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Glukhanov Aleksandr S.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2006)

Academic title

Associate professor

Visiting address

Office 101, 2/5, Kurlyandskaya Str., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyTechnical systems of ground structures of space complexes QualificationMechanical engineer (A. F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Space Academy, 2000)

Professional development

  • Maintenance and operation of commercial refrigeration systems (ITMO University, 2020, 72 hours)
  • Occupational safety for managers and specialists of organizations and enterprises (Baltic Institute for Occupational Safety, 2021, 40 hours)
  • Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education as a system of requirements for the organization and implementation of educational activities (Interregional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Improving the professional level of a teacher through the use of ICT: Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Interregional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining, 2021, 16 hours)
  • Civil defense, protection of the population from natural and man-made emergencies (Interregional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining, 2021, 72 hours)


  • Professional retraining program "Teacher of higher education" (A. F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Space Academy, 2005, 600 hours)
  • Professional retraining program "Technosphere safety" (SPbGASU, 2021, 256 hours)


  • Life safety (all areas and specialties)
  • Technosphere safety management
  • Monitoring the safety of industrial facilities in emergency situations
  • Management of industrial safety of lifting structures
  • Management of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities operating under excessive pressure

Professional interests

  • Scientific research: current trends in the field of ensuring the safe operation of hazardous production facilities, the development of solutions to improve the level of people's safety in civil defense protective structures, methods and means of protection against terrorist acts
  • Curriculum development
  • Improving teaching methods

Research interests

  • Modern trends in the development of methodology and practice to reduce man-made accidents
  • Security models of engineering systems
  • Improving the quality management system in the development of project documentation

Scientific conferences

Aleksandr Glukhanov has participated in several international and national conferences.


  • Medal "For Distinction in Service" 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree
  • Silver medal and diploma of the 10th Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes-2007"


Aleksandr Glukhanov is the author of more than 50 published scientific and educational works.

Publications in RSCI SPIN: 57220582566
ORCID Profile ID: 0000-0002-0897-8690

The most significant publications


  1. Fundamentals of technical operation and repair of special technical systems: a textbook / A. A. Druzhinin, I. V. Zolotukhin, A. S. Glukhanov [et al]. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2016. - 398 p.
  2. Heating and ventilation of special fortifications: a textbook / V. M. Svistunov, V. I. Senchenkov, A. S. Glukhanov et al. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2016. - 210 p.


  1. Glukhanov, A.S. Estimation of reliability and economic efficiency of gasified boiler plants / A.S. Glukhanov, V.M. Motorin, V.V. Pudikov // Proceedings of the Military Space Academy after A. F. Mozhaisky. - Issue 659. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2017.– P. 117–122.
  2. Biryuzova, E. A. Operational studies of heat-insulating structures of thermal networks of ground-based space infrastructure / E. A. Biryuzova, A. S. Glukhanov // Proceedings of the Military Space Academy after A. F. Mozhaisky. - Issue. 663. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2018. - P. 17–22.
  3. Glukhanov, A.S. Optimization of the process of diagnosing ventilation and air conditioning systems for special objects / A.S. Glukhanov, I.N. Nekrasov, V.I. Senchenkov // Proceedings of the Military Space Academy. A. F. Mozhaisky. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2018. - Issue. 663. - P. 54-57.
  4. Astankov, A. M. Estimation of the technical condition of pumping units of refueling equipment of rocket and space complexes / A. M. Astankov, A. S. Glukhanov, V. M. Svistunov // Problems of ensuring the functioning and development of ground infrastructure of weapon systems complexes: collection of articles All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2018. - P. 207–212.
  5. Zalozhnykh, S. D. On one of the approaches to the calculation of reliability indicators using indicators of the sufficiency of spare parts and accessories for technical systems of space troops ground infrastructure facilities / S. D. Zalozhnykh, V. M. Motorin, A.S. Glukhanov // Problems of ensuring the functioning and development of ground infrastructure of weapon systems complexes: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. - St Petersburg: MSA after A. F. Mozhaisky, 2018. - P. 213–218.
  6. Biryuzova, E. A. Influence of the method of laying pipelines on the energy efficiency of the heating network / E. A. Biryuzova, A. S. Glukhanov // Bulletin of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Construction and architecture. - Perm: PNIPU, 2019. - V. 10, No. 4. - P. 59–66.
  7. Improving energy efficiency and reliability of heating networks through the use of multilayer thermal insulation structures / E.A. Biryuzova // International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 962, 032002, – 2020.
  8. Biryuzova, E. A. Study of the peculiarities of choosing the method of laying heat networks that affect their energy efficiency / E. A. Biryuzova, A. S. Glukhanov // Bulletin of the South-Western State University. Construction. - Kursk: Publishing House of the South-Western State University, 2020. - V. 24, No. 4. - P. 29–41.
  9. On the Question of Reducing Technogenic Risks of Accidents in the Technical Systems of Buildings and Structures / E.A. Biryuzova // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 042096. – 2021.
  10. Study of the Effectiveness of the Transition from an Open Heat Supply Systems to a Closed One / Е.А. Biryuzova // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1079 032072, – 2021.


  1. Energy-refrigeration system "Stirling-Stirling" for mobile complexes. Patent for invention No. 2259516; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 27.08.2005, Bull. No. 24 / Kirillov N. G., Lyamin K. A., Vashkevich V. I., Glukhanov A. S.
  2. Power plant based on Stirling engine with gasless fuel. Patent for invention No. 2258825; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 20.08.2005, Bull. No. 23 / Kirillov N. G., Guzhiev A. V., Moshkov V. N., Glukhanov A. S.
  3. Power plant based on the Stirling engine. Patent for invention No. 2258826; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 20.08.2005, Bull. No. 23 / Kirillov N. G., Guzhiev A. V., Moshkov V. N., Glukhanov A. S.
  4. Power plant with a Stirling engine running on gasless fuel. Patent for invention No. 2258827; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 20.08.2005, Bull. No. 23 / Kirillov N. G., Guzhiev A. V., Moshkov V. N., Glukhanov A. S.
  5. Power plant with Stirling engine for vehicles. Patent for invention No. 2261352; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 27.09.2005, Bull. No. 27 / Kirillov N. G., Lyamin K. A., Vashkevich V. I., Glukhanov A. S.
  6. Power plant with Stirling engine and intermediate coolant. Patent for invention No. 226135; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 27.09.2005, Bull. No. 27 / Kirillov N. G., Guzhiev A. V., Moshkov V. N., Glukhanov A. S., Kovalev V. V.
  7. Power plant with Stirling engine for mobile complexes. Patent for invention No. 2261354; dec. 09.03.2004; publ. 27.09.2005, Bull. No. 27 / Kirillov N. G., Lyamin K. A., Vashkevich V. I., Glukhanov A. S.