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Pletneva Natalya G.


Head of department

Academic degree

DSc in Economics (2008)

Academic title

Professor (2012)

Visiting address

Office 404-E, 5/8, Egorova st., St Petersburg

Correspondence address

4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyTransport Economy and Management QualificationEconomist Engineer (Saint Petersburg State Engineering and Economy Academy, 1993)

Postgraduate studiesEconomics and management of the national economy (transport) (St Petersburg State Academy of Engineering and Economics, 1996)

Doctoral studiesEconomics and management of the national economy (logistics) (St Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, 2008)

Professional development

  • Technologies for organizing the educational process in a high school during the transition to a point-rating system of knowledge control (St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014)
  • Development of funds for evaluation tools in the implementation of educational programs based on the FSES HE 3+ (NRU HSE, 2017)
  • Development and implementation of electronic courses on the LMS Moodle platform into the educational process (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Normative and methodological support of the educational process for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Management of the implementation and logistics of investment projects, taking into account the development of the macroeconomic environment based on innovative methods (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Special features of teaching disabled persons in a technical university (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Strategic management of a construction company and pricing in construction (Moscow Institute of professional retraining, 2021)
  • Labor protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Development and implementation of the main professional educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Automation of the educational process planning considering changes in the RF legislation (SPbGASU, 2021)
  • Application of digital technologies in educational programs (Innopolis University, 2021)


The educational program "Logistics and supply chain management" (speciality 38.03.02 "Management" / Bachelor's degree)
  • Distribution Logistics
  • Warehousing Logistics
  • Storage Control in Logistics
  • Logistic Processes Planning and Control
  • Risk Management in Logistics
  • Logistic Strategy Planning
The educational program "Logistical management" (speciality 38.04.02 "Management" / Master's degree)
  • Logistic Administration
  • Scientific Research in Logistics
  • Problem Solution in Logistics
  • Logistic Strategy Planning

Professional interests

  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Logistic systems control
  • Methods and models of logistic theory

Research interests

  • Competitiveness and efficiency of business structures
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Logistic systems control
  • Methods and models of logistic theory


Natalya Pletneva is the author and co-author of more than 270 published papers including four monographs (three are co-authored) and 35 textbooks and guidelines (25 are co-authored). Natalya Pletneva is the editor and composer of 18 publications.

The most significant publications


  1. Pletneva N., Lukinskiy V. S., Lukinskiy V. V., Malevich J. V., Plastunjak I. A. Models and Methods of Logistic Theory: textbook. Second ed.: Translated from Russian; under the editorship of V. S. Lukinskiy. – SPb.: St Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, 2012, 404 p.
  2. Pletneva, N. G. Risk management in logistics: study guide / N. G. Pletneva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014. - 124 p.
  3. Pletneva, N. G. Strategic management of supply chains: study guide / N. G. Pletneva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014. - 79 p.
  4. Pletneva, N. G. Economics of road transport: textbook / N. G. Pletneva [and others]; ed. E. V. Budrina. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2015. - 320 p. (Accepted by UMO for education in the field of production management.)
  5. Lukinskiy, V. S. Logistics and supply chain management: textbook / V. S. Lukinskiy, V. V. Lukinskiy, N. G. Pletneva. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2016. - 359 p.
  6. Inventory management in supply chains: a textbook / V. S. Lukinsky, V. V. Lukinsky, N. G. Pletneva, N. I. Vorobyova, A. G. Mayevsky. - Part 1. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2017. - 307 p.
  7. Inventory management in supply chains: a textbook / V. S. Lukinsky, V. V. Lukinsky, N. G. Pletneva, N. I. Vorobyova, A. G. Mayevsky. - Part 2. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2017. - 289 p.


  1. Issues of establishment of applied theory of logistics and supply chain management: collective monograph / Ed. ed. V. S. Lukinsky, N. G. Pletneva. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU Publishing House, 2011.
  2. Pletneva, N. G. Theoretical and methodological issues of managing logistics processes in supply chains: monograph / N. G. Pletneva. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU Publishing House, 2011.


  1. Pletneva, V. Koshcheyev. Logistics of a Building Company: Specifics and Methods of Logistics System Management // Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. – 725–726 (2015) – pp. 1013–1018.
  2. Pletneva, N. G. Problems and methods of logistical coordination of business structures in supply chains / N. G. Pletneva, A. A. Baskakova // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2016. - No. 11–2 (76–2). - pp. 1096-1100.
  3. Pletneva, N. G. Supply chain management as a driver for the development and competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures / N. G. Pletneva // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2017. - No. 6 (65). - S. 318-327.
  4. Lukinskiy, N. Pletneva, V. Gorshkov, P. Druzhinin. Application of the logistics “just in time” concept to improve the road safety // Transport Research Procedia 20 (2017) P. 418–429.
  5. Pletneva, N. G. Conceptual model of logistical support for entrepreneurial activity in construction as a tool to increase its efficiency / N. G. Pletneva // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 6 (59). – pp. 330–338.
  6. Pletneva, N. G., Guzhva, E. G., Chepachenko, N. V. The choice of a supply chain model as a way to improve the efficiency of entrepreneurial structures in construction // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2018. - No. 6 (71). – pp. 236–242.
  7. Lukinskiy, N. Pletneva. Impact of solutions for goods transportation on business efficiency and traffic safety // Transport Research Procedia 36 (2018) P. 459–464.
  8. Pletneva, N. G. Application of a model for assessing the quality of housing and communal services in the development of the competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures strategy / N. G. Pletneva, K. V. Yarkina // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 4 (75). - pp. 181-186.
  9. Pletneva, N. G. Integrated inventory management in the modern digital environment / N. G. Pletneva, I. V. Babenko // Bulletin of the Southwestern University. Series: economics, sociology, management. - 2020. - Vol. 10, no. 4. - pp. 87-10.
  10. Pletneva, N. G. Customs aspects in minimizing logistics costs when organizing international transportation / N. G. Pletneva, T. A. Blazhenkova // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2021. - No. 2 (85). – pp. 263–268.
  11. Pletneva N., Nosrova Е. Integrated logistics and project management methodologies // Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction: Proceedings of the 12th International conference on architecture and construction (ICCPAC 2020), 25-26 November 2020, Saint Petersburg, Russia / Ed. E. Rybnov, P. Akimov, M. Khalvashi, E. Vardanyan. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema (Taylor & Francis Group), 2021.
  12. Pletneva N., Iarkina K. V. Competitive environment in housing and utility infrastructure // Journal of regional and international competitiveness. – V. 2. – 2021. – P. 73–82.
  13. Pletneva, N. G. Influence of the current economic crisis on the transport and logistics sector and supply chains / N. G. Pletneva // Theoretical Economics. - 2021. - No. 5 (77). – pp. 110–115.
  14. Pletneva, N. G. Challenges and trends in the development of housing construction in the “era of disorder” / N. G. Pletneva, D. V. Sbitneva // Theoretical Economics. - 2021. - No. 11 (83). - pp. 116-121.



  • Gratitude of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for a significant contribution to the development of education and conscientious work (2022)

Additional information

Member of the Dissertation Council D212.223.04 at SPbGASU. Head of the main professional educational program of speciality 38.03.02 "Management" / "Logistics and supply chain management".