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Kharitonovich Aleksandr V.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Economic Sciences

Academic title

Associate professor

Visiting address

Office 404-E, 5/8, Egorova st., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


Specialty Organization Management Qualification Manager (SPbGASU, 2010)

Professional development

  • Innovative aspects of economic education at an engineering university (Samara State Technical University, 2013, 72 hours)
  • Moodle electronic learning resources management system (SPbGASU, 2014, 18 hours)
  • Certification of quality management systems based on ISO 9000 series standards (Quality Management Institute, 2015, 72 hours)
  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • Project management in education using electronic resources (National Research Technological University "MISiS", 2018, 72 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Topical issues of managing socio-economic development in the Russian Federation (SPbGASU, 2019, 32 hours)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2021, 36 hours)


  • Organization theory
  • Project management

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development

Research interests

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations for analyzing the development of the investment and construction complex
  • Resource potential development of the investment and construction complex
  • Organizational change management

Scientific conferences

Aleksandr Kharitonovich has participated in more than 20 scientific conferences.


Aleksandr Kharitonovich is the author of more than 70 published scientific and educational works, including four monographs (teo are co-authored), 35 articles in scientific journals, peer-reviewed by the HAC.

The most significant publications


  1. University scientific and educational complex in the development of the labour potential of the construction industry: monograph / M. V. Aristova, A. A. Petrov, G. F. Tokunova, A. V. Kharitonovich. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012. - 136 p.
  2. Modern problems of managing the regional investment and construction complex: monograph / N. E. Belova, A. P. Dolgov, A. A. Petrov, G. F. Tokunova, A. V. Kharitonovich; under total ed. of A. A. Petrov and A. P. Dolgov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2013. - 144 p.
  3. Kharitonovich, A. V. Development of the resource potential of the territorial investment and construction complex: monograph / A. V. Kharitonovich. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 173 p.
  4. Kharitonovich, A. V. Development of the territorial investment and construction complex: analysis, assessment and forecasting: monograph / A. V. Kharitonovich. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2021. - 337 p.


  1. Kharitonovich, A. V. Resource potential of the regional investment and construction complex as an object of management / A. V. Kharitonovich // Journal of legal and economic research. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 203-210.
  2. Kharitonovich, A. V. Evaluation of the efficiency of using the resource potential of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. - 2012. - No. 16 (3). – P. 62–67.
  3. Kharitonovich, A. V. The place of labour potential in the composition of the resource potential of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Bulletin of the Oryol State University. - 2012. - No. 7 (27). - P. 424-429.
  4. Kharitonovich, A.V. Model of the gross regional product of the construction industry / A.V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2012. - No. 11 (17). – P. 116–118.
  5. Kharitonovich, A. V. The role of labour potential in the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2012. - No. 6 (35). – P. 320–323.
  6. Kharitonovich, A. V. The concept of development of the resource potential of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Scientific opinion. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 189–196.
  7. Kharitonovich, A.V. Methodology for assessing the efficiency of using the resource potential of the investment and construction complex / A.V. Kharitonovich // Bulletin of the Oryol State University. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 312–314.
  8. Kharitonovich, A. V. Interaction of the driving forces of the development of the control object / A. V. Kharitonovich // Prospects of Science. - 2017. - No. 4 (91). – P. 46–50.
  9. Kharitonovich, A. V. Life cycle of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Journal of legal and economic research. - 2017. - No. 3. - P. 146–149.
  10. Kharitonovich, A. V. A method for analyzing the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2017. - No. 9 (75). – P. 57–63.
  11. Kharitonovich, A. V. Modeling the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2017. - No. 6 (75). – P. 47–50.
  12. Kharitonovich, A. V. Model of development of the control object / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2017. - No. 3 (72). – P. 44–50.
  13. Kharitonovich, A. V. Balanced development of the control object / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2017. - No. 2 (68). – P. 40–45.
  14. Kharitonovich, A. V. Management of the balanced development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2017. - No. 9 (78). – P. 128–131.
  15. Kharitonovich, A. V. Balancing development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Prospects of science. - 2018. - No. 9 (108). - P. 174-178.
  16. Kharitonovich, A. V. Methodological heritage of Soviet scientists in the field of development management / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2018. - No. 12 (90). – P. 136–142.
  17. Kharitonovich, A. V. Typology of changes in the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2018. - No. 4 (82). – P. 138–142.
  18. Kharitonovich, A. V. Strategic alternatives for the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2019. - No. 2 (92). – P. 237–241.
  19. Kharitonovich, A. V. The role of the investment and construction complex in the development of territories / A. V. Kharitonovich // Problems and prospects for the development of scientific and technological space: materials of the III International scientific online-conference; FGBUN VolNTS RAS. - At 2 hours. Part I. - Vologda: VolNTs RAS, 2019. - P. 97–103.
  20. Kharitonovich, A.V. Management functions of the investment and construction complex / A.V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2019. - No. 4 (97). – P. 200–207.
  21. Kharitonovich, A. V. Method of analysis of the life cycle of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2020. - No. 2 (107). - P. 176-188.
  22. Kharitonovich, A. V. Methods for analyzing the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2020. - No. 3 (108). – P. 160–167.
  23. Kharitonovich, A. V. The mechanism of development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2020. - No. 9 (111). - P. 169-176.
  24. Kharitonovich, A. V. Modeling the results of the functioning of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2020. - No. 3 (105). – P. 154–159.
  25. Kharitonovich, A. V. Indicators of the life cycle of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2020. - No. 4 (109). – P. 221–225.
  26. Kharitonovich, A. V. Forecasting the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2020. - No. 5 (110). - P. 169-176.
  27. Kharitonovich, A. V. Organizational potential of investment-construction sector / A. V. Kharitonovich // Components of Scientific and Technological Progress. - 2020. - No. 6 (48). – P. 14–20.
  28. Kharitonovich, A. V. Forecasting the number of enterprises and organizations in the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2020. - No. 4 (106). - P. 179-183.
  29. Kharitonovich, A. V. Participants in the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Global scientific potential. - 2020. - No. 8 (113). – P. 175–185.
  30. Kharitonovich, A. V. On the relevance of improving the methodological provisions for the development of the investment and construction complex / A. V. Kharitonovich // Science and business: ways of development. - 2021. - No. 3 (117). – P. 145–154.