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SPbGASU Has Successfully Passed Professional, Public and International Accreditation of Educational Programs

Text: Anna Mikhailova, Head of the Division for Curriculum Development and Academic Work

Photo: Sergey Klishis

9 Feb

In December 2023 – January 2024, the expert group of the certification association “Russian Register”, together with the Union of Mediators “National Chamber of Mediators”, carried out the procedure for professional, public and international accreditation of educational programs at SPbGASU.

Six main professional educational programs and two additional ones underwent external independent assessment:

The group of experts included foreign and Russian specialists - representatives of the academic, professional and student communities. During online meetings with the university administration, heads and employees of structural divisions, heads of educational programs, teaching staff, students, graduates and leading employers, experts got acquainted with the university, its resources and material and technical base, and assessed the experience of implementing educational programs.

All educational programs were highly evaluated by experts and fully confirmed compliance with national and European education quality standards.

Participation in professional, public and international accreditation helps to increase the competitiveness of the university, develop a culture of quality and further improve the implementation of educational programs, taking into account the opinions of stakeholders.

We congratulate the SPbGASU team on successfully passing professional, public and international accreditation of educational programs and wish them further success in their work!

The "Russian Register" Certification Association is the largest Russian certification and expert organization, a member of the international network of certification bodies IQNet, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the Asia-Pacific Quality Assurance Network (APQN).

The Union of Mediators “National Chamber of Mediators” is an association of subjects of professional activity in the field of mediation (professional mediators), which monitors the quality of the activities of professional mediators - members of the chamber, as well as the protection of their rights in government bodies.

Professional and public accreditation is the assessment and recognition of the quality of educational programs for compliance with the requirements of educational and professional standards, labor market requirements for specialists of the relevant profile.

International accreditation is a procedure for assessing the compliance of Russian educational programs with international and European quality standards. Carried out by accreditation agencies that are members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), registered in the European Quality Assurance Agencies Register (EQAR).