
Kurakina Elena V.


Deputy dean for research
Associate professor

Academic degree

DSc in Engineering (2023)

Academic title

Associate professor


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005


Basic information


SpecialtyRoad Traffic Safety and Organization QualificationTransport Organization Engineer (SPbGASU, 2008)

Field of studyOperation of transport and technological machines and complexes QualificationMaster’s degree (SPbGASU, 2014)

Professional development

  • Certificate for the practical and theoretical training course for working on the Dynatest FWD/HWD dynamic loading research complex with Elmod-6 software (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Expert in quality control of the restoration repair of vehicles (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Development of basic and additional professional programs based on professional standards (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Development and implementation of electronic courses in the educational process on the LMS Moodle platform (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Training and retraining of specialists in traffic safety in automobile and urban electric transport (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Organization of transportation by road within the Russian Federation (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Promising digital technologies for the technical operation of vehicles (SPbGASU, 2018)


  • In the direction "Land transport and technological complexes", the program "Expert technician for independent technical expertise of vehicles" (SPbGASU, 2014)
  • In the direction of "Land transport and technological complexes", the program "Forensic engineering and technical expertise" (specialization "Forensic autotechnical expertise", 2014)


  • Construction machines and small-scale mechanization
  • Mechanization and automation of construction
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Engineering analysis system programming

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Road traffic accidents analysis and reconstruction
  • Forensic engineering

Research interests

  • Improvement of land transport technological vehicle technologies, structure and operation
  • Road traffic safety and organization
  • Road traffic accident evaluation
  • Non-destructive testing in road accident survey

Scientific conferences

Elena Kurakina has participated in more than 10 international and national scientific conferences and seminars.


Elena Kurakina is the author of more than 30 published works, including two study guides and one textbook; one scientific work for pedagogic activity use (monograph); 17 articles in journals peer-reviewed by the HAC of the RF; one utility patent; one article in Scopus and Web of Science publications.

The most significant publications


  1. Kurakina, E. V. Engineering and technical expertise of land vehicles: textbook / E. V. Kurakina, S. A. Evtyukov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2016. - 93 p.
  2. Land transport and technological machines and complexes: textbook / E. V. Kurakina, S. A. Evtyukov, S. S. Evtyukov, A. V. Chudakov. - St Petersburg: LLC ID "Petropolis", 2017. - 644 p.


  1. Kurakina, E. V. Reconstruction of traffic accidents / E. V. Kurakina, S. S. Evtyukov, E. V. Golov. - St Petersburg: LLC ID "Petropolis", 2017. - 204 p.


  1. Kurakina, E. V. Complex measures for the formation of safe behavior of motor vehicle drivers in order to prevent road accidents and the severity of their consequences in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region / E. V. Kurakina, E. M. Oleshchenko // Research and Development work of students, graduate students and young scientists of SPbGASU: collection of scientific papers of students, graduate students and young scientists winners of competitions in 2011. Issue. 7; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2012. - P. 73–86.
  2. Kurakina, E. V. About the deviation of the standard characteristics of the highway indicators (on the example of emergency and dangerous sites of roads of the Leningrad Region) / E. V. Kurakina // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 2.
  3. Kurakina, E. V. Expert characteristics of the highway in road transport expertise [electronic resource] / E. V. Kurakina // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 5.
  4. Kurakina, E. V. Study of the influence of coupling qualities of highways on road safety / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2013. - No. 5 (40). − P. 166–173.
  5. Kurakina, E. V. Influence of road parameters on determining the speed of movement in an expert study of an accident / E. V. Kurakina, S. S. Evtyukov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2014. - No. 1 (42). − P. 103–109.
  6. Kurakina, E. V. Study of vehicle braking parameters / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2014. - No. 2 (43). − P. 127–134.
  7. Kurakina, E. V. Study of the state of safety and quality of the subsystem / E. V. Kurakina // Building science 2014: theory, education, practice, innovation: collection of proceedings of the international scientific and technical conference. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014. - P. 232–244.
  8. Kurakina, E. V. Improving the algorithm of autotechnical expertise in the reconstruction of an accident, taking into account the technical condition of the vehicle and the road / E. V. Kurakina, S. A. Evtyukov // Proceedings of the 11th International Conference "Organization and safety of road traffic in large cities ". - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2014. - P. 518–527.
  9. Kurakina, E. V. On road safety measures on highways (on the example of the regions of the Leningrad region) / E. V. Kurakina, S. A. Evtyukov, Ya. Raichyk // Budownictwo 20 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Czestochowskiej 170, 2014. – P. 55–61
  10. Kurakina, E. V. Providing expert research in assessing the condition and quality of the road surface after an accident / E. V. Kurakina, S. A. Evtyukov // Reports of the 71st Scientific Conference of Professors, Teachers, Researchers, Engineers and Postgraduate Students of the University in 3 parts; St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2015. - P. 38–42.
  11. Kurakina, E. V. Diagnostic study of road elements at road accident sites by non-destructive testing / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2016. - No. 6 (59). – P. 231–237.
  12. Kurakina, E. V. Efficiency of using land transport and technological machines / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2016. - No. 3 (56). – P. 203–208.
  13. Kurakina, E. V., Evtyukov, S. A. Methods for reconstruction and investigation of the causes of road accidents according to the parameters of the state of the vehicle and the road environment. (Publication in Scopus, November-December 2016)
  14. Kurakina, E. V. Efficiency of using land transport and technological machines / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2016. - No. 3 (56). − P. 203–208.
  15. Evtyukov S., Kurakina E., Lukinskiy V., Ushakov A. Methods of accident reconstruction and investigation given the parameters of vehicle condition and road environment // Transportation Research Procedia, 2017, pp. 185–192.
  16. Kurakina, E. V. Improving the efficiency of operation of land transport and technological machines in winter conditions / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 2 (61). – P. 205–213.
  17. Kurakina, E. V., Shimanova A. A., Lyalinov A. N. Improving the life cycle management system of land transport and technological machines // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 3 (62). – P. 200–206.
  18. Kurakina, E. V. Complex mechanization of earthworks in conditions of negative temperatures / E. V. Kurakina, P. A. Stepina, P. V. Druzhinin // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 4 (63). − P. 182–187.
  19. Evtiukov S., Kurakina E., Lukinskiy V., Ushakov A. Methods of accident reconstruction and investigation given the parameters of vehicle condition and road environment Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 20, 2017, p. 185–192.
  20. Kurakina E., Evtyukov S. Improvement of the system for accounting of parameters during construction of motor roads // Architecture and Engineering. – 2017. – No. 2 (3). – P. 34–42.
  21. Kurakina, E. V. On the effectiveness of the study of places of concentration of road accidents / E. V. Kurakina // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2018. - No. 2 (67). − P. 231–237.
  22. Kurakina E., Evtyukov S. Results of a research of a condition of parameters in the sphere of road construction // Architecture and Engineering. – 2018. – No. 1 (4). – P. 29–37.


  1. Evtyukov S. A., Evtyukov S. S., Grishin V. V., Ushakov A. I., Ushakov D. A., Kurakina E. V. A device for determining the grip qualities of a road surface // Utility model patent of the Russian Federation No. 146815. Priority dated 29 October, 2013. Published on 18 September, 2014.

Additional information

Holder of a grant from the Governor of St Petersburg for the development of scientific activities in technical sciences.