
Vorontsov Ivan I.



Academic degree

DSc in Engineering (1999)

Academic title

Professor (2001)


4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005

Basic information


SpecialtyAgriculture Mechanization QualificationMechanic Engineer in Agriculture (Tselinograd Agriculture Institute, 1980)

Professional development

  • Technology and equipment for the production of agricultural products (Russian Engineering Academy of Management and Agribusiness, 2002)
  • Improvement of technology and technical means for processing agricultural products (Mari State University, 2005)
  • The latest technologies in the meat and dairy industry (Voronezh State Technological Academy, Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Specialists, 2006)
  • Testing of measuring instruments and certification of standards (All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D. I. Mendeleev, 2010)
  • Ensuring intra-university quality control of the educational process (St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2014)
  • Testing of measuring instruments and certification of standards (All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D. I. Mendeleev, 2014)
  • Computer design in the AutoCAD system (St Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 2014)
  • The use of modern educational and information technologies for the development of educational and methodological complexes of the distance learning system (St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016)
  • Modern educational technologies in the educational process of the university (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Expert in quality control of the restoration repair of vehicles (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Life safety (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • The pedagogical space of the university: technologies, meanings, values (SPbGASU, 2017)
  • Inclusive education in higher school (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Anti-corruption (for teachers) (SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Features of the formation of the main professional educational program in the specialty 15.06.01 "Mechanical engineering: road, construction and hoisting and transport machines" (Pacific State University, 2018)
  • Organization and safety of road traffic in large cities (Institute for Road Safety, SPbGASU, 2018)
  • Development and implementation of electronic courses in the educational process on the LMS Moodle platform (SPbGASU, 2019)
  • Labor protection in educational institutions (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Digital technologies of machine-building production (Vyatka State University, 2020)
  • Digital tools of a modern teacher of higher education (SPbGASU, 2020)
  • Methodological support of the academic discipline in the electronic educational environment of the university (St. Petersburg State University of Aviation Instrument Engineering, 2020)


  • Internship at the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after V.I. D. I. Mendeleev (2010)


  • Structural materials technology
  • Materials science
  • Construction machines
  • Construction machines and equipment
  • Construction machines and small-scale mechanization
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Earthmoving machines
  • Equipment for the industry of building materials and products
  • Methods for substantiating the system and standards for the technical operation of vehicles
  • Theoretical mechanics
  • Integrated mechanization of construction
  • Means of mechanization of construction
  • Theory of mechanisms and machines
  • Technical regulation
  • Mechanics of composites and composite structures
  • Fundamentals of computer-aided design
  • Fundamentals of hydraulic system design
  • Hydraulic drive
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic systems of transport and transport-technological machines and equipment

Professional interests

  • Engineering creativity
  • Scientific research
  • Invention
  • Curriculum development
  • Improving teaching methods
  • Editorial and publishing activities

Research interests

  • Optimization of metal structures of building cranes
  • Equipment for the manufacture of reinforcing products
  • Active learning methods, in particular, the development of role-playing games, the construction of curricula with the inclusion of active learning methods
  • Development of multifunctional transport and technological means for:
    • preparation and distribution of complete feed mixtures for animals;
    • uniform spreading of the sand-salt mixture on the surface of the snow-ice formation of roads and sidewalks.

Scientific conferences

Ivan Vorontsov has participated in more than 90 scientific conferences and seminars.

Professional organizations

  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Transport (2018)


Ivan Vorontsov is the author and co-author of 335 published works, including 147 educational publications (namely, 18 textbooks, 28 study guides, five educational works for pedagogics use), four monographs, 140 articles in the HAC journals, 46 author's certificates, RF patents for inventions and utility models, two diplomas, two articles in Scopus, and three – in Web of Science publications.

Over the past two years, 22 works have been published, including two educational works, two textbooks, two guidelines, two patents for invention, one scientific work for pedagogics use (monograph), 18 scientific articles in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The most significant publications


  1. Vorontsov, I. I. Metrology, standardization and certification: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov [et al.]. - St Petersburg: SPbGTEU, 2014. - Part I. Metrology. – 104 p.
  2. Vorontsov, I. I. Transport and handling equipment: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGTEU Publishing House, 2015. - 91 p. – ISBN 978-5-7310-3230.
  3. Vorontsov, I. I. Resource-saving technologies for the development of hotel enterprises: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 100 p.
  4. Vorontsov, I. I. Transport and handling equipment: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 68 p.
  5. Vorontsov, I. I. Technical operation of hotel enterprises: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 89 p.
  6. Vorontsov, I. I. Operation and maintenance of hotel and restaurant complexes: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 98 p.
  7. Vorontsov, I. I. Fundamentals of designing tourist and hotel and restaurant complexes with the basics of engineering graphics: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 100 p.
  8. Vorontsov, I. I. Processes and apparatuses of food production: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - 96 p.
  9. Technology of construction materials. Physical and mechanical foundations of metal cutting and metal-cutting machines: textbook / V. E. Gordienko, A. A. Abrosimova, V. I. Novikov, E. V. Trunova, I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2017. - 82 p.
  10. Vorontsov, I. I. Metrology, standardization and certification: textbook / I. I. Vorontsov. – Part I. Metrology. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU Publishing House, 2018. - 113 p.
  11. Determination and calculation of technological, working and operational parameters of tools and actuators of road-building machines: textbook / A. E. Pushkarev, I. I. Vorontsov, V. I. Novikov, A. P. Shcherbakov. - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2020. - 172 p.


