qualification category for the position of "teacher" (St Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Expert Center for Evaluating Additional and Secondary Vocational Education", since 2012).

• Works gallery