
Melnikova Olga V.


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyArchitecture QualificationArchitect (SPbGASU, 1998)

Повышение квалификации

  • Labour protection of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2017, 40 hours)
  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values ​​(SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Features of teaching disabled people and people with health disorders in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018, 16 hours)
  • Anti-corruption (teaching staff) (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018, 72 hours)
  • BIM-modeling in the problems of construction and architecture (SPbGASU, 2018, 36 hours)
  • KOMPAS-3D computer-aided design system in construction and mechanical engineering (2019)
  • Fundamentals of video production for educational activities (Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University, 2020)
  • Labour protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2021)
  • NanoCAD computer-aided design system (SPbGASU, 2022)
  • 20 ч.)


  • Descriptive geometry
  • Engineering graphics
  • КComputer graphics

Professional interests

  • Scientific research
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of teaching methods

Research interests

  • Study of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the organization of the educational process
  • The study of various aspects of the application of the academic discipline “Descriptive geometry. Engineering graphics" to the areas of study in engineering, construction and architectural specialties
  • Supervision of student research work

Scientific conferences

Olga Melnikova has participated in more than 20 scientific conferences.

The most significant publications


Scientific articles SCOPUS

  1. Melnikova O.V. Descriptive geometry as a tool for the development of students - architects' creative abilities / O. V. Melnikova, S. S. Shyvalova // Proceedings of the XX International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies (EMMFT 2018): 2019. 12 p.
  2. Melnikova O. V.  Modern city in the perception of students–architects // World Sustainability Series. 2020. P. 757-764.
  3. Melnikova O. V. Comfortable environment: the formation of students-architects’ professional consciousness in the paradigm of sustainable development // World Sustainability Series. 2020. P. 1009-1020.

Scientific articles in journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission

  1. Melnikova, O. V. Some features of imaginative thinking of students of architectural and construction specialties / O. V. Melnikova, E. A. Solovieva // Bulletin of civil engineers. 2013. No. 6 (41). P. 346-352.
  2. Melnikova, O. V. A comprehensive analysis of the formation of the "image of the city" by students based on the semantic differential method // Bulletin of civil engineers. 2014. No. 3(44). P. 302-307.
  3. Melnikova, O. V. Study of students' ideas about the professionally important qualities of an architect // News of the Russian State Pedagogical University after A.I. Herzen. 2014. No. 164. P. 221-225.
  4. Melnikova, O. V. Figurative coding as an operation of professional imagination and thinking of students of architects / O. V. Melnikova, E. A. Solovieva // Part of the collection: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Labour Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics 2014" ( Ergo 2014). Edited by A. N. Anokhin, P. I. Paderno, S. F. Sergeev. 2014, P. 135-141.
  5. Melnikova, O. V. Some aspects of the perception of the urban environment / K. A. Repnyakova, O. V. Melnikova // Part of the collection: Modern problems of the history and theory of architecture. Collection of reports of the scientific-practical conference. SPbGASU, 2016, P. 191-195.
  6. Melnikova, O. V. The development of the composition of pure geometric forms in the works of Lazar Khidekel on the example of black suprematism of the 1920s / O. V. Kefala, O. V. Melnikova // Collection of articles of the VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of history and theory of architecture”, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU). No. 3 (150) 2022. P. 254-256.

Other articles

  1. Melnikova, O. V. Subjective perceptions of respondents about the types of users of architectural objects / A. Istomina, O. V. Melnikova, E. A. Solovieva // Part of the collection: City in the Mirror of Sciences - 2015. Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. 2015. P. 179-184.
  2. Melnikova, O. V. The role of descriptive geometry in the educational process of first-year students of a construction university / D. A. Sokolkina, D. S. Nosov, N. S. Maksimova, O. V. Melnikova // Part of the collection: ARCHITECTURE - CONSTRUCTION - TRANSPORT. Proceedings of the 73rd scientific conference of professors, teachers, scientists, engineers and graduate students of the university. St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. P. 177-181.
  3. Melnikova, O. V. Learning in the process of communication. Part of the collection: Innovative technologies in engineering graphics: problems and prospects. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin); Brest State Technical University. 2017. P. 159-163.
  4. Melnikova, O. V. Polyhedra in the wooden temple architecture of ancient Russia [Polyhedrons in the wooden temple architecture of ancient Russia] / O. V. Melnikova, S. S. Shuvalova // 5th internacional conference geometrias'19: polyhedra and beyond : materials of the international scientific conference. 2019. 8 p.