
Marusin Aleksey V.


Associate professor

Academic degree

PhD of Engineering Sciences (2018)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyTransport and Technological Vehicle and Equipment Service QualificationEngineer (Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, 2010)

Field of studyTransport and Technological Vehicle and Complex Operations QualificationMaster’s degree (SPbGASU, 2016)

Professional development

  • Organizational and psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education (SPbGASU, 2019, 72 hours)
  • Analysis and interpretation of big data (St Petersburg State University, 2020, 432 hours)
  • Labor protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020, 16 hours)
  • Modern aspects of operation and technical service of vehicles (SPbGASU, 2021, 20 hours)


  • Fundamentals of Scientific Research
  • Car customizing

Professional interests

  • Road traffic safety
  • Administrative violation automated record

Research interests

  • Influence of administrative violation automated record on road traffic safety

Scientific conferences

Aleksey Marusin has participated in 20 scientific conferences.


Aleksey Marusin is the author of more than 50 scientific works.

The most significant publications


  1. Marusin, A. V. Fundamentals of designing the production and technological base of automotive service enterprises: textbook / A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov. - Moscow: RUDN University, 2019.
  2. Marusin A. V., Karelina E. A., Efimov R. A., Subbotin B. S., Klimenko V. A. Software solutions for automating the accounting of operating time and parameters of equipment operation. - St Petersburg: OOO ID "Petropolis", 2021. - P. 1–74.


  1. Marusin, A.V. Development of a device for diagnosing KamAZ injectors with a split injection system / Al. V. Marusin, A. V. Marusin // Scientific Review. - 2014. - No. 12. - P. 66–69.
  2. Kerimov M.A., Safiullin R.N., Marusin A.V., Belikova D.D. // Proceedings of the Tula State University. All-Russian correspondence scientific and technical conference "Problems of research of systems and means of road transport". - Part 1. - Tula, 2015. - P. 100-107.
  3. Danilov, I. K. Development of a mathematical model of high pressure fuel pump for internal combustion engines KAMAZ-740.11.240 for the design and calculation of hydraulic systems / I. K. Danilov, Al. V. Marusin, A. V. Marusin // In the world of scientific discoveries. - 2015. - No. 8 (68). – P. 125–133. – ISSN 2072-0831.
  4. Marusin, A. V. Rational use of means of automatic fixation of administrative offenses / A. V. Marusin // Successes of modern science. - 2016. - No. 8. - T. 4. - P. 11–12.
  5. Marusin, A. V. On the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of means of automatic fixation of offenses in order to increase the level of traffic safety / A. V. Marusin // Successes of modern science. - 2016. - No. 10. -V. 2. - P. 117-119.
  6. Marusin, A. V. Improving the efficiency of the system of photo-video recording of administrative offenses in road traffic / R. N. Safiullin, M. A. Kerimov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2016. - No. 3 (56). – P. 233–237.
  7. Danilov, I. K. Modeling of processes occurring in the plunger pair of high-pressure fuel pump of an autotractor diesel engine / I. K. Danilov, A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin // 2nd All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Mechanics and mechanical modeling in engineering": a collection of works. 22–23 November, 2017. MSTU named after N. E. Bauman, Russian Academy of Sciences. - Moscow: Publishing house of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2017. - P. 386-391. -P. 157–160.
  8. Marusin, A. V. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of systems for automatic fixation of violations of the rules of the road: dissertation (Ph.D.) / A. V. Marusin. - St Petersburg: 2017. - P. 160.
  9. Perspective technical solutions for monitoring the movement of vehicles during transportation / Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov, A. V. Marusin, I. V. Vorozheykin // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 6 (65). – P. 285–290.
  10. Influence of GTChK on the ecological and fuel-economic indicators of the operation of the internal combustion engine of automotive equipment / Al. V. Marusin, A. V. Marusin, R. N. Safiullin, M. A. Kerimov // Proceedings of the 68th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia 26–27 April, 2017 - Ryazan: Publishing House of the Ryazan State Agrotechnological University, 2017. - Part 2. - P. 287–291.
  11. Priority directions of development of systems for automatic fixation of traffic violations in road transport / Al. V. Marusin, A. V. Marusin, R. N. Safiullin, M. A. Kerimov // Proceedings of the 68th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia 26–27 April, 2017 - Ryazan: Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Publishing House, 2017 . - Part 2. - P. 291-297.
  12. Marusin, Al. V. On the issue of assessing the system of automated control of vehicles / Al. V. Marusin, R. N. Safiullin, M. A. Kostycheva // Problems of research of systems and means of road transport: materials of the International part-time scientific and technical conference 22–23 December, 2016 Issue 1. - Tula: TSU, 2017 . - P. 227-230.
  13. Kerimov M., Safiullin R., Marusin A., Marusin A. 2017. Evaluation of Functional Efficiency of Automated Traffic Enforcement Systems. Transportation Research Procedia 20, 288–294.
  14. Danilov I. K. Diagnosis of the Fuel Equipment of Diesel Engines with Multicylinder High Pressure Fuel Injection Pump for the Movement of the Injector Valve for the Diagnostic Device / Danilov Igor Kevorkovich, Marusin Aleksander Vyacheslavovich, Marusin Aleksey Vyacheslavovich, Danilov Sergey Igorevich, Andryushchenko Irina Stanislavovna / ICFET '18 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies. (Moscow, Russian Federation – 25–27 June, 2018).
  15. V. Shemyakin, K. P. Andreev, V. V. Terentyev, D. S. Ryabchikov, A. V. Marusin. The development of the project of road traffic organization / Scientific-technical journal Bulletin of Civil Engineers, No. 2 (67). 2018, 254–257.
  16. Marusin, A.V., Vorozheykin, I.V., Kotikov, Yu.G., Substantiation of the choice of means of automatic fixation of the control of violations of the rules of the road // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2018. - Issue. No. 6 (69). – P. 153–160.
  17. A method for diagnosing elements of a modern fuel system for diesel engines for agricultural purposes / A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov, N. V. Podoprigora, I. A. Murog, M. B. Uglanov // Bulletin of the Ryazan State Agrotechnological University. P. A. Kostycheva. - 2018. - No. 2 (38). – P. 86–89.
  18. Perspective technology for organizing the ignition of poor gasoline-air mixtures in autotractor internal combustion engines with direct injection / A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov, I. A. Uspensky, I. A. Yukhin // Alternative transport technologies. - 2018. - No. 5. - P. 176–181.
  19. On the issue of diagnosing the accumulator fuel system of diesel engines for agricultural purposes / A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov, S. I. Danilov // Innovations in agriculture. - 2019. - No. 1 (30). – P. 155–160.
  20. Diagnostics of the accumulator fuel system of diesel engines for agricultural purposes / A. V. Marusin, Al. V. Marusin, I. K. Danilov, S. I. Danilov // Technical service of machines. - 2019. - No. 1 (134). – P. 19–25.
  21. Marusin, A. V. Public-private partnership as a mechanism for the development of automated digital systems / A. V. Marusin, T. Kh. Ablyazov // Transport of the Russian Federation. Journal of science, economics, practice. - St Petersburg, T-PRESSA Publishing House LLC, 2019. - No. 3 (82). – P. 3–6.
  22. Marusin, A. V. Public-private partnership as a mechanism for the development of transport infrastructure in the conditions of the formation of a digital economy / A. V. Marusin, T. Kh. Ablyazov // Economic relations. - 2019. - No. 9 (2). - P. 1271-1280.
  23. Marusin, A. V. Prospects for the digital transformation of logistics / A. V. Marusin, T. Kh. Ablyazov // Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. - 2019. - No. 4, part 2. - P. 240–244.
  24. Marusin, A. V. Features of the digital transformation of the transport and logistics sector / A. V. Marusin, T. Kh. Ablyazov // Economics: yesterday, today, tomorrow. - 2019. - No. 9 (3A). – P. 71–78.
  25. Vorozheikin I. Digital Technologies and Complexes for Provision of Vehicular Traffic Safety / I. Vorozheikin, A. Marusin, I. Brylev, V. Vinogradova // Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences. Published by Atlantis Press. – 2019. – No. 1. – Р. 385–389.
  26. Marusin A. Transport infrastructure safety improvement based on digital technology implementation / A. Marusin, A. Marusin, T. Ablyazov // Atlantis Highlights in Computer Sciences. Published by Atlantis Press. – 2019. – No. 1. – Р. 353–357.
  27. Marusin A. Surface activation of the reinforcing filler and polymer matrix modification as efficient ways to upgrade properties of polymer-matrix composites based on epoxy matrices / A. Marusin, A. Mostovoy, S. Arzamassev, J. Kadykova, I. Danilov, A. Asoian // Architecture and Engineering. – 2019. – No. 3 (4). – Р. 36–41.
  28. Marusin A. Analysis of strength characteristics in railroad dowels produced by various manufacturers / A. Marusin, D. Nikitin, L. Nikitina, A. Asoian // Architecture and Engineering. – 2019. – No. 4 (1). – Р. 23–31.
  29. Kapustin A., Vorobiev S., Gordienko V., Marusin A. Method for improving the safety of diesel vehicles when operating on gas engine fuel (gas diesel engines). Transportation Research Procedia. XIV International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities (OTS-2020). – 2020. – No. 50. – Р. 226–233.
  30. Kerimov M., Evtiukov S., Marusin A. Model of multi-level system managing automated traffic enforcement facilities recording traffic violations. Transportation Research Procedia. XIV International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities (OTS-2020). – 2020. – No. 50. – Р. 242–252.
  31. Kerimov M., Marusin A., Marusin A., Danilov I, Methodological aspects of building mathematical model to evaluate efficiency of automated vehicle traffic control systems. Transportation Research Procedia. XIV International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities (OTS-2020). – 2020. – No. 50. – Р. 253–261.
  32. Safiullin R., Fedotov V., Marusin A. Method to evaluate performance of measurement equipment in automated vehicle traffic control systems. Transportation Research Procedia. XIV International Conference on Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities (OTS-2020). – 2020. – No. 50. – Р. 20–27.
  33. Demin V. Determination of performance criteria for organizing the operation of terminal and warehouse complexes / V. Demin, A. Akulov, E. Karelina, A. Marusin, S. Evtykov // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – Р. 122–126.
  34. Evtiukov S. Solutions to the main transportation problems in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation / S. Evtiukov, A. Novikov, A. Shevtsova, A. Marusin // Transportation Research Procedia / – 2021. – No. 57. – P.154–162.
  35. Fadeev I. A new technology of vehicle parts' washing at low temperatures / I. Fadeev, I. Danilov, A. Marusin, A. Marusin, I. Ruchkina, A. Eremeev // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 163–171.
  36. Karelina E. Formal strategy for solving problems of management and organization of processes in the transport and logistics systems of the Arctic region / E. Karelina, D. Ptitsyn, A. Podgornyy, S. Evtykov, A. Marusin // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 277–284.
  37. Kerimov M. Theoretical principles of redundancy and patterns of transport and technological complexes' adaptation to the operating conditions / M. Kerimov, L. Kuleshova, S. Evtiukov, A. Marusin // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – Р. 291–300.
  38. Ostroukh A. Intelligent system for digital substation control / A. Ostroukh, M. Karelina, N. Filippova, A. Marusin, S. Evtiukov // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 385–391.
  39. Petrov A. Comparative analysis of the entropic organization of road transport systems in the representative regions of the Arctic zone of Russia / A. Petrov, S. Evtiukov, A. Marusin, G. Ginzburg, E. Kurakina // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 409–420.
  40. Popova I. Application of digital technologies in railway transport / I. Popova, V. Evsyukov, I. Danilov, A. Marusin, A. Marusin, A. Boryaev// Transportation Research Procedia / – 2021. – No. 57. – P. 463–469.
  41. Safiullin R. Method for the level optimization of vehicle parameters when using fuels of different quality in cold climates // R. Safiullin, O. Pyrkin, A. Marusin, R. Safiullin, A. Boryaev, I. Ruchkina // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 581–590.
  42. Ukhov I. Influence of performance criteria on the selection of electric traction equipment and a temperature control system for a battery-powered vehicle with an electric traction drive / I. Ukhov, A. Sotskov, V. Anisimov, F. Ryabtsev, A. Marusin // Transportation Research Procedia – 2021. – No. 57. – Р. 711–720.

Additional information

2013–2015: within the framework of the federal target program "Improving Road Safety" participated in the research work "Performing complex scientific research using methods of mathematical analysis in the field of systematization and evaluation of the effectiveness of means to improve and control road safety, including development of standard solutions and layouts for the practical implementation of the most effective means in the practice of preventing road accidents at the federal, regional and municipal levels”.