  1. Vorontsov, I.I. Improving the technology of preparation and distribution of complete feed mixtures on cattle farms: monograph / I.I. Vorontsov. - Belgorod: BSHI Publishing House. –1993. – 200 s.
  2. Vorontsov, I. I. Multifunctional technical means of mechanization of preparation and distribution of feed mixtures to animals: monograph / I. I. Vorontsov. - Belgorod: Publishing house of BSHA. - 1998. - 350 p.
  3. Vorontsov, I. I. Energy-saving technological mechanized means of service maintenance of firms and collective farms: monograph / I. I. Vorontsov, S. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2012. - 159 p. – ISBN 978-5-228-00579-2.
  4. Vorontsov, I. I. Substantiation of energy-saving technological mechanized means of service maintenance of firms and collective farms: monograph / I. I. Vorontsov. - St Petersburg: SPbGTEU, 2015. - 140 p. – ISBN 978-5-91004-069-8.
  5. Summanen, A.V., Vorontsov I.I., Vorontsov S.I. Justification of energy-saving technological mechanized means for farms and their service maintenance: monograph. - St Petersburg: SPbGAU Publishing House, 2019. - 172 p. – ISBN 978-5-85983-316-0.


Web of Science

  1. K. A. Golovin, V. I. Sarichev, I. I. Vorontsov. Modern approach to the assessment of the bearing capacity of culverts in road embankments to improve the reliability of machines and ensure traffic safety // Proceedings of the Tula state University. “Earth science”, 2017. No. 4. P. 152–162.

  1. Ivan Vorontsov, Oleg Bardyshev. A multifunctional transport and technological machine for spreading the sand and salt mixture // 13th International Conference “Organization and Traffic Safety Management in large cities”, (SPbOTSIC edir), 27–29 September 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia. Elsevier B. V. Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 36. P. 777–785.
  2. Sergei Repin, Roman Litvin, Victor Kuzmichev, Ivan Vorontsov. Automotive shock absorbers’ applicability for damping resonant oscillations in construction machines // Architecture and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2021): See P. 81–87. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2021-6-1-81-87


  1. Vorontsov, I. I. Results of experimental studies of the uneven distribution of feed mixtures by a feed mixer-distributor / I. I. Vorontsov, A. V. Summanen // Problems of Economics and Management in Trade and Industry. - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 73–77.
  2. Vorontsov, I. I. Improvement of the technical characteristics of the feed mixer-distributor and its service maintenance / I. I. Vorontsov, A. V. Summanen // Scientific support for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of import substitution: a collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Technical Conference. - St Petersburg: St Petersburg State University of Economics, 2016. - Part I. - P. 459–462.
  3. Vorontsov, I. I. Improving the efficiency of feed mixture preparation using a feed mixer-distributor and its service / I. I. Vorontsov, A. V. Summanen // SPbGAU News. Special issue for the 110th anniversary of N. S. Zhdanovsky, 2017. - P. 302–307.
  4. A modern approach to assessing the bearing capacity of culverts in road embankments to improve the reliability of the structure and ensure traffic safety / K. A. Golovin, A. E. Pushkarev, I. I. Vorontsov, V. I. Sarychev, T. A. Manvelova / / News of the Tula State University. Earth Sciences Series. - 2017. - No. 4. - P. 37–48. (Published in Web of Science.)
  5. Vorontsov, I. I. Experimental studies of the uneven distribution of feed mixtures by a mixer-distributor of feed / I. I. Vorontsov, A. V. Summanen // Proceedings of the International Academy of Agrarian Education of St Petersburg State Agrarian University. - 2017. - Issue. No. 35. - S. 23-27.
  6. Vorontsov, I. I. Analysis of the methods of feeding sheep into a cupping bath and a device for its implementation / I. I. Vorontsov, A. V. Summanen // Scientific support for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of import substitution: a collection of scientific papers of the international scientific and practical conference of professors teaching staff of St Petersburg State Agrarian University. - St Petersburg: SPbGAU, 2018. - Part 1. - P. 408–411.
  7. Vorontsov, I. I. Multi-operational technical means for spreading sand and salt mixture over the surface of snow-ice formation of sidewalks and roads / I. I. Vorontsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2018. - No. 3 (68). – P. 153–160.
  8. Vorontsov, I. I. Improving the quality of the educational process / I. I. Vorontsov // Pedagogical parallels: materials of the V International scientific and practical conference 14–20 May, 2018 - St Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2018. - P. 128–133 .
  9. Repin, S. V., Vorontsov I. I., Bazhenov A. A. Calculation of the static stability of bulk cargo on the working canvas of a steeply inclined conveyor with partitions // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2018. - Issue. No. 4 (69). – P. 153–160.
  10. Summanen, A. V., Vorontsov I. I., Krishtanov E. A. Study of the influence of oil additives on the operation of the high-pressure fuel pump regulator in the technical service of vehicles // System Analysis and Logistics. - 2018. - No. 3 (18). – P. 19–28.
  11. Restoration of parts of road-building machines by modeling in a multicriteria setting using relative humidity coefficients / A. I. Belyaev, A. V. Terentiev, A. E. Pushkarev, I. I. Vorontsov // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. - 2018. - No. 5 (70). – P. 146–150.
  12. Summanen, A. V., Ilyin, M. A., Vorontsov, I. I. Methods of diagnosing an automatic fuel injection advance clutch in the technical service of motor vehicles // System Analysis and Logistics. - 2019. - No. 1 (19). – P. 64–69. – ISSN 2007-5687.
  13. Chernyaev, I. O. Using modern methods of information analysis for solving problems of technical operation of vehicles / I. O. Chernyaev, I. S. Graevsky, I. I. Vorontsov // Bulletin of civil engineers. - 2019. - No. 1 (72). – P. 194–199.
  14. Vorontsov, I. I. Multifunctional transport and technological tool for spreading sand-salt mixture / I. I. Vorontsov, O. A. Bardyshev // 13th International Conference "Organization and Management of Traffic Safety in Large Cities" (SPbOCEC, editorial board), 27–29 September, 2018, St Petersburg, Russia. Elsevier B. V. Transport Research Procedure Volume 36, pp. 777–785.
  15. Novikov, V.I., Pushkarev A.E., Vorontsov I.I. Methodology for modeling the heat balance of structural elements of road construction machines for jet grouting of soils // Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the Bryansk State University. - 2019. - No. 3. - P. 369–376.


  1. Feed dispenser. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1346081, BI No. 39, 1987 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A.).
  2. Method for feeding animals in a livestock building and installation for its implementation. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1460777, DSP, 1988 (Vorontsov I.I., Bulavin S.A.).
  3. Animal udder massage device. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1491416, BI No. 25, 1989 (Vorontsov I. I., Khudobin A. M.).
  4. Feeding unit. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1493198, BI No. 26, 1989 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A., Uzhik V. F.).
  5. Feeder. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1542498, BI No. 6, 1990 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A., Korneiko A. A.).
  6. Sheep bathing device. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1604366, BI No. 41, 1990 (Vorontsov I. I., Yusupov Sh. Ya., Khudobin A. M.).
  7. Device for supplying bulk materials to animals. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1607754, BI No. 43, 1990 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A.).
  8. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1628250, DSP, 1990 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A., Libanov Yu. G., Derevshukov Yu. A.).
  9. Device for dispensing concentrated feed. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1653670, BI No. 21, 1991 (Vorontsov I. I., Bulavin S. A.).
  10. Sheep bathing device. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1678355, BI No. 35, 1991 (Vorontsov I. I., Yusupov Sh. Ya., Khudobin A. M.).
  11. Sheep bathing device. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1683735, BI No. 38, 1991 (Vorontsov I. I., Yusupov Sh. Ya., Khudobin A. M.).
  12. Group feeder for animals. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1707805, DSP, 1991 (Vorontsov I.I., Bulavin S.A., Ustimets V.A., Kapustin F.I.).
  13. Tether for cattle. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1713517, BI No. 7, 1992 (Vorontsov I. I., Khudobin A. M.).
  14. Mobile feed preparation unit. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1724129, BI No. 13, 1992 (Vorontsov I.I., Bulavin S.A., Shevelev I.N.).
  15. Feed mixer dispenser. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1727738, BI No. 15, 1992 (Vorontsov I.I., Libanov Yu.G., Derevshukov Yu.A.).
  16. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1732887, BI No. 18, 1992 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  17. A method for feeding sheep into a cupping bath and a device for its implementation. M. : FIPS. A. S. No. 1790932, BI No. 4, 1993 (Vorontsov I. I., Yusupov Sh. Ya., Kornienko P. P., Uvarov P. A., Aleinikov A. F., Gonochuev M. K.).
  18. The method of rearing calves of the dairy period. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1792296, BI No. 4, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I., Bulavin S.A.).
  19. Mobile feed preparation unit. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1800946, BI No. 9, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  20. Mobile feed preparation unit. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1812939, BI No. 16, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I., Zavrazhnov A.I.).
  21. Mobile feed preparation unit. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1814506, BI No. 17, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  22. The unit for the preparation and distribution of feed. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1818028, BI No. 20, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  23. Feed mixture preparation method and mobile feed preparation unit. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 1828393, BI No. 26, 1993 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  24. Device for growing calves in the prophylactic period. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2038765, BI No. 19, 1995 (Vorontsov I.I., Bulavin S.A., Khudobin A.M.).
  25. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2047291, BI No. 31, 1995 (Vorontsov I.I., Fostyukov A.V., Kirichenko N.N., Leonidov N.V.).
  26. Transport and technological means. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2053659, BI No. 4, 1996 (Vorontsov I.I., Skuryatin N.F., Bulavin S.A.).
  27. Device for feeding animals. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2063128, BI No. 19, 1996 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  28. Feed grinder-mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2070377, BI No. 35, 1996 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  29. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2070385, BI No. 35, 1996 (Vorontsov I.I., Koshelev A.I., Zabolotsky A.M.).
  30. Feed preparation plant. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2070401, BI No. 35, 1996 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  31. Feeder. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2083099, BI No. 19, 1997 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  32. Feed mixer feeder. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2084140, BI No. 20, 1997 (Vorontsov I.I., Koshelev A.I., Zabolotsky A.M.).
  33. Blade-knife mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2120727, BI No. 30, 1998 (Vorontsov I.I., Sidelnikov V.A., Maslennikov A.V., Zhigalov N.I., Zhavoronko N.A.).
  34. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2129773, BI No. 13, 1999 (Vorontsov I.I., Sidelnikov V.A., Maslennikov A.V., Zhigalov N.I., Bormotov V.I.).
  35. Blade-knife mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2181937, BI No. 13, 2002 (Vorontsov I.I., Gorlov V.M., Boyko Yu.N., Laptiev A.A., Vorontsov S.I.).
  36. Feeder. M. : FIPS. Utility model patent No. 33842, BI No. 32, 2003 (I. I. Vorontsov, S. S. Durnev, S. I. Vorontsov).
  37. A device for feeding sheep into a cupping bath. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2302842, BI No. 20, 2007 (Vorontsov I.I., Vorontsov S.I.).
  38. A device for feeding sheep into a cupping bath. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2318473, BI No. 7, 2008 (Vorontsov I.I., Shevkhuzhev A.F., Vorontsov S.I.).
  39. Sheep bathing device. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2333735, BI No. 26, 2008 (Vorontsov I.I., Shevkhuzhev A.F., Vorontsov S.I.).
  40. Device for feeding animals. M. : FIPS. Utility model patent No. 81037, BI No. 7, 2009 (Vorontsov I. I., Vorontsov S. I., Dikov A. Yu.).
  41. Distributor-grinder of rough forages of roll preparation. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2379885, BI No. 3, 2010 (Vorontsov I.I., Vorontsov S.I., Sarbatova N.Yu., Badakhov K.A.).
  42. Feed mixer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2402202, BI No. 30, 2010 (Vorontsov I.I., Vorontsov S.I.).
  43. Feed mixer dispenser. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2474109, BI No. 4, 2013 (Vorontsov I.I., Vorontsov S.I.).
  44. Sheep sanitizer. M. : FIPS. Patent No. 2621018, BI No. 16, 2017 (Vorontsov I.I., Summanen A.V.).
  45. Transport and technological tool for the treatment of roads and sidewalks from snow and ice formations. Moscow: FIPS. Patent No. 2694608, BI No. 20, 2019 (Vorontsov I.I.).
  46. Transport and technological tool for the treatment of roads and sidewalks from snow and ice formations. Moscow: FIPS. Patent No. 2697093, BI No. 23, 2019 (Vorontsov I.I.).



  • Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2004)
  • Diploma and silver medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, diploma and medal of the Academician I. N. Blokhina International Fund for Biotechnology on the results of the presentation at the All-Russian Exhibition Center of a new technology for the preparation and distribution of feed mixtures by mobile units (2005; together with S. I. Vorontsov)
  • Honorary diploma of the Stavropol State Agrarian University (2005)
  • Diploma of the Karachay-Cherkess State Technological Academy (2006)
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education (2007)
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree (2011)
  • Gratitude of the St Petersburg State University of Service and Economics (2012)
  • Diploma of St Petersburg State University of Service and Economics (2012)
  • Honorary diploma of St Petersburg State University of Economics (2015)
  • Gratitude of the St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (2017